User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Ve1Hold

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5 humans
532 zombies
You are the Stranger. You have 32 Hit Points and 1 Experience Point. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are inside a school bus moving in a carpark outside Caiger Mall. The seating is worn and the windows are gore smeared and barred, with a thinning fog outside. Also with you are Sam Alberti (60HP), Ross (55HP), Doug D. Renolds (58HP), Karke Mardul (50HP) and Yon (50HP).

The engine is running and partially damaged. The gas tank is full.

Somebody has scratched meta into a seat.

There is another vehicle here.

There is a massive horde of zombies here.

Dead bodies litter the ground.

You grab hold to the thing that's closest to you, which happens to be the hanger's arm wedged through the side slot. As you instinctively grab its horrid flesh which feels both far too stretchy and moist to be comfortable, you leave your seat involuntarily and twist through the air, breaking the arm in two. And at the same time, the whole bus feels the lurch as the transit bus behind you, too slow to slow, rear ends, further influencing the occupants horrifying tumble.

But through the commotion, the end is in sight, coming in the form of two pillars on either side of a street supporting the sign that reads "CAIGER MALL" and "'We hope your stay was fruitful" and "We hope to have you back again soon!" Somehow, you doubt you'll ever come back here.

Both buses struggle under the weight of the dead. Below the floor, you can hear the dead calls and the crunching and the splitting and the rupturing of bodies been gruesomely dismantled by wheels and strategically placed blades on the underbelly.

Since your last turn:
Another loud and deep groan is heard from all around, coming in waves upon waves. (33 seconds ago) ...and again. (22 seconds ago) ...and again. (11 seconds ago)
The engine whirls and groans under the work. (8 seconds ago)
Metal and bumper break from the collision between buses. (4 seconds ago)
Yon catapults to the front of the bus. (1 second ago)
Possible actions:
Retrieve your chainsaw
You carry a knife, a journal and a bloodied radio. You have a pistol (15) and three spare magazines inside your vest pouches. You are wearing a tactical vest, blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a pair of shoes.

User:A Helpful Little Gnome