I am a player of Urban Dead with a character in The Black Flag and Malton revolution radio. My other human character is a squatter in Gibsonton.
My alt is a zombie named Araghaz.
Outside of the game, I'm a student of ecology and agronomy and a social activist. I affiliate with left-libertarian ideologies, primarily social anarchism, but am also open to ideas such as democratic socialism, autonomism, radical democracy, green politics, libertarian municipalism and social ecology, parecon/parpolity. I try to guide my social and personal actions on the principles of anarchism (nonhierarchy, respect, solidarity, etc) while remaining pragmatic enough to recognize when to cooperate with reform.
I favor radically democratic federations of autonomous municipalities, with a restorative justice system of conflict resolution, and an economy based in worker-controlled firms.
This User or Group supports the concept and ideals of Anarchism, and will fight against all kind of oppression and groups that want to establish the old capitalistic order.
This user or group hates fascists and will do everything in their power to feed them to the zombies.
This User or Group supports the belief that zombies are the true revolutionnary force in Malton, created by the capitalists to destroy capitalism.
It's true!!!
Communists do make better lovers!
This user is an atheist.
Tear down the wall!
Like the Berlin Wall, the wall around Malton will fall!
This User or Group supports the ideal of absolute equality and freedom: anarchy! They will stop at nothing to ensure that the deadening, repressive institutions of government and capitalism are kept out of Malton.
Politicians and stockbrokers: BEWARE!
Anti-Copyright User
This user hates copyrights.
Mutual Aid
Aid the community and the community aids you.
This User or Group advocates mutual aid by means of being helpful, creative, and cooperative in-game, on the Wiki, and everywhere else in Urban Dead; in other words, not being a horrible, useless bastard.