Talk:Clubbed to Death

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Season's Eatings to all our Victims!

Headlines and Deadlines



Stop hand.png Group Active? Request.
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Suburb pages when they are no longer active. Is this group still active? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not it will be removed from suburb pages in 14 days.

For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 18:47, 27 January 2010 (UTC)


Friday 15th January: well, it finally happened: coordinated strikes by The Fortress and other pompous pretenders to Ghoulsonside have resulted in Blesley Mall and the Perryn Building NT being repaired and caded by breathers after 9 months' glorious occupation by undead party-goers. Efforts are now underway to restore disorder to the shopping precinct and to prevent the unwanted post-Christmas gift of life being distributed with those horrid NecroTech needles.

Friday 1st January: Clubbed to Death ushers in the New Year with the news that all four Clubber burbs are officially ghost towns - Gulsonside, Osmondville, Scarletwood and Pennville are officially all-but devoid of life! The screenshot of the SE burbs on 1/1/10 is preserved below for posterity:

Happy New Year, breathers!



Saturday 19th December: Scarletwood is briefly declared a Ghost Town, thanks in part to CTD's efforts to protect a salty buffer zone around our Gulsonside homeland; however, Hermann Munster's subsequent investigation reveals that several buildings in northeast Scarletwood are horribly repaired and barricaded, including the Tompson Building NecroTech office. This oversight is to be rectified in short order.

Welcome to Clubberswood! Population: 0

Thursday 10th December: in a sign of CTD's growing notoriety, graffiti is spotted as far away from our club heartland as East Boundwood, viz. "Group, Clubbed To Death, Zed Group, KOS". Praise indeed! Meanwhile, CTD efforts have extended southwards into Pennville, Scarletwood and Fryerbank in search of fresh brains.

Thursday 3rd December: with the help of a Clubbed to Death special operative, the Rothwell Building in Penny Heights is added to the east-west Axis of Ruination, eliminating the last needle supply source in Penny Heights and creating a barrier of lifelessness across southeastern Malton.

Wednesday 2nd December becomes a grey-letter day in Clubbed to Death's history, as Osmondville is declared a Ghost Town for the first time under CTD's occupation. Plans are already underfoot to extend the Axis of Ruination, by denying needles to the mouth-breathing denizens of a classified suburb.

Monday 30th November: Gulsonside receives the coveted Ghost Town award for the second time while under Clubbed to Death management, reflecting the endeavours of the Clubbers in denying all 3 local NTs to the local breathers. A spokeszombie commented, "Now we want to achieve the same level of customer disservice in Osmondville: first we want to paint O'ville red, then watch it fade to grey as the flow of needles remains utterly dry."

Sunday 22nd November: pioneer zedcee extends the dead hand of CTD friendship to Penny Heights, occupying the Craddy Building and extending the Clubbers' salty domain of death to its easternmost point to date.

A land-grabbing corporate zombie

Sunday 15 November 2009: after days of heavy fighting, the iconic Doveton Towers falls to determined zombie attack by elements of Clubbed to Death's elite OstFront mob. Blissful silence falls across Osmondville as mobile phone chat is brought to a halt, and the inane radio spam of 28.01 is reduced to sparks and static. Fillmore West had the honour of delivering the coup de grace to the tower - and the pretentious African painting in the lobby is no more. A breather's attempt to reclaim Axtence is swiftly snuffed out.

On the northern front, Clinch Way Police Department in southern Crowbank is breached by Clubbed to Death's canine patrol unit, Rotting Snoopy.

Sunday 8 November 2009: Clubbed to Death celebrates the acquisition of its fifth NT building, as The Creek Building is added to the Clubbers' portfolio of former revivification centres. As well as holding 5 NT Buildings, the Clubbers continue to own Blesley Mall, the surrounding clubs, and St Polycarp's Hospital, making them the undead equivalent of Donald Trump, but with better hair.

Monday 2 November 2009: Clubbed to Death becomes a member of the Salt The Land Alliance, and turns its activities from leisure-related venues to NT buildings. The Perryn Building, Wetherall Building, The Axtence Building and The Doubting Building NTs are immediately placed under Clubbed to Death management. This creates a diamond-shaped Salty Zone of Death around Blesley Mall and the nearby clubs which form the Clubbers' heartland.