22nd November 2009
Character class:
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Favorite equipment:
Character profile:
Urban Dead profile
Current status:
Safe i guess...
Character group:
Character stats:
So much random sh*t ive forgotten
No journal for Krabbzz
Krabbzz's history
Not much is known, but he did use to live in Tapton during the early parts of the infections. He now travels through the city looking for some fun stuff to do.
2011 LOG:
22 July 2011: Sabine Towers is under attack again. Been a pretty bad breach and ive got no ammo to defend. I made it back to the hospital to hold back for a while. It didn't help that Haag Plaza had been ruined either.
18 July 2011: Heard StaV was still active, so I made it back to Tapton. People seemed happy to see me. Wheres Jack though?
16 July 2011: Ive started this log, just to keep track of whats happening. So, here I am in Shore Hills. Bored to hell, nothing to do, nothing to kill. Havent seen a zombie in days.
Krabzz's new group, the Travelling Shotguns, should soon be established and running soon!
Current status
- Status : Dangerously bored but alive
- Level : 34
- XP : 126
- Group : Im ridin' solo...
Policies, strategies and support
Ständige Vertretung
This user is a Member/Supporter of StäV
Combat Reviver
This user or group supports the strategy known as 'Combat Revival'.
Combat Revive Any Person
Oh, C.R.A.P.!
Yet another proud supporter of the Malton Zombie Recycling Program
Other stuff
I'm Smarter
This user is smarter than you.
Fire Fighter
This user is a Firefighter and is probably off chopping up a zombie with their axe.
Axe Crazy
This user has an axe. Do not cross them.
Body Count
Krabbzz has killed OVER 9000! zombies.
Don't Be Gay
This user thinks that if you play Halo you are likely a Homosexual. Think of your butt-hole, don't play Halo!
Stupid Suggestions!
Whenever you make a stupid Suggestion, God kills a kitten. Stop killing kittens.
Firing Squad
This user thinks we should just shoot everyone in the Feral Undead and get it over with.
Happy Birthday
This user was born on 1st of November