Developing Suggestions

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Developing Suggestions

This section is for general discussion of suggestions for the game Urban Dead.

It also includes the capacity to pitch suggestions for conversation and feedback.

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  • Discussion concerning the suggestions system in general, including policies about it, takes place here.


How To Make a Discussion

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To add a general discussion topic, please add a Tier 3 Header (===Example===) below, with your idea or proposal.

Adding a New Suggestion

  • Paste the copied text above the other suggestions, right under the heading.
  • Substitute the text in RED CAPITALS with the details of your suggestion.
  • The process is illustrated in this image.
  • Name - Give the suggestion a short but descriptive name.
  • Type is the nature of the suggestion, such as a new class, skill change, balance change.
  • Scope is who or what the suggestion affects. Typically survivors or zombies (or both), but occasionally Malton, the game interface or something else.
  • Description should be a full explanation of your suggestion. Include information like flavor text, search odds, hit percentages, etc, as appropriate. Unless you are as yet unsure of the exact details behind the suggestion, try not to leave out anything important. Check your spelling and grammar.

Cycling Suggestions

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Timestamp: 17:44 15 april 2013 BST
Type: New skill
Scope: Zombies and survivors
Description: Survivor grapple: A skill for survivors that allows them to grapple a zombie, preventing it from moving or attacking until the zombie escapes their grasp. A human may spend 1 AP to tackle the zombie and pin it against a wall or some rubble, either allowing allies to escape, or allowing them more accurate shots (plus 10%) against the grappled zombie. A grappled zombie may spend 2 AP (1 with lurching gait) to try and escape (50% chance, still costing AP if failed)

A zombie with the equivalent skill can grapple a survivor, granting aditional accuracy to their own bites, all attacks against the human and hurting them for 1 HP if they fail to escape.

example messages: "You slam into the zombie, grabbing it's wrists and restraining it." " The zombie wriggles in your grasp, but fails to escape" " The zombie violently throws you off, escaping your grasp" " You leap at a survivor, landing on it heavily. they are in your grasp" " The survivor wriggles and shouts, but your grip holds firm, their skin tearing slightly as your nails dig in" " The survivor moves with startling speed, throwing you off and running out of reach" " You are bowled over as a zombie leaps on you, it's powerful grasp keeping you from moving" " You struggle against the zombies grip, and think you've escaped, but it grips harder, nails cutting into your skin" " You push the zombie off with your feet and frantically dash out of reach" " You smell the zombies rancid breath as it opens it's mouth to bite you" " A zombie prepares to strike you, and you are to pinned down to dodge it's attack" " A daring human slams into you, pinning you against a wall/some rubble/ a table, restricting your movement" " You shake, but the human has a strong grip" " You throw the human off you violently, escaping its grasp" " A human takes aim at you, and your restricted movement makes you an easy target"

Discussion (Grapple)

So it's Feeding Drag for all characters? Jebidijed 3:54 PM, April 15th 2013 (EST)

Door destruction

Timestamp: PayneTrain(NWO/FU) 15:29, 15 April 2013 (BST)
Type: destruction
Scope: zombie/death cultists
Description: The ability basically allows a zed/death cultist to destroy the doors to building rendering them unbarricadable and open to attack from lower level zeds who haven't acquired the Memories of life skill.

working-It takes 5 hits to destroy a door with no chances of a miss(not really sure about this part) and can be destroyed by anyone who wishes to do so.only melee attacks can do any damage,no ranged weapons or bites.It can only be done at 0 barricade level or loosely barricaded level.It can be repaired with and without the construction skill(but at the cost of an extra AP)

description for person performing action:-

  • First hit-You smash at the door with your(example weapon/hands) and you see a few splints flying from it.
  • Second hit-You smash at the door again with your (example weapon/hands), the door splinters even further
  • Third hit-You smash at the door again with your (example weapon/hands),the door has formed a rather large hole(allows you to see players inside at door destruction conditions)
  • fourth hit-You smash at the door again with your (example weapon/hands),hinges have given way
  • last hit- You smash at the door yet again with your (example weapon/hands) and the door come off it's hinges and falls to the ground

description after each level for bystanders and Ap for fixing

  • After First hit-the doors have been secured but,you see a few splints on it.1 AP with construction,+1 without
  • After Second hit-the doors have been closed but,you see rather many splints on it.2 AP with construction,+1 without
  • After Third hit-the doors have been closed but,you see a rather large hole in it.(allows you to see players outside under door destruction conditions)3 AP with construction,+1 without
  • After Fourth hit-the doors have been almost partially closed but,you see that it hangs at uneven angles 4 AP with construction,+1 without
  • After Last hit-You see that the doors to building have been destroyed.5 AP with construction,+1 without

pros-allows lower level zeds to gain exp at the cost of ap,the zed doesn't have to wait for other zeds to open doors for them and can instead break it down by themselves.

Note:-you can see the people standing outside from destruction level 3 onwards UNDER normal...uhh do i have to say it again....door destruction conditions

Discussion (Door destruction)

So, if I understand this correctly, by making it impossible to barricade again until the damage is repaired, you're essentially giving every zombie in the game the ability to spend 5AP to essentially Ransack a building once from the outside, even if there are survivors still inside? No way. WAY overpowered. If the repair mechanics work the same as they do now, you'd have to clear every single zombie from inside the building before you could repair the damage, and that would mean that in the middle of a siege, any zombie at all could act as a perfect beachhead, thus eliminating the primary means by which the survivors stay alive during a breach. A better idea might be to simply make it cost them 5AP to get in, without any of that stuff about having to do repairs or breaking it down permanently, and even that idea is questionable. Aichon 17:48, 15 April 2013 (BST)


Timestamp: Jebidijed 9:25 AM, 14 April (EST)
Type: Skill
Scope: Humans
Description: Possibly one of the most useful skills for a human. The human disguises himself/herself into a zombie so that the zombies wouldn't notice him/her. The disguise wears off once 20 AP is used up, and costs a seperate 3 AP to put on the disguise. For example, instead of saying "(Playername) shot you for 5 damage," it would say, "A zombie shot you for 5 damage." Zombies would still be able to attack the human, but it would say he/she was a zombie.

Discussion (Disguise)

Wounding Bite

Timestamp: CyberOpposition 04:56, 12 April 2013 (BST)
Type: Skill
Scope: Zombies
Description: This would be a shoot off from infectious bite, where it'll give zombies a chance to wound the other player after the initial Infectious Bite. So, not only will the infected player lose 1 HP per action, but it would cost 2 AP to move after. This would make it a bit more serious for players to plan their next moves. So, the zombie infects the other player and then there's a 40 to 60 chance that the infection slows the other player.

Discussion (Wounding Bite)

If the survivor is already infected without having been wounded, are they immune from being wounded? Or would each subsequent bite give a percent chance of wounding? Bob Moncrief EBDW! 05:06, 12 April 2013 (BST)

I think it'd be a good idea for each zombie to get a chance to potentially wound the survivor, unless the survivor has already been wounded. So the first initial infectious bite would be the only chance for that specific zombie to wound the player. If one zombie fails to wound, increasing the percent chance of other zombies initial bites could cause a wound as well. CyberOpposition 07:21, 12 April 2013 (BST)

The flavor seems a bit weird to me. I don't see why it's an offshoot from Infectious Bite, since it's really a Bite upgrade as it's currently described, not an infection upgrade. If you want to call it "Virulent Infection" and put it under Infectious Bite, that'd be better, I think. Other than that, I actually kinda like the idea of having infected individuals take 2AP to move, though I'm not decided yet on whether or not I like the way it's suggested it should happen here. For some reason, 40-60% strikes me as a strange number, and I feel as if it should either be much higher (like 100%) or much lower (like 20%) once the skill is purchased. Not sure yet. Aichon 06:28, 12 April 2013 (BST)

I wasn't quite sure how to convey the idea completely and it's my first suggestion. But, yes, I do like the name "Virulent infection" a lot better and I did actually mean it to be an upgrade, I'm sorry about conveying the idea poorly. I picked the percents just for a throw away number, thought it would be ok to discuss the percentages in the Developing suggestions page anyway. I think having a low percent like 10% and having it increased by 10 % the more zombies there are with the skill that bite the player.
So, we'd get one zombie with wounding bite (or Virulent Infection, whatever) trying to wound the player and it fails, another zombie with the skill decides to also try to wound the player and his chance is increased by 10%. CyberOpposition 07:22, 12 April 2013 (BST)

Id have to say this isnt going to go down well lol i made a very similar suggestion about movement and it got panned just because people didnt want to be slowed down by ap movement --Soul kai 11:33, 12 April 2013 (BST)

i wouldn't reccommend putting this suggestion up for voting this is what happened to the last one with the same idea.--PayneTrain(NWO/FU) 06:59, 14 April 2013 (BST)

That one had a similar idea, but a VERY different implementation of it. There's a big difference between having it happen with Claw and Bite. Claw is used for nearly every single attack. Bite is only used once against a target, generally, if even that. That said, it does bear a large resemblance to the previous suggestion, and I was very tired when I made my earlier comment. At this point, I'd probably still vote kill, just because it is similar enough, but it's definitely a better take on the same general idea. Aichon 07:25, 14 April 2013 (BST)

Ok, I get the picture about the AP loss. But I think this could be easily fixed by changing out AP with damage instead. So instead of 1HP lost for each action taken, it'll do +2 damage until the infection has been cured. This would cause the bite to be a bit more dangerous. CyberOpposition 03:28, 15 April 2013 (BST)

Do you mean 2 HP loss per AP spent? Not sure what +2 damage means. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 05:00, 15 April 2013 (BST)
Yes, 2HP loss per AP spent.CyberOpposition 16:44, 15 April 2013 (BST)

Free running out of ruined buildingd

Timestamp: PayneTrain 14:04, 11 April 2013 (BST)
Type: game mechanic?i think..
Scope: zombies/survivors
Description: even after ruining a building survivors can free run out of the building,but not come back in because it's too damaged?what the fuck is up with that?

So my suggestion basically states that the Harmanz should not be allowed to free run out of ruined buildings too as the buildings can still act as Entry points even if they are ruined,which kind of ruins the point of ruining!!ZEDS RULE AHHH!!

Discussion (Free running out of ruined buildingd)

I've always liked it how it is. It's a nice balance, in that as zombies ruin a suburb, it gives survivors more of a chance to get indoors. Plus, doing it this way would effectively allow zombies to create clusters of buildings that are effectively pinatas. I.e. Surround an area of blocks that are EHB with ruins and suddenly no one can get into those buildings until the ruins are repaired or the EHB 'cades are broken down. While an interesting idea, I think it's a bit ludicrous that it could actually work. Aichon 18:03, 11 April 2013 (BST)

There are some unorthodox survivor tactics built around the ability to freerun out of ruined buildings, such as the Roftwood Barricade Plan which relies on permanently ruined dark buildings as entry points. Changing that mechanic would just take away that angle without adding a new one. Make the game more fun, not less. -- Spiderzed 18:16, 13 April 2013 (BST)
i know that,but i was just thinking that a shift in balance is required in favor of zeds rather than in favor of survivors,i mean almost all the suggestions or implementations have been made in favor of survivors,right. 1 of the basic reason's for ruining buildings is to obstruct free running,isn't it?so i feel this is a good suggestion--PayneTrain(NWO/FU) 07:11, 14 April 2013 (BST)


Timestamp: Jebidijed 8:22 AM, 6 April 2013 (EST)
Type: Offensive Zombie Healing Skill
Scope: Zombies/Survivors
Description: A child move of Digestion, Omnivore allows you to feed on the living. This can only happen if the harman that you want to feed on is at 15 HP or less. It does 5 damage per feeding, and heals the zombie the same amount. Coupled with Infectious Bite, it makes a zombie very dangerous.

Discussion (Omnivore)

Inconsistent - an unmoving body only grants 4HP. The weakness treshold for Feeding Drag is only 12-HP, so such an ability should get the same treshold. As for flavour, I like it that there is an incentive to bite a cornerd victim to death. I wouldn't tie it to a skill, though, as that penalizes newbies, who need weakened treats the most to level up. Just make a bite to-hit bonus against victims on less than 13HP an inherent part of Vigor Mortis. -- Spiderzed 16:21, 6 April 2013 (BST)

Hell yes. That is a great idea. No sarcasm. Allowing zombies to be slightly better at actually finishing people off would be incredibly welcome and not particularly OP. And since killing grants 10XP, it'd help newbies and also make the game more fun for them. I'm not sure about not tying it to a skill at all, since I think it may work better as simply changing Tangling Grasp so that it doesn't break if the target is under 13 HP as a result of their being close to death, though that may be more mild than what makes sense. Aichon 06:07, 7 April 2013 (BST)
I havn't noticed tangling grasp breaking at 13HP (breaks plenty of other times, though) -- boxy 10:04, 7 April 2013 (BST)
I've seen Tangling Grasp break at all different HP levels, both high and low, including under 13HP. Aichon 19:33, 7 April 2013 (BST)
The problem with making it a skill is that a new skill will rather be possessed by older characters than by newbs. Thus there would be an incentive for older zombies to finish the prey themselves rather than to leave it to the newbs, who need easy kills for the 10XP bonus. -- Spiderzed 14:41, 7 April 2013 (BST)
It's been my observation that unless they are acting as a group, almost all zombies always try to kill anyone they can. I've never seen a feral vet intentionally leave a survivor at 1-2HP in the hope that a newbie can finish them off, so I don't see how this changes anything. What it'll do is give the newbies and extra tool once they get the skill to finish the deed. Aichon 19:33, 7 April 2013 (BST)

I was expecting to see zombies gain HP from eating grass RMES.gif
This just neck lurch/digestion, +1 at lower HP. Needs a better name -- boxy 10:02, 7 April 2013 (BST)


Timestamp: Soul kai 14:52, 4 April 2013 (BST)
Type: skill
Scope: zeds

Wound can occur if a zombie gets a hit with there hands on its victim the chance of this happpening is 5 percent chance of any claw attacks.

Wound is as its sounds is when a person is heavily injured and leaves a open wound on the survivors body.

When a zed is sucessful in wounding the survivor the hp will decrease by 1 hp for 5 turns.

All attacks drop by 5 percent in accuracy until healed by a fak.

The skill must be purchased to use under the skill tree of rendered flesh.

A survivors wound can be reopened up if hit sucessfully again but only decreases HP for 5 turns as the target is already wounded till he or she has healed with a fak.

zed confirmation that survivor is wounded

You have rendered the flesh the survivor flesh and left a deep gash on his/her arm

survivor confirmation of being hit

your right arm has suffered major damage blood is spitting out of a gaping hole in your arm you find it hard to aim or focus causing -5 to your attacks the wound is bleeding heavily

after 5 turns

the wound has stopped bleeding but your arm is stiff and immobile and difficult to move.

after fak

after careful stitching and tending to your wound you feel the mobility return in your arm.

reopen wound

The zed has sensed your weak spot and rendered it open again blood drips to floor.

death from wound as walking

you fall to the ground/floor depending were you are and slowly bleed to death.

feral claws is what this will be offically.

Discussion (wound)

What is "wound"? So far we only know when it happens, but not what it is. Aichon 15:58, 4 April 2013 (BST)

So, as far as its mechanics go, it's basically a powered-up version of infection that anyone can afflict any survivor by random chance? Can't say I'm a fan of taking something that currently only occurs deliberately and at the cost of having to use a lower-accuracy attack and turning it into something that will happen with almost every single series of attacks anyone makes on anyone else. Plus, there isn't a description of if this is a skill that's purchased, what the "random chance" of it happening will be, or other such considerations. That said, I do kinda like the flavor of this suggestion, and the -5% accuracy isn't a bad idea either, when considered by itself. Aichon 21:03, 4 April 2013 (BST)

I'm slowly liking this more and more, but it's starting to get a bit complicated and feels like it needs to be trimmed back a bit and refocused. For instance, I don't see why there are so many different odds for inflicting wound, nor do I see a need for two skills, and how is a zombie supposed to mend their wound anyway? That said, you have some real gems in there that would make this a truly unique skill in the game, like your idea to limit the -1HP to five actions and also add in a -5% accuracy against the wounded survivor. So, let's see if we can cut/rearrange a little to make it better.

How about we drop the survivor skill entirely and make this a zombie-only skill? Call it "Raking Claws" or something and make it a sub-skill of Vigour Mortis or Rend Flesh that can inflict wounds after a hand attack against a survivor. We can add some flavor by saying that the wound is "bleeding" for the first five actions that the survivor takes, which costs them 1HP per turn, and that it's harder for them to move with the wound, which means they take a hit of -5% to their accuracy. A FAK can mend the wound at any time. And give the zombies a flat 5% chance of inflicting the wound, rather than an accuracy that changes. At 5%, it'll be infrequent enough to be a pleasant surprise when it happens, but not so infrequent that it'll be useless.

Doing it this way keeps it simple, makes it more specific, and doesn't force the survivor to burn through FAKs, though it does encourage them to FAK a bit more often. If you want to provide them even more incentive, however, you may consider making it easier for a zombie to re-wound a survivor whose wound merely stopped bleeding but was never healed with a FAK (e.g. give the zombie a 10% chance to wound, instead of a 5%). Aichon 21:25, 8 April 2013 (BST)

edited i have tweaked what you asked and see were your coming from i hope lol though some other ideas sparked while i was writing it its not perfect but its taking shape.--Soul kai 03:57, 9 April 2013 (BST)

I'd love to hear some opinions from other folks at this point. As for me, I'd prefer that it be 5% instead of 10%, since at 10%, a zombie that does 15 attacks will inflict wound something like 80% of the time, whereas at 5% it'll only happen around 50% of the time after that many attacks, making it something to enjoy when it comes around, rather than something to count on. Other than that, I'd maybe polish the text a bit, since I have a feeling people will have difficulty understanding it and will vote against it because they'll misunderstand or think it sounds too complicated, when it really isn't that complicated any more. Aichon 05:40, 9 April 2013 (BST)


Timestamp: Soul kai 04:46, 4 April 2013 (BST)
Type: mechanic
Scope: survivors
Description: basicly as it suggests survivors get drunk from consuming to much beer etc character direction is completely backwards you hit forwards you go backwards right is left. left is right XD note you have to consume 6 beers for this effect lasts 3 turns more if you drink more lol.

and yes this can be changed to random direction if it suits

2 beers or wine " you feel a little more cheerful with a spring in your step

4 beers or wine " you body feels heavy and your swaying slightly.

6 beers or wine " you are dangerously swaying left and right as you walk your movements are confused. ( directions muddled)

8 beers or wine " you are steaming your eyes are glazed over and you are swaying dangerously around its hard to focus. ( baricaded strong become very hard to enter)

first attempt while steaming you hurdle over the first baricade only to knock yourself out you stumble back out holding your head.

accuracy is dropped by 10 percent when attacking

attack is increased by 1 point of damage for hands and hand weapons

Discussion (Drunk)

How long does it last in the first place? What indication would there be that it's occurring? Aichon 16:22, 4 April 2013 (BST)

k —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Jebidijed (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

Also, if "actions are backwards" it would be pretty easy to figure that out and just do the opposite for the duration of the effect - maybe make it with an element of randomness instead? Also, the times when a survivor would drink that much alcohol are rare outside of specific RP events, because beer and wine are far less efficient for HP gain than FAKing are. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 17:42, 4 April 2013 (BST)

this is just giving beer and wine some side effects some people may get bored and whats a nice way to accidently stray into a horde lol ive did some modding--Soul kai 19:54, 4 April 2013 (BST)

Beers of wine? What? Jebidijed 8:19 AM, 6 April (EST)

I'm sure there are dupes, way back, for the finding -- boxy 10:21, 7 April 2013 (BST)

Oops, I misread that. The "f" and the "r" can look like each other when you speed through a sentence. Jebidijed 8:31 PM, 7 April (EST)

He corrected it, so you didn't misread anything. ;) Aichon 21:32, 8 April 2013 (BST)

correct i edited it --Soul kai 03:28, 9 April 2013 (BST)

Suggestions up for voting

The following are suggestions that were developed here but have since gone to voting. The discussions that were taking place here have been moved to the pages linked below.

Add Rage to Malton

by Spiderzed at 16:49, 6 April 2013 (BST)