Developing Suggestions

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Developing Suggestions

This section is for general discussion of suggestions for the game Urban Dead.

It also includes the capacity to pitch suggestions for conversation and feedback.

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  • Discussion concerning the suggestions system in general, including policies about it, takes place here.


How To Make a Discussion

Adding a New Discussion

To add a general discussion topic, please add a Tier 3 Header (===Example===) below, with your idea or proposal.

Adding a New Suggestion

  • Paste the copied text above the other suggestions, right under the heading.
  • Substitute the text in RED CAPITALS with the details of your suggestion.
  • The process is illustrated in this image.
  • Name - Give the suggestion a short but descriptive name.
  • Type is the nature of the suggestion, such as a new class, skill change, balance change.
  • Scope is who or what the suggestion affects. Typically survivors or zombies (or both), but occasionally Malton, the game interface or something else.
  • Description should be a full explanation of your suggestion. Include information like flavor text, search odds, hit percentages, etc, as appropriate. Unless you are as yet unsure of the exact details behind the suggestion, try not to leave out anything important. Check your spelling and grammar.

Cycling Suggestions

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Double Decay

Timestamp: Spiderzed 20:59, 11 December 2012 (UTC)
Type: Mechanics
Scope: Survivors
Description: There have been a few suggestions about tweaking the ruin mechanics to make them harsher. Most of them go off tangents and add baroque frills like chances to fail repairing, or a requirement to repair them 1AP at a time.
Personally, I am person of simple solutions, so my suggestion is very straightforward:

The base cost for repairing ruins is increased to 2AP (instead of 1AP). Every server refresh, +2AP are added (instead of +1AP).

What this does is to essentially double the ruin repair costs. This will shift the break-even point for ruins from the zombie POV from 6 days to 3 days. Any ruin reclaimed before that 3/6 day mark will mean an AP net gain for survivors (not counting zombie-cleaning). Anything reclaimed past the 3/6 day mark will mean a net gain for zombies.

This would make meat-shielding ruins a much more profitable short- to mid-term endeavour, as there is a net gain much quicker. On the plus side for survivors, there will be suicide repairs to brag about unheard of but under the influence of drugs.

Discussion (Double Decay)

I've actually been pondering this topic recently. I think you're on the right track with increasing the base cost, but I'm not sold on doubling the rate of decay.

Essentially, it's bad for the game if it's easy for one side to hold an area for an extended period of time, particularly if they can do so with minimal effort. They should have to work at it. Barricade strafing is an extremely effective (and low-manpower) tactic in that vein, but it doesn't work so well in areas that have been ruined for awhile, since progress is much slower. Increasing the base cost of repairing ruins will help reduce barricade strafing's effectiveness, thus making it more important to ensure that ruins don't happen in the first place. I'd suggest increasing it even further than you suggested, however, perhaps to 6AP, that way the ruin pays for itself immediately.

In contrast, permanently doubling the cost of the rate of decay will make places that are already difficult for survivors to reclaim even more difficult to reclaim, which is the exact opposite of what we want to be doing (and yes, these places do SoC member had a 98AP repair this week, for instance). That said, it might be doable if it starts off at an increased rate and decreases to just 1AP/day after a certain point (say, 50AP), that way it doesn't contribute to bloated repair costs. It would also have the benefit of providing increased incentives for survivors to try and rush to make a repair, that way the cost doesn't get any higher. With 1AP/day, that incentive isn't a major factor, but doubling it could encourage survivors to try and evict zombies who are still in the building, rather than waiting for them to wander off, and that will mean a less effective use of AP overall by survivors.

So, basically, I'd tweak it by increasing the base cost even further while limiting the doubled rate to only apply for the first X AP or so, that way it doesn't get too out of hand. Aichon 22:12, 11 December 2012 (UTC)

I concur, move the break even point. --Ross Less Ness Enter Stranger... 01:46, 12 December 2012 (UTC)
Would it really have made much difference whether that one ruin eats 98 or 196AP? It is still a suicide repair, requiring the same measures for securing it, and the point is still mostly to reset repair costs, not to necessarily hold that ruin on the first attempt (although if that works, it is a nice bonus).
What I aim for is simplicity, so different decay rates are out of question. +5AP initial repair costs sounds better. -- Spiderzed 13:00, 16 December 2012 (UTC)
That's fair, and I agree that simplicity is a good idea. As for making it a 196AP repair, I think it would have mattered, since you would have effectively doubled the manpower necessary to retake the suburb in the same time, or else you'd have doubled the time necessary. Plus, the game simply isn't fun when you can't play it for several days. That defeats the purpose of keeping people engaged. Aichon 15:39, 16 December 2012 (UTC)
Depends on your playing style. For big game ruin hunters (like 404), finding and actually getting your grubby hands on a three digit ruin is its own reward and well worth the time-out. But I can see how it can be off-putting to some. -- Spiderzed 15:54, 16 December 2012 (UTC)
Having repaired the ruin with the highest reported decay value (577 AP), and with many other three-digit repairs under my (tool)belt, I can personally vouch that finding and repairing such targets is remarkably satisfying and worth the time asleep. I'm quite possibly in a minority, though. It was more than eleven days without playing for the big one... I idled out long before I could see again. Obviously I have a vested interest in this, but I do feel doubled ruin costs might cheapen Big Game Ruin Hunting for certain players, however, although I am very much in favour of a buff to decay for other reasons. --BOSCH 16:49, 16 December 2012 (UTC)
I was intentionally very specific in what I said. I said the waiting was no fun. I never said it wasn't worth it, nor would I ever suggest such a thing, since I believe otherwise as well. ;) Aichon 04:02, 17 December 2012 (UTC)

So, consensus seems to be that decay rates should be left alone, but initial repair costs should be raised by 5?
In that case, a linked changed should be to add +5AP to the AP range of each Decay description, i.e.:

  • The building has been completely ransacked, and has fallen into ruin. - 6AP instead of 1AP
  • The building has been completely ransacked, and has fallen into ruin. A thin layer of dust covers the debris. - 7-8AP instead of 2-3AP

And so on and on, with +5AP to each the lower and upper AP range of each decay description. -- Spiderzed 15:54, 16 December 2012 (UTC)

I am very much in favour of increasing the initial repair cost by 5AP so that the cost of ruining breaks even for zombies in many cases (as most buildings are reclaimed quickly, from experience), and to (frankly) be more realistic for survivors. 1AP (half-an-hour) to repair an entire building requires even more suspension of disbelief than usually required in this game. Three hours seems more appropriate, and fits in with other actions costing multiple AP (such as 6AP to rise from headshot on a zombie with Ankle Grab). I also like the idea of the decay description being updated to reflect the change. --BOSCH 16:49, 16 December 2012 (UTC)
I'm with Bosch and everyone else on this one. +5 to the initial repair costs.--RadicalWhig 22:52, 17 December 2012 (UTC)

No discussion in a week. Unless it takes off in the meantime, I will enter the suggestion with just +5AP over the holidays. -- Spiderzed 21:16, 24 December 2012 (UTC)

Suggestions up for voting

The following are suggestions that were developed here but have since gone to voting. The discussions that were taking place here have been moved to the pages linked below.

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