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Squadron 1111
Abbreviation: 1111
Group Numbers: around 20
Leadership: Presumed to be tassajaramonk
Goals: Aligned with survivor cause
Recruitment Policy: No metagame recruiting; add name to group tag
Contact: Unknown

Who is Squadron1111?

Squadron1111 is a group who participated in the "Fort 404 era" defense of Fort Perryn against Naked Twister Party '09 and The Feral Undead. Current activities by the group are unknown, although their last known location was Lerwill Heights, where they claimed to have an HQ in Tarasius General Hospital (Lerwill Heights). Their overall group level is approximately 20.

Current active members

tassajaramonk - founder of the squad and religious fanatic. He preaches Dharma to the zombie hordes...

Capt Rick Grimes - squad leader and battle commander. Tactical genius, breaking seiges is his specialty.

Franklin Dobbs - front-line field medic. Even shell shocked he can amputate or re-attach as needed.

James Eastgate - commando behind enemy lines, shoots without warning.

vatgrownmeat - government experiment gone wrong, now fighting to save Mankind.

Officer Kiddle - from Grime's original department, now on the edge of a shooting spree.

mierdaface - constantly drunk, impeccable aim under pressure. share your bottle, you have an ally for life.

Dr Coriell - brilliant PhD in a race against time to find the zombie vaccine. His samples at Tarasius need refrigeration.

xuanwu - Dr. Coriell's post-doc, he runs Tarasius Hospital, the squad's field hospital and zombie research centre.

Dr Mefford - high ranking Zombie researcher, carries a .45 in his doctor bag.

Jackson Deal - security chief for Tarasius General, ready to help, with both barrels.

Jason Henry - kamikaze in battle, but prefers holding court with his admiring ladies at the Butson Arms, drink in hand.

shamblepus - former zombie and worse for wear, he is lead scout for the Squadron1111 Expeditionary Force when in the field.

harvey hardcore - specializes in cussing, swearing, and belching while kicking in doors and spraying the crowd with 9mm ammo and spittle, he brings new meaning to aim and spray.

Jasmine Decker - she joined the squad's first 1111 Expeditionary Force in Pegton during the battle for the Rowecliffe Bldg, and has returned to North Blytheville for training.

Penelope Springer - lovely nurse, medic in training at Tarasius General.

officeromally - from Grime's original department but missing in action, presumed dead...? Reappears when least expected.

Fire Rag - if multiple gunshots don't do the job, maybe a fire axe will.

BullMeister - good shot, provided security at Tarasius General. Last seen climbing over quarantine fence, presumed either dead or escaped Malton...

Killer X747 - new recruit, assigned to security at Tarasius General. Hard to kill, never stops fighting.

Mister Bippers - went underground, presumed dead. Note- he's back Bippin' and kickin' ass!

Belle Snow - the newest Squad member, she saves lives at Tarasius Hospital. Veteran of second 1111 Expeditionary Force to save Fort Perryn.

densoi - loyal defender of Tarasius, was last seen kicking and screaming as he was dragged out during the most recent ruination...

Strategic Partners
