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===10/11/08=== | ===10/11/08=== | ||
I've taken leave of my senses and actually tried to start the | I've taken leave of my senses and actually tried to start the game show. It is called "[[Game Show]]," pretty original huh? I think I have a few people wanting to play, the first game is tomorrow. I have an assistant too, his name is Gunmun z7. If I can't be bothered to actually start off Game Show he gets too. nice deal for him. Here are the notes of Game Show: *You see some writing smiler to [[Game Show|this.]]* |
Revision as of 20:55, 14 November 2008
This is the journal of Civilian Seth, codename seth1r8 It's an ordinary journal, but it has some blood on it. welcome to the Game Show is taped on the cover.
Feb. 19, 08
Found this in a mall, Stickling mall actually. Decided since I heard of people doing it, I may as well. What some call the Big Bash II has come to shearbank, there must have been a BBI. I consider Shearbank my home, as I'm a late arrival to Malton. So I'm sad to evacuate it. I think I'll head back now, help out how I can, I feel sorry for them.
Feb. 20, 08
The area I was in, not Shearbank, I was told was safe. Ironacly I went there but had to sleep before getting to a safe house. Zed got me in my sleep I think. I wake up feeling fine, move to try and find a safe-house, and feeling faint...Must lie down... Go to Shearbank...(the rest is wet with water and blood.)
march 3, 08
I've back, from death. I died last time, my skin feels...clammy. I've noticed my weaponry was running low on ammo. Having some trouble acquiring some more. I'm in West Greyside, or something. Zombies are scarce here. getting pretty good with shot-guns. maybe I should just use my pistols, and get more shotguns...
March 4, 08
Shot a lone zombie. took almost all my energy, I actually punched him once. My safe house is locked, gotta find the long way in, from other buildings. I'll find one soon. hiding near a hyper-barricaded one, hoping zombies, with what intelligence they have, will avoid unless in mass. I used 3 pistol clips, and dropped two pistols killing it. I actually hit him with a flare gun, that's hard. Now I'm less encumbered, I can get more shot-gun oriented objects.
March 8, 08
I made a voyage to a safe zone. West greyside fell shortly afterwards. Glad to escape, sad for those who didn't. Met someone from the MPD, since I'm police, I may join them. Just not right now, once I'm more survival skilled. Learn to barricade and things. Seems helpful, fund some ammo, need to re-acquire a FAK, I'm making carrying at least one a policy, others should do the same.
March 12
In Penney heights. got filled up on shot-gun ammo. went zombie hunting. I'm as good as I'll probably get with them. Most of Penney-heights is clear of zombies, had to pop off to a different suburb to find some. I think Penny will be attacked soon. I hear really good things about Shearbank. not as good as penny, but worth a visit. Learning the basic lay-outs of malls. Once I learn to barricade I think I may join the MPD. Now to refill on ammo...
March, I think 24
I've been traveling all over, shooting zombies. Malton seems almost gone right now, I'm hearing nothing of safe zones, those are usually talked about in Malls, but not today. Shearbank is on the brink of destruction. Running low on ammo, I think I'm going to die soon. Hopefully, what surviving people are out there, they can use syringes. I'm trying to figure out how to... all most have it. I'm somewhere near close to the northern boarder. lots has happened, I've been trying to tell people to flee if they seem likely to die, or if they have weapons, fight back... let's hope others are doing that...
March 28
Figured out syringes, stick it in the neck. the only Necrotech building in the area is under siege. I've been getting in almost safely, got bitten once. Thankfully I had a spare FAK, cured it right up. Tagged an unknown zombie. taunted a zombie. revived one, two had brain rot. SEE you tomorrow!
April First
if only the day was as cheery as it is supposed to be. hearing of major fighting going on down south. If figure it'll take a couple of days for the zombies to all go down there, mop up survivors, and leave the North end moderately safe. Not likely to happen as well as I'd like, but One can hope. The northern area I'm in is getting pincered! I'm preparing to make a trek somewhere south, FAR SOUTH, unless the Zeds also migrate there before I do...They don't need supplies. The Necrotech building is down in Lamport, went two days ago...I'm getting ready. I suppose I should write down what I meant when I said I was a late arrival. I was in a helicopter dropping off supplies. secret mission, most of the world doesn't know what happened here. No idea why I'm there being Civilian. we drop off some ammo at a police department, and BAM! survivors are shooting "YAY!" flares and pistols. We give them ammo and they use theirs Up? a flare got inside and blew, I don't know what happened, but I was taken inside The station with a concussion. woke up, told everyone else died. they couldn't come back though, because they were to fractured. I wondered what that meant for a while. I was told to pick up my guns and get ready for some zeds. Shortly later, I found out what one was...
April second
Hearing REALLY good things of south, zeds almost cleared out. I guess a lot of pressure was put into using syringes. still the same up here. haven't heard much of the BB2. of course, last time I heard of them they were several suburbs in the red. Still rather close though. Heard shearbank is getting close to running. still plenty of zeds, I'm still just like 2 north of it. MAybe I can route through it. or help. it all depends. I've got one pistol, and seven shotgun shots for my total of 12 shotguns. Not enough. once I'm stocked on ammo I'm going for Syringes.
April 3
Pincer is almost closed, I think tomorrow is the day. Planned to route through Havercroft. Move on towards lockettside, final destination: ButtonVille.
April 4
I'm on my way, the area was to dangerous. I think I'm in havercroft, as planned. I'll be on my way tomorrow.
April 5
In dartside. I missed the planned target not by much. I didn't have much of a map, in lamport I found a map OF the suburb, wouldn't help much elsewhere. What I did have was a map of the suburb organization. almost to my ultimate goal so far...I'll finish tomorrow. Additional: I've been hurt pretty bad. it'll take both my FAKs to heal it. I'll have to find a hospital later.
April 6
I awoke and someone healed me, i thank them. Went to buttonville, several zombies around. I can't find a safe house. I'm a few spaces away from them, hope they wont follow. Revived a zombie with a syringe I found in my pocket. Maybe Buttonville isn't the greatest place. I'm working on it, my journey is over. Now to get to fighting.
April 8
stocking up on syringes, I'm going to get two more tomorrow then go for ammo. I've been hearing that zombies are being driven out. Let's hope the don't come before we're prepared. less need to note now, I'll probably stop daily updates for now.
April 17
The war doth not go well. In buckly mall. I have 8 loaded shotguns, two DNA extractors, four syringes, and a heck of a lot of zombies to kill. I've been spray painting encouragements. Never thought I would do that, I used to throw kids who did in jail before I got dumped in here. two or three days ago the local NT building was under heavy attack. I went in full on ammo, and stocked with syringes. I revived 3 of 'em, killed four with shot guns. That was an amazing feat for me. I think a zombie I revived rose back and he started to shoot me. I made it back to the mall at low health, and I was worn out from the day....that's it all. isn't that enough?
April what is it, 18?
The local NT building is down. Forget waiting to get full on ammo, I get enough and go in guns a blazin'! I can now pretty well hit their heads... The sawrm is coming soon. I wonder if we nuked them so that they didn't have remains they would stay dead...Probably, my helicopter buddies were still dead. I don't think anywhere will be really safe in two days time, 5 we're all gonna be dead. I try not to be a pessimist, but that's how it seems if they destroy NT buildings so we can't revive them.
April 21
Okay, maybe that prediction was off. I've figured out my "perfect load:" 6 syringes, 12 shotguns (24 shots), two DNA extractors and two FAKs. I just seem happy today, I don';t know why Maybe corpses are decaying enough that it's getting to my head. I found a new NT building not to far off. whoo survival!
The day after
I've built up some endurance recently, also I'm learning how to heal more efficiently! I save someones life who was being mauled...oh CRAP! I forgot to heal/disinfect them! hopefully they'll wake up soon and get help. that was a lot of blood. I'm down to two shots for my shotgun...I'm going ammo hunting now.
April 30, 08
Buckley mall is down. I repeat Buckley mall is down. I was luck enough to be refilling my syringe stock before my ammo, other wise I would have been in there. Looks like in a few days I'll have to find a new home when they take out the police station, which is, unfortunately, next to an NT building. This means when they do away with NT they'll come after ammo areas. Which means I'll have to retreat to fight them. I've got 7 syringes right now, but around 4 shots. question is, Who is going to take some first?
March 3, presumably
So my prediction of afew days look for a new home was off somewhat. They came that night. in Gultenside or something. I have no Idea. I found a mall in there, refilling on ammo. I've been hearing shearbank is making a comeback, again. I'll wait a few days, if it isn't mauled by then I'll come and help.
March 5, 08
Most of the zombies have been pushed back into the west. Shearbank, I may come back soon!
March 8
Almost there. I've used up all my gun ammo so I'm going to detour in a mall. This will also tell me if, in a couple of days, how clear shearbank will be. It may be retaken by zombies, or it might be the base of an anti zombie front. One thing is for sure though, I'm going to help it out.
Safe, still zombies roaming but once I get there there wont be any. I've almost filled my ammo, 4 or five shots left to find.
Zombie hunting, I'm stalked up on syringes and shotgun ammo. not much left for me to learn other than how to effectively wield a pistol...I'm actually somewhat tired of life, I think I'll take a little vacation as a zombie...Aw what am I saying... survivors for the win! I guess I liked it better when there was a hoard always a coming. I suppose I should camp out in a heavily infested area for the same feel, but...
Shearbank just doesn't feel right. I guess I'm more of a nomad. A wanderer, who doesn't have a permanent home. that may have been some of the novelty of being chased down by a hoard...
I still have this thing? I was reminded of it because operantly it fell out of a forgotten pocket and a fellow survivor told me I dropped it. I can do about anything. I can use pistols, But I prefer my shotguns.tomorrow I'm going to go and camp somewhere dangerous. I have plenty of ammo, some syringes. I read the book "I am legend." Good book, I feel a lot like Nevil did. the only difference is that there are more people. But I feel like if I don't do the work, no one will. I've been thinking about running a radio game show, but I don't actually know what prizes would be...Kill me? loser(s) spends the day as a zombie? winner doesn't? My main idea was to have a ridlybank camp-out but that's not going to happen. I never thought I would see the day when Ridleybank, suburb feared by all, was one of the safest places current. maybe I could have a race around Malton, no free-runners allowed at the start. however if they earn the EXP the may buy and use it...might work.
Hello. I've been wandering about. Low on ammo, no syringes. never staying in one place for to long. I am a nomad. others who will join me, come.
I've taken leave of my senses and actually tried to start the game show. It is called "Game Show," pretty original huh? I think I have a few people wanting to play, the first game is tomorrow. I have an assistant too, his name is Gunmun z7. If I can't be bothered to actually start off Game Show he gets too. nice deal for him. Here are the notes of Game Show: *You see some writing smiler to this.*