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The zombese word "Barhah" is difficult to translate into the human tongue, but roughly means "spirit of zombie warriors in brotherhood." It also connotes the longed-for Zombie State in which the undead feast on human flesh unmolested by zombie hunters or NecroTech syringes. Barhah is the dream of every true zombie, and the rallying cry of many lumbering corpses.


Some believe that living humans are not excluded from sharing in the vision of Barhah. Though such mutual understanding is rare, it is possible for a man and a zombie to experience a taste of Barhah in unison. See the festival of Stanstock '05 at Whetcombe Park (such a serendipitous event is usually followed by the zombie eating the human).

However, there are many who believe that Barhah is "anti-life," and thus cannot be understood by anyone who is alive or engages in "living activities", such as death cultism. Proponents of this philosophy are called Barhah Fundamentalists and believe that understanding of the "True Barhah" may only be attained after Brain Rot. One of the more active of these groups is the Militant Order of Barhah.

Special Events

Zombikah is a zombie holy day that centers around sharing the spirit of Barhah, as is BARHAHmas. BARHAHmaddan is an entire month dedicated to the spirit of Barhah, at least, during the day. At night the harmanz better find a hole and drag it in after them.