NewsWe'll try our best to keep the public updated with news about us, but no guarantees. Comics are updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so individual comics need no news. Thanks for your cooperation. It's not like you were forced to eat your bowl of n00dles this morning or anything. January 29th, 2009 - N00dles would like to apologize for the mess up in the schedule. If you've noticed, we've missed updating the comic on Friday, January 23rd, 2009, and the comic for Wenesday, January 28th, 2009 was only one panel long. We've been busy with finals in school, and not to mention a huge snow storm. The comic will return to its usual updating now.
January 11-12th, 2009 - N00dles would love to extend a thank you to all our viewers, this past week we got the most website views ever, doubling our last record, and it's still on the rise. Also, thanks for wiki views too. As you can see on the main page, we have past the 1,000 views for this page. Give yourselves a pat on the back. Well, it's not like I stay here in my free time and keep refreshing the page or anything. Wait, stop looking at me. I'm innocent! Please!