Currently numbering between 85 and 110 at any given time and at the heart of numerous historic events in Malton, the Ridleybank Resistance Front is the longest-standing and most famous of the large organised hordes in Malton. Formed in September 2005 by the legendary Petrosjko, they have turned their notorious homeland of Ridleybank into the most feared suburb in the city, whilst still being able to reach out and ruin any other location in Malton, almost at will.
New Players
The RRF would like to offer a rotting hand to aid new players in the (at first glance) overwhelming world of UD. If you sign up with us at, you'll find a welcoming and fun as hell community to help you get adjusted to the game and gain experience faster than any other group around.
Current Location
The horde is currently in Raines Hills. If you're interested in joining up with the horde more information can be found in the DoHS public forum.
The Birth of a Horde
In late September 2005 a zombie known as Petrosjko was dismayed to find Ridleybank being used as a survivor stronghold and put out a call for fellow zombies to join in the sacking of Moggridge Place Police Department. Things quickly escalated to the point that Petrosjko declared the formation of the Ridleybank Resistance Front, a horde that would lay claim to Ridleybank as its own territory.
Within a week dozens of zombies had answered the call and Ridleybank soon became known in survivor circles as the most dangerous suburb in the city, a position that still is rarely in contention.
The Ridleybank Resistance Front is well known for banning the use of both "grey" tactics, such as spying, and outright illegal tactics, such as alt-abuse.
Rules regarding alts...
- Never, ever specifically coordinate your alts to individually help out the RRF.
- Any alts must be kept at least 10 blocks away from your RRF character.
- If you have an alt in an organized group who is either being ordered to an area where the RRF is, or the RRF is going to where your other organized group is, you must choose to play with one or the other until the groups have parted ways.
- Newer members who may be overwhelmed by horde life and may have missed these rules will be given one warning and asked to read the policies.
- Senior members who violate these rules will be given a very stern warning, and if merited, will no longer be welcomed in the RRF.
- Outright zerging (two alts in the same area hitting with the RRF) by anyone will result in getting kicked out of the RRF and a pantsing.
Fancy Tools
As an online game, there are many a tool that allow people to do most anything they want to in the game. This is a quick rundown of things so that people understand how the RRF feels about these things.
- Tools that aid information organization and sorting while you're playing are just fine.
- Information gleaned from public metagame sources are also fine and dandy.
- Any and all bots that automatically do anything in-game are not, under any circumstances, allowed.
- "Scouting tools" are to never, ever be used by members of the RRF. This goes for scouting tools that automatically register where certain players are, what the barricade status of buildings are, what the status of buildings are, etc.
We take pride in doing our own work in the RRF. A good rule of thumb is if something automatically performs a game function for you or automatically collates data from multiple sources, it's cheating.
Command Structure
The Ridleybank Resistance Front is a multi faceted organisation, with similarly diverse objectives.
The organisational structure is (paradoxically) anarchically loose, while remaining tightly organised, meaning every member can choose to be as heavily involved as they wish. Currently the groups operations are planned by a group of elder members known as The War Council, with Jadkor as the head.
Groups, Strike Teams and Black-Ops Units
The Department of Homeland Security
Under the leadership of Jadkor, the Department of Homeland Security is the main horde army of the Ridleybank Resistance Front, serving as the front-line force which strikes fear into all humanity. Most famous for protecting Greater Ridleybank, it now also forms the spine of the horde and crushes the enemies of unlife wherever in Malton we should find them.
Team America
Formed in the late winter of 2008 from the efforts of a few concerned DoHS agents, Team America has risen to become the RRF's largest active strike team. While originally formed as a unit directly serving the DoHS, TA has taken its reputation as a crack team to a new level, not only busting open tough targets but often devouring them in a single strike. TA is currently lead by Agent Sandman and MichaelBarnaby.
Auxunit 10
Born during the first Battle of Blackmore, Auxunit 10 is the gold-standard of RRF strike teams, operating on the front lines with deadly precision and formed of both grizzled veterans and eager young recruits. Valiantly led by the gruesome twosome of Zemi and Adward, Auxunit 10 is proud to also count retired Papa Suskind and many of its former CMDRs as active members.
The GMT Breakfast Club
Formed during the first siege of Caiger Mall, the GMT Breakfast Club is one of the longest-serving strike teams in all of the game. It is a distinct possibility that they have eaten more brains over their long tenure than any other single strike team. Led by the mortified leader Mortificant, the Breaky Club still rises early and eats the brainz of harmanz too lazy to get up with the sun.
The Gore Corps
Founded during the original Big Bash, the Gore Corps are the resident death cultists of the RRF. They are the bane of the existence of every harman they come across, devastating their ranks either dead or alive. They are also known for their provocative dress and pubescent fascination with sex. The Corps is currently led by Swing Your Pants.
The Gray Guard
Comprised of retired old Ridleys, burnt out from the game but still bound to the horde by duty and friendship. These brave warriors mainly sit around a fire in Moggridge Place Police Department in the Zombie Homeland trading war stories and telling any young Zombie who will listen about the good old days, back when the brains were sweeter, the harmanz were smarter, and Petrosjko wore pants.
Your Daily Inspirational Message
Look around you, survivors. How many of you have children?
Do any of them really enjoy spending all day trapped inside a barricaded, death-trap? How many of them will become a productive member of our great, zombie society?
The answer is all of them Malton.
But only if we work together. We must put aside our differences -- Zombie and Human -- and focus on the future. And your children are our future.
Without healthy, human children, we will starve.
Without healthy, human children, we will be forced to hunt the rest of you, rather than relying on the selective, scheduled harvesting of your children. Imagine, it Malton. Your child, having the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fulfill the great human dream by becoming fodder for our growing armies. It is a role that any parent would be proud to have their child take part in.
Survivors, if we work together, we can build a city that our children will be proud to call home.
Malton will be great once again.
-Speaker for the Undead
Today's Poster of Zen
If you wish to join the ranks of the Ridleybank Resistance Front, you can do so by posting in this thread, where any questions can be answered.