Talk:XIII/Ronin Gallery
General Discussion
All general, Talk pagey kind of stuff goes here. Please use a Level 3 header (three equal signs) for new topics.
The Ronin Gallery now has its own forum for general discussion, etc., which can be found here.
Please try to keep all posts in this section to subjects of an "administrative" nature. Thanks.
Ronin Gallery Template?
Someone needs to make one! How can I, as an upstanding (or not-so-upstanding) UD wiki denizen, properly advertise and support anything without a template!?? --Jen 17:32, 19 September 2008 (BST)
Grandfathering of screenshots, please?
"Screenshots will not be accepted as evidence due to difficulty cross-referencing for duplicates."
Because I don't have an iwitness of LSvlad killing those three zambahz in a row. :( And that one really deserves to be recorded for posterity. --Jen 20:45, 19 September 2008 (BST)
- LSvlad was accepted, so screen caps have been grandfathered in, my friend. But it was exactly that really confusing batch of looong reports that made me say, "screw screen caps". See, with Iwitness I can just do a text search... With Iwitness I can pull up profile information with a click... I can cut and paste all the location text, etc. directly from the screenshot into the report. It's just so much more convienent and simple... Iwitness is also VERY easy to use. Just install the bookmarklet, and an Iwitness is 2 clicks away from any UD screen.
- That being said... unofficially, I suppose I may allow "special dispensions" for screen caps, if it's all you've got. **le sigh** But I really do prefer Iwitnesses.
- Thx, the MGMT. ;P --WanYao 00:09, 21 September 2008 (BST)
- Ah, I just changed the "rule"... I can do that, eh? ;P --WanYao 00:13, 21 September 2008 (BST)
Instead of assigning a full Ronin point for people attempting to kill a zombie outside, you could specify a secondary class of trenchy like Ronin in Training or Wannabe Ronin.--William Told 21:02, 19 September 2008 (BST)
- I do not like the idea of different classes or categories of Ronin. Overcomplicates it all, and I want it simple. As it is now, it's as simple as it can possibly get. It also parallels the Rogues Gallery, who don't accept assaults -- and whose methodology this list in no way, shape or form is either emulating, or satirising. NEVAR!
- I was thinking maybe a half-point for an assist, though? Or, just like in hockey or football (aka soccer), a seperate column for "goals" (i.e., kills) and assists? I'm not sure.... and in any event, it won't be implemented until the beginning of the next "recording cycle"... What I mean by that is that the lists will get archived and we'll start from scratch either monthly or bi-monthly or quarterly... depending on how big the list gets... That was the basic idea I had in mind, and that's why I've titled the current list September 2008. --WanYao 00:20, 21 September 2008 (BST)
- I like the "half point for assists" idea. --Jen 00:28, 21 September 2008 (BST)
You know what? This list is already big enough, and time-consuming enough to maintain, as it is... that adding the extra pain in the arse of recording "half-kills" etc. would just be too much, I think. However, please do feel free to add "assist mentions" in the Comments cells... Sorry... --WanYao 19:44, 24 September 2008 (BST)
Regarding the definition of "babah" harmanz
- I think I'll just copy what I wrote to Jen about this... And explain why I usually do not consider level 5's babahz ... and why under no circumstances I consider a character with 6 harman skills to be a babah.'
Graaaagh... I don't wanna bicker with you... But, here's my logic in response to this: "Wan says that level 6 =/= babah, and that these guys have no excuse." Ok... Here's the thing... Normally people's 2nd or 3rd skill is going to be Free Running, right? And, if they have half a brain, one of the first 3 skills they get will be Diagnosis. So... Let's look at a generic, reasonably intelligent build for a level 5 survivor...Skills are not necessarily in the order you'd buy them...
- Free Running - duh.
- Diagnosis - excellent XP farming skill
- Construction - if you're not a totally selfish jerk, you buy this skill ASAP.
- Shopping - because malls rawk, even without the Bargain Hunting bonus.
- Any XP farming skill of your choice... DNA scanning is cool, so is "missing with an axe", or even beginning to get some Firearms skills.
So... here we have a Level 5 character with two different ways to farm XP, access to reasonable search success rates in the mall, plus they have Free Running and a skill that makes them useful to other survivors, i.e. Construction. This is a fully viable character and no longer a babah -- an adolscent, yes, a babah, no chance. And, you could be even a bit more XP-hoggish and forgo Construction or even Shopping (and stick with PDs, or perhaps just use an axe) or hell Diagnosis if you're a real trenchcoater... and get one or two or three(!) more combat skills. Therefore by level 5 are a probably a "young adult", by level 6 most certainly you are.
Sure, killing zombies in the street is a fast way to get XP... And level 6 is not a full grown up... But, once you hit level 5 or 6 you are a totally viable survivor and thereforenot a babah, not by any stretch of the imagination. --WanYao 23:57, 20 September 2008 (BST)
wtf NOT ronin???!?!?!!!1elves
Killing zombies inside st. ninian's?!?????????
be these truly the end days? ;P --WanYao 09:32, 23 September 2008 (BST)
- Surely the second coming is at hand!
- ...actually, I think I'll save my doomsday hysteria for when someone from the BAR kills a zombie inside. Or cades the place, saints preserve us. And kudos to phibunsongkram -- only a level 2 survivor (err...technically level 3?), and already killing zambahz inside. --Jen 06:11, 24 September 2008 (BST)
- I killed this poor sod just a few minutes ago in St. Ninnie's: ... He was actually actively cading during a siege!!!... wtf CENTAURIONZ!>>>!>!>!!!>!> I almost feel bad for him... But he just wasn't fast enough... ;P --WanYao 06:16, 24 September 2008 (BST)
- Oh... isn't it ironic... the babahz are cading and clearing... while the level 41s (or 22s...)? Hmmmmmnnnn... --WanYao 06:17, 24 September 2008 (BST)
- Indeed. And what's more -- the DEM, the group people are always ragging on for not having the smartest gameplay -- seems to definitely comes out on top in all this. NOT ONLY do we not have a single record of them shooting zombies outside...we have a record of them CADING during a seige. I may have to reconsider that whole revolution gig and rethink my life, in all honesty. :( --Jen 06:21, 24 September 2008 (BST)
- Ahem* Boo-ya. That is all.--William Told 07:32, 24 September 2008 (BST)
- Let go of your conscious self, and the petty in-fightings of the old flesh. Embrace the joyful unity the New Flesh, follow the path of zombiesexvoodoodeath... It is your destiny. Search your feelings, Jen. You know this to be true. --WanYao 19:52, 24 September 2008 (BST)
- Ahem* Boo-ya. That is all.--William Told 07:32, 24 September 2008 (BST)
- Indeed. And what's more -- the DEM, the group people are always ragging on for not having the smartest gameplay -- seems to definitely comes out on top in all this. NOT ONLY do we not have a single record of them shooting zombies outside...we have a record of them CADING during a seige. I may have to reconsider that whole revolution gig and rethink my life, in all honesty. :( --Jen 06:21, 24 September 2008 (BST)
- may well be the end of days. A BAR member not only hacks at a zombie INSIDE during a seige...he makes (what I assume is) a wise use of combat-revive first. He admittedly doesn't cade, but a FOXHOUND member does.
A Miracle?
I spend 24 hours outside a ruined building, and NO ONE kills a zombie.
Now...if this had been St. Ninian's, and unruined...then it would have been a miracle without the question mark. And surely the end of days.
- That's because they're all dead,... or have have run far, far away... or, maybe they're just out of ammo after shooting all those zombies in the street for the last 2 weeks! --WanYao 07:34, 26 September 2008 (BST)
Zompocalypse, Now
WTFCentaurs?--Helgi Hundingsbane 21:14, 26 September 2008 (BST)
- Ahem* That is, WTF 9 kills? I am formally inviting all my zambah brazahs come to this trenchy haven and grind it into dust. --Helgi Hundingsbane 21:18, 26 September 2008 (BST)
The Ronin Reporting "Thread"
Submit your reports below.
Please place most recent at the TOP, for ease of navigation, and use a Level Three header (three equal signs) for each submission. When reporting, please include all the information we need to easily add your ronin to the Scrolls of Shame, i.e. profile link, iWitness, etc. Also, please sign and timestamp your reports.
The reports submitted below will (eventually) be deleted to save space, etc..
Nota bene: I will no longer accept raw screenshots as evidence. For numerous reasons, they're just too big a pain in the bum. Feel free to include them, but only Iwitnesses will be "official". Thanks for your understanding and ever-unquestioning compliance -- the MGMT.
more st ninian's ronin
don't have to time atm to add these.
- Joel Lickley = 2 kills
- Anxiolit = 1 kill
--WanYao 16:17, 25 September 2008 (BST)
- Thank you for the heads-up on three of our people doing exactly what they are NOT supposed to be doing. Garviel Loken
No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear! Talk18:26, 25 September 2008 (BST)
- Added --William Told 21:46, 25 September 2008 (BST)
Zombie Ronin?
Hmm... KoronofHearts of the DHPD killed a zombie in the streets while zombified. He clearly didn't need the XP, as he has over 500 to spare and is level 40. I don't know if you intend to do anything with this, but do what you will. (A Giant Percocet has already been added) --Helgi Hundingsbane 18:20, 22 September 2008 (GMT-5)
- This list is for survivors killing zombies in the street. --WanYao 06:38, 24 September 2008 (BST)
Lots of Ronin
I am sick of these damn trenchies not dying. Seriously. --Helgi Hundingsbane 19:35, 21 September 2008 (BST)
- ...I look forward to feasting on A Giant Percocet and MichaelHavens after their crimes. --Helgi Hundingsbane 20:05, 21 September 2008 (GMT-5)
- sigh* kikmeballs and Sgt Gaz: Proof. --Helgi Hundingsbane 22:40, 21 September 2008 (GMT-5)
ADDED - The ACC is starting to give the BAR a run for its money... --Jen 04:17, 22 September 2008 (BST)
A Giant Percocet
A Giant Percocet (Lv 41) killed a zombie in cold blood outside an NT that was under siege... because that's how you win sieges. --Helgi Hundingsbane 21:53, 19 September 2008 (BST)
- looks like they killed THREE. (Unless iwitness is being goofy). --Jen 22:17, 19 September 2008 (BST)
ADDED (err...unless I wasn't supposed to...) --Jen 01:28, 20 September 2008 (BST)
- Looks like a griefer of some sort. Probably one of those amazingly mature and COOL Goons or something. And, I have problem you adding entries... Thanks. --WanYao 02:30, 20 September 2008 (BST)
- That should read: "I have no problem with you adding entries. Fucking typos. --WanYao 00:34, 21 September 2008 (BST)
Michael Hickenbottom
Michael Hickenbottom killed killed an unarmed pedestrian before assaulting me in front of Bulford Auto Repair, which now stands in ruins because he didn't spend that AP building barricades.--Ian McCootchy 21:39, 19 September 2008 (BST)
ADDED --Jen 01:28, 20 September 2008 (BST)
A cat named Joe
I stopped to rest from traveling, and was headshotted in the street. *sniffles* Profile Evidence: iWitness --Fifth Element 14:22, 8 September 2008 (BST)ADDED
Murderknob headshotted my survivor alt outside while waiting for a revive. iWitness --Fifth Element 15:23, 10 September 2008 (BST)
- Thank you for your submission; however, XIII does not endorse "organised revification". In fact, we consider it a blasphemy against the New Flesh and sometimes disrupt such abominations ourselves. This fact will be reflected on the "Rules" list promptly. --WanYao 15:35, 11 September 2008 (BST)
REJECTED --WanYao 03:49, 19 September 2008 (BST)
Ewan Ewaner
Ewan Ewaner axed me while I was innocently mauling civilians. It's a shame you won't add all those other ronin who helped out.-- Ian McCootchy 13:23, 17 September 2008 (GMT-5)
- eeep! they will all get assists, though. ;P unless it's an RP (i'll look soon) i'll accept this report, but could you possibly use iWitness in the future? it's an awesomely useful tool in any event and i recommend everyone use it! anyway, thank you for doing your part to add MOAR RONIN to the scroll of historosity, GRAAAGH! :P --WanYao 19:04, 17 September 2008 (BST)
- Ooooooh... Rejected -- because the assailant is only level 2... and it looks like he was only level 1 when he killed you! If he were even up at level 4 or 5, I'd accept it, but not a level 1-2. Sorry... Now, I wish I'd implemented a system for the other people who assaulted you, then it wouldn't seem like such a waste... Ideas on how to make that kind of thing work are welcome... maybe a 1/2 point for assaults? i dunno... --WanYao 19:09, 17 September 2008 (BST)
REJECTED --WanYao 03:49, 19 September 2008 (BST)
Does he cade the hospital? NO! He shoots a zambah outside! And he's level 22, for crying out loud. And come on -- this is the Dulston area. If he was dying to shoot something, it's not like it's hard to find zombies inside around those parts. Profile and Screenshot (using a non-iwit equipped computer). --Jen 19:42, 17 September 2008 (BST)
ADDED --WanYao 03:43, 19 September 2008 (BST)
snorkel krunt
And another one. No wonder Dulston can't get back on its feet. If organized groups like the BAR do stuff like this, what hope do unaffiliated survivors have? Profile and Screenshot.--Jen 19:56, 17 September 2008 (BST)
ADDED --WanYao 03:43, 19 September 2008 (BST)
Seven Samurai
part 1
This is getting rather depressing. From today:
Hackslide - Imperium, level 41- Roofio00 - only level 12, unaffiliated. I have more sympathy for him.
- LSvlad - another BAR. Level 33. Three zombies in a row!
Lt David Caruso - level 22, unaffiliated.
- Svlad has set a new record! First time EVAR We've caught someone killing THREE zambahz! And, yes, Pescoside is setting the B.A.R. quite high -- but can they beat that one hospital in Kempsterbank with 12 kills in less than 2 days? Soon, I will have to get to work on the Pink Katana award... Hmmmph. --WanYao 05:42, 19 September 2008 (BST)
- Well...with the ones I have from yesterday (when my computer starts cooperating again)'s very possible this NT might best that hospital. Do you want me to brave my fear of wiki tables, and add the next batch myself, so you don't have to do so much work? Or do you want to double-check all submissions before they're added?--Jen 05:45, 19 September 2008 (BST)
- It's very easy. Just copy one of the blocks of code, I have them all seperated ... and replace what needs to be replaced in each cell. That's all I do, having already built the table. It'd be great if you could help out, with so many Ronin this is getting time consuming! ;) --WanYao 05:55, 19 September 2008 (BST) For the order they go in, I rank them by points, as you see, and after that just stick 'em at the bottom of whatever point category they fall under, i.e. chronologically, top down. --WanYao 05:56, 19 September 2008 (BST)
- Well...with the ones I have from yesterday (when my computer starts cooperating again)'s very possible this NT might best that hospital. Do you want me to brave my fear of wiki tables, and add the next batch myself, so you don't have to do so much work? Or do you want to double-check all submissions before they're added?--Jen 05:45, 19 September 2008 (BST)
Le sigh, your screen cap only shows Lt David Caruso's kill. --WanYao 06:12, 19 September 2008 (BST)
- It does? Now I'm confused...I was sure it showed all of them. :( Let me double-check. :P What am I missing? --Jen 06:27, 19 September 2008 (BST)
- Here! HIGHLIGHTED! Is there something wrong with how I took the shot? I see I misspelled LSvlad's name in the report, but the link was right, and other than that, I don't think I did anything wrong. --Jen 06:33, 19 September 2008 (BST)
- I was tired, and I totally missed their names buried in that insane LOOOOOOONG list of stuff. Sorry, and thanks for the highlighted version, that actually REALLY helped. Cheers! --WanYao
- Here! HIGHLIGHTED! Is there something wrong with how I took the shot? I see I misspelled LSvlad's name in the report, but the link was right, and other than that, I don't think I did anything wrong. --Jen 06:33, 19 September 2008 (BST)
ADDED (well...sort of, as they're screenshots. Can they be grandfathered in? Please??) --Jen 01:30, 20 September 2008 (BST)
part 2
Screenshot #2 -- DUPE my friend, you submitted these :P
- No I didn't...where? Did it link to the wrong screenshot?
PvtSoap - another unaffiliated level 12. I like his profile: "Lolol kill the zombiezz!" I made a deliberately trenchy character once...maybe he did, too? Yeah, that's the optimist in me.- tommy monahan - Level 41. What is with these BAR guys?
Hellen Backagain - 2000+ XP, so it's not like she needed it.
I had some more from yesterday, but my computer isn't letting me access the screenshots I took, at the moment.
And alright, alright! I'll use iwitness from here on out! The school computers don't seem to mind it, so the only catch will be deleting the bookmarklets after every use. --Jen 05:31, 19 September 2008 (BST)
Dark Sarchasm y Borntkill
Their profiles are [1] and [2], respectively. Mr. Sarchasm killed another zombie, then took a few shots at myself. Borntkill then killed me. The appropriate IWitness: [3]. I'm not sure how to do tables, so I'll just post the info here--A Kenyan Mangrove Crab 19:52, 28 September 2008 (BST)