User talk:Ravath

From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 21:52, 23 January 2011 by Belisarius17 (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to Wyke!

Just a quick welcome from the Wulves . If you are a Survivor and need a hand let us know! Another great Pro Survivor group is Dr. schwan’s Research and Development Team . If you are taking the side of mayhem, Annus Horribilis are the local trouble makers. Here somethings you might like regardless:

08271gothic-bridge-central-park-new-york-city-posters.jpg We Like Wyke!
This user lives in glorious Wyke Hills.

And if you would like to join us:

Wolf3.jpg Wulves
This user is a member of the Wulves group.
Wulves3.jpg Havoc!!! know, of course, this means WAR!

2ndcompany.JPG Confirmed Kill
This user was taken out by Wulves

Welcome to Wyke Hills either way!--Belisarius17 18:28, 23 January 2011 (UTC)

I see you have decided to run with the Wulves? Excellent! You should stop over to the "WULVENdall Arms" -( ) and introduce yourself to the Wulves there-operatives from the home guard task force should be there: That way we can contact list your character in case you get taken out (revives are pretty quick in the Wulves!) If you are running a newer character and do not have freerunning yet let us know and we will find you. There is also a RP (revive point) we check for the burb here: Welcome aboard and look forward to meeting you.--Belisarius17 21:52, 23 January 2011 (UTC)