Not merely barricade fodder, this plastic tree is animated with the magic of Christmas. And strangles people to death with tinsel.
A plastic tree was a pacifist once, a peaceful reviver for the Malton Forensics Unit. The tree with the syringe helped many people, until it fell into a long period of dormancy again.
When again its branches resumed animation, the plastic tree found itself filled with a newfound rage and bloodlust. The Department of Emergency Management had failed Malton. They were useless. Nothing more than flotsam...
The plastic tree discarded its previous pacifistic behavior and joined up with the Flowers of Decay, learning how to fight as it went. On Christmas of 2013, it laid claim to a strand of tinsel to use as its signature kill.
PK Count
A plastic tree has PKed 68 people.
Revive Count
A plastic tree has revived 53+ people.
PK Deaths
A plastic tree has been Pked 29 times.
This user is a Scientist and is probably off reviving someone.
Player Killer
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."
This user is a PKer and supports the act of Player Killing.