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== We love you! ==
== We love you! ==

Hai! We love you so much! Wooo NSU! Woo NSU! Can me and some of my friends partay with you? Maybe shoot you in the face a couple of times? Teach you how to spell? We can call you Führer von Verzögerungen! Woo! He Arschloch, verpissen Sie sich nach Hause! --{{user:Monkey See monkey Do/sig}} 22:41, 13 June 2010 (BST)
Hai! We love you so much! Wooo NSU! Woo NSU! Can me and some of my friends partay with you? Maybe shoot you in the face a couple of times? Teach you how to spell? We can call you Führer von Verzögerungen! Woo! He Arschloch, verpissen Sie sich nach Hause!
Oh wait, you're not German, so you wouldn't understand. --{{user:Monkey See monkey Do/sig}} 22:41, 13 June 2010 (BST)

Revision as of 21:42, 13 June 2010

There was no infiltration

A Black Flag operative saw the NSU in the club but was too low on AP to do anything about it, do reported it to nearby anti-fascists. --Fenian 18:46, 24 April 2010 (BST)

How do I know you're not lying? We knew they infiltrated for several reasons:
1. We weren't active in Dakerstown that long. Still they decided to even leave the krinks to fight the NSU. It could easily be an attack of a few days after which we would leave again. Why would you travel all the way from Williamsville to Dakerstown (a hike that takes 2 days) in the first place?
2. They weren't able to know we were waiting on that revive point (which wasn't located in Dakerstown), which was written down on the NSU forums. Of course it's not that unlikely to encounter us there randomly.
3. We were using a ruined club as rally point. Why in gods name would you go check there? We could be basically anywhere on the map in or around Dakerstown. You can't freerun into ruined buildings so it's rediculous to go check them all out. And then I haven't mentioned that we didn't necessary needed to be sleeping inside a ruined building, could be a barricaded, lighted one as well.
4. A little while after we told about the infiltration, the infiltrator logged in where he wasn't active the time before.
5. The infiltrator didn't level.
6. The infiltrator was using a hotmail email adress and at the same time said he wasn't using MSN. --Cornholioo 13:31, 3 May 2010 (BST)
Listen up dude - I and Spiderzed took you down at that club. I found you because Spiderzed told me where you were. And Spiderzed really doesn't take kindly to spying. Oidar 15:57, 3 May 2010 (BST)
We have operatives in Dakerstown. It's a leftist stronghold. If you had looked at the group listing, you would have noticed that Black Flag was on the list. On at least one occasion, and I am not sure if this is the one you're talking about, one of our operatives saw an NSU member in a club in Dakerstown, and immediately alerted nearby leftist groups, because he was low on AP. It's funny to see how paranoid right-wingers can get, though. You know what? You're right. We do have an infiltrator in your group. But we're not telling you who it is, and we're sending more.--Fenian 16:52, 3 May 2010 (BST)
My kills have all been legitimate, using legitimate techniques as in-game scouting and sharing information with fellow PKers. I don't condone forum-spying in any way. (And I could point you to at least two groups who'd gladly attest that I've helped them against forum spying in the past, and another that would immediately attest that I have very high standards of fair play. One of those groups is even in direct opposition to Feral Undead.)
That being said, the evidence that there has forum-spying happened to the NSU is pressing. Which is why I left Dakerstown for a while (and have Sally operating in a completely different corner of Malton right now), and have become even more selective with which sources I trust. --Spiderzed 17:00, 3 May 2010 (BST)
Actually I did check the group listing and saw the Black Flag was active there, but that doesn't mean anything. Let me add some more points. 7. Two days after the infiltration was reported and the infiltrator got removed from the NSU, another person applied. He didn't got accepted straight away and after a while he still didn't level or report killing enemies of the NSU. 8. The same person was then caught standing inside the Krinks not doing anything useful for the NSU 9. Before cornholioo moved out to Dakerstown from the Krinks area, but after it was posted on the NSU forums that we would move to Dakerstown, Tony Oidar, who had previously been defending the Krinks, was encountered in Chudleyton! He was killed and dumped outside by the NSU. Probably he was on the way to Dakerstown. Now go and explain me HOW he could know we would be in Dakerstown when cornholioo had not entered the area yet! The only way he was able to know was because it was on the NSU forums and someone had infiltrated there.
Let's say you leftists are telling the truth and that encounter in the club was coincidence, then all this points together simply can't be coincidence. It's utterly, utterly sad that you guys need this cowardly way of warfare to gain victory. UTTERLY SAD. But still a national socialist doesn't lose his honor. Even if you leftists don't deserve it, the NSU will offer you a fair fight. Germanic hailgreet, Cornholioo 1:42, 4 May 2010 (BST)
LOL. OK. I don't know anything about any infiltration, but if you insist, sure there's an infiltrator. Whatever. It could be anyone in your group, and anyone applying the future might be another one. Enjoy your paranoia, Nazi. --Fenian 01:57, 4 May 2010 (BST)
No paranoia, dickhead. I think I've summed up my arguments very clearly. --Cornholioo 2:17, 4 May 2010 (BST)
You're saying I'm a spy, huh? No. Just.. no. Sure I was at Krinks - Then I moved another, far from as efficient, alt there to monitor your shit. Then I moved to Caiger. I had no idea you were in Dakerstown by then. Why did I go to Caiger? It's a wonderful target - Plenty of morons all over the place. You see, I'm a PKer. Or was. I don't know. Used to be in Red Rum. Anyway, I thought I'd go hunting again - And then you decided to whack me. Good riddance. Oidar 16:45, 4 May 2010 (BST)
I don't believe a word of it. --Cornholioo 19:25, 4 May 2010 (BST)
How surprising. Totally didn't expect that one, dude. Oidar 20:15, 4 May 2010 (BST)
Well let me put this differend. Why would I believe you? And even if youre saying the truth, my other arguments are still standing. I've summed up 9 points and that simply cannot be coincidence. Every neutral mind looking at this must come to the conclusion that this is very likely to be an infiltration. Even if you don't like the NSU then you must come to that conclusion. Sally A Summers is also admitting there probably was an infiltrator looking at this points. I'm not necessarily saying it's you who infiltrated into the NSU, could be basically any enemy of the NSU. --Cornholioo 7:50, 5 May 2010 (BST)

Death List formatting

I want to know at one glance where I am in the hi-score table, and your one goon who isn't an alt of you might want to know too. For that reason, I've prepared a better formatted list that automagically numbers itself. Just C&P it, and watch to keep the br-tags between #10 and #11. --Spiderzed 11:44, 1 May 2010 (BST)

Let me make this clear. I have 2 alts in the NSU, being Cornholioo and Batavian Warrior. Bankschroef isn't an alt of me. (He is another person.) --Cornholioo 14:35, 1 May 2010 (BST)
That list could be even more tidy if you made a table for it, or you could make each name a clickable link rather than having the url after it. - User:Whitehouse 14:58, 1 May 2010 (BST)
With all due respect, I must say that I agree to the above suggestion. My eyes are getting sore. Oidar 15:01, 1 May 2010 (BST)
Well, I only rushed to make it more accessible for my own dark purposes. If I had the spare time to beautify things on the wiki, I'd first do something about the sorry state of the FU page (and do many other things) before I do any work for the NSU. --Spiderzed 15:21, 1 May 2010 (BST)
The FU page isn't that bad is it? It's just simple rather than complicated with fancy colours and stuff like that. For the list I was thinking something like this:
NR Did you know that.. Another column..
01 This is a table! For containing stuff.
02 It can contain stuff. Any Stuff.
03 It helps make things appear tidy. Really.
04 It is rather simple to make. It is.
05 I don't know... Please?
It's easy enough to use, but I don't know if he cares much about how the list looks. - User:Whitehouse 15:33, 1 May 2010 (BST)

Kool Aid Man on the Death List?

You add my friggin' zambah to your Death List? Barhahahahah! Good luck finding him alive. -- Spiderzed 16:53, 6 May 2010 (BST)

There WAS infiltration :p

Hi Cornholioo. I think it is quite funny how much of a hypocrite you are. You accuse people of infiltration, while you do it yourself. I propose that you remove the slander off the NSU page. --Zyckde 20:05, 10 May 2010 (BST)
PS- The full log of the conversation has been saved. A shortened version bellow for the general entertainment of the community.

|13:07| antinazi hi
|13:07| antinazi any report on nazis?
|13:08| Amir nope
|13:08| Amir who are you in game?
|13:08| antinazi Kenneth
|13:09| antinazi how many people have u got?
|13:10| antinazi so u have no idea where they are now?
|13:13|antinazi have u killed any of them?
|13:16| antinazi how many people are in the WWSIS?
|13:27| Amir Can you pass me your ingame ID?
|13:28| Amir My list of allies is a bit long, but i don't see your name in it yet.
|13:34| antinazi
|13:47| antinazi but i must say the nsu racial theories are based on something. did u know that white people have the biggest skull volume, the highest IQ and cultural achievements? and did u know that blacks are the most impulsive and agressive?
|13:48| Amir How so?
|13:48| antinazi wait
|13:48| Amir I was just listening to John Coltrane. Can't say he is very white.
|13:50| antinazi if you look into history, you can still see that white people are the most successfull
|13:50| antinazi and germanic people are the most succesfull of whites
|13:51| Amir Are you so bored that you can't use the wiki anymore?
|13:51| antinazi actually, no
|13:51| antinazi i was planning not to use it anymore, unless i needed to
|13:51| antinazi i already told you
|13:51| antinazi i always win
|13:51| antinazi unmasking a jew, is worth so much more than all these grieves
|13:51| antinazi if u want
|13:51| antinazi ill explain you the jew-theory
|13:51| Amir no, you lost, every time. lol
|13:52| antinazi nope
|13:52| antinazi well
|13:52| Amir Bye c-hole. You're too easy
|13:52| antinazi yes
|13:52| =-= Mode #LURCS +b Censored IP by Amir
|13:53| Amir Well, that was entertaining.
|13:53| Amir Now back to work.
|13:55| =-= Mode #LURCS +m by Shank
|13:55| Shank Better yet
|13:55| Shank We can get into "I have no mouth and I must scream territory
|13:56| Shank Bah, stupid keyboard.
|13:56| Shank corny, just speak up if you think Germans are the master race!
|13:56| Shank Just a single word!
|13:57| Shank Ah, looks like you agree with us in that Jews are equal to other people, as all humans are equal. You should've spoken up.
|13:58| |'-- antinazi has left Censored Server (Quit ajax IRC Client)

LOL. What a wanker! --Fenian 03:53, 11 May 2010 (BST)
Lol, you guys should get used to this. Without a wiki to troll for 1 1/2 months, he'll be looking to go after you via IRC. -- 06:24, 11 May 2010 (BST)
Hey, that's right. He IS banned. Ha. --Fenian 21:57, 11 May 2010 (BST)

We love you!

Hai! We love you so much! Wooo NSU! Woo NSU! Can me and some of my friends partay with you? Maybe shoot you in the face a couple of times? Teach you how to spell? We can call you Führer von Verzögerungen! Woo! He Arschloch, verpissen Sie sich nach Hause!

Oh wait, you're not German, so you wouldn't understand. --MSMD (Talk) (Glitch) 22:41, 13 June 2010 (BST)