Coxon Auto Repair
Coxon Auto Repair EHB, unlit |
Coxon Auto Repair
West Grayside [53, 86]
Basic Info:
Coxon Auto Repair
Founded by a great man, Mr. Dylan Coxon, all his life he was a great mechanic so one day he just decided to get his own shop. In the early years business was booming, but there were so many other auto repair shops in West Grayside that it almost was shut down. These days, people use coxon auto repair as a safehouse, with a working generator/Radio Transmitter and strong barricades, it is a good home. Now owned and operated by Coxon Army.
Barricade Policy
As of 20th April this building has been taken over by Coxon Army and in current times will be kept barricaded to EHB at all times, if low level survivors want a safe house they can go a few blocks east to Egbert General Hospital which is kept at VSB++, if survivors have free running they can run up and join us we need all the help we can.
Current Status
No power, barricade low, held up by small group will hold until we fine a better place. (Zack K)