User:DangerReport/Factory 75,80

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Factory 75,80
EHB - Lights on.
{| style="border: solid #FFCBCF 2px; text-align:center; width:500px"
Rogers.jpg Mr. Rogers Style!
This user or group plays as Mr. Rogers would. They are non-violent as long as there is peace. Start something, however, and expect the wrath of Mr. Rogers and his whole neighborhood.
Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward Supporter
This User or Group Pays It Forward.
Get a revive, give a revive.
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
Johnny Colorado supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.
Skull n syringes.gif The Big Prick
Whittenside .

I would like to utilize this as my personal diary page. I will perform actions in game and give them a fun story. All stories will reflect the way I spend my AP. If that day was me looking for Ammo, I probably won't put in an entry. However, interesting things I will share as a story.

Diary Log for Johnny Colorado...

Diary notes:

Grief killed by - Arke Seleukia

Accidental friend of known Griefer/PKr - MrSchnuffles

Personal grudge against PKr - Kodak7

While free-running rooftop to rooftop from Scarletwood back to Wyke Hills (home being Buckley Mall) I ran into a survivor bleeding out on the rooftop of the Dollis Arms in Hollomstown. I asked his name and he said MrSchnuffles and started laughing. Then he started singing, "I will survive". My assessment was he had 1HP left and was infected. If he would have tried to move he would have died. I just so happened to have 6 or 7 FAKs for my way back (just in case) which took me a whole day to find in an unlit hospital. I patched him up and told him it was his lucky day. He would survive... Hey! HEY! If he wouldn't have had that Gloria Gaynor song in his profile... He would be at 11HP. I full healed him because of his singing in the face of death... That's a true survivor. 1HP and singing I will survive. Good Luck MrSchnuffles...

--Johnny Colorado (talk) 19:00, 16 June 2016 (UTC)

Made it back home the last log entry. Literally passed out in the mall using my last AP. When I came back a few hours later, I was dead and my body dumped outside. I lurched to a revive point. I have to say this is the shittiest part. People killing me waiting for a revive. If they read the profile it even says I want a revive. I have no zombie skills, why kill me. Makes me want to PK when I come back to life now. Teach them a lesson on etiquette. The graffiti spraypainted where Im standing says IM A REVIVE POINT, and these people still kill me. Arke Seleukia, you're on my list. I have 3 pistols and 9 clips. When I get a revive, you will be dead. I have even put in a revive request on a few websites. 2 days and nothing. Makes me want to have another account just to do revives. Either that or quit. I have no wish to remain a zed and people don't respect the game. Maybe that's why this game has dwindled...

--Johnny Colorado (talk) 05:22, 19 June 2016 (UTC)

Soooo, I've been quietly living in Penny Heights, far away from Buttonville where I had the problem of being griefed at a RP. I step outside Joachim Mall (which I barricaded, repaired, installed generators 2 (with the help of Leroy doing the other 2) and we refueled them from the Auto Repair just north) and guess who is standing outside half dead? Arke Seleukia... My GRIEFER... I said, hey do you remember killing that zombie at the RP in Buttonville? Leave Penny Heights now! Then I shot him dead on the front steps of Joachim Mall. He can lurch away for all I care. I went out to check for zeds and I find something even better. Also there is a PKr in the area who kills people alone in buildings (no witnesses type thing I guess) by the name of Kodak7. He said he was in the Coombe Library but anyone with a brain knows he's not and wasting your AP. But just like Arke Seleukia, we will cross paths buddy. And when we do, you're as good as dead. Any zombie can kill a noob. It takes a real asshole to kill noobs while still alive. Anyone on a PK/Griefer List inside Penny Heights will be killed on sight. I can promise you that. This is my new home. I'm tired of running.

--Johnny Colorado (talk) 20:09, 13 August 2016 (UTC)

I would also like to recount the time between the last 2 entries. After my revive but before I made it to Joachim Mall. I was barricaded inside the Hospital where I passed out and died just north of Buckley mall. Guess who happens to roll through and start killing EVERYONE inside (7 + Myself)? MrSchnuffles. He then proceeds to shoot everyone with shotguns and just mercilessly kill everyone. Then he gets to me, and I black out... I wouldn't remember this event until 3 hours later (till I log in ;) ) He smiled at me and said, Johnny! Long time no see! Or something to that effect... It's still a little fuzzy. But he free ran to the next building and started killing more people and left me alive. Random acts of kindness pay off in the future. I didn't know he was a PKr. And I dont know if he will remember me in the future. But I saved his life so he spared mine. That's all I can ask for. We are square. I just hope I never see him again... lol. Even if he doesn't kill me again, there will be a lot of zeds playing for a while, lol. So after that I was completely like EFFF THIS! and so I saved up all my energy, stepped out into the alley, and just started running. I ran through 3 suburbs before I realized I needed to start looking for an entry point. I had ran straight into the thick of zombie territory it seemed. I found a crowd around a building where they pulled a survivor outside. The doors were already open and the zombies occupied with their weak and dying feast that I slipped right by them with ease. By the time they realized I was in, I had closed the doors and started a barricade. There were 2 more zeds inside with about 5 survivors. I figured this was their territory and they could handle it so I kept running. I ran up the stairs to the rooftop and started hopping. I was in Osmondville West and it was pretty bad. I checked my wiki-map and saw there was a mall close by called Joachim. I proceeded to work my way there over the next few hours. I found that the mall was in pretty bad condition. I had to close the doors, install generators, fuel, repair, then barricade the once ruined mall. I met a few nice people who helped such as AlphaBot and LeroyMercer. There was also a man handing out flyers (in his profile) which lead me to a site where I could help Penny Heights rebuild and told me what freqs on the radio to call for Refuels :) Some very handy info to have. I also learned the hard way by a friend being PKd, that we have a lot of Griefers/PKrs in Penny Heights. This game CAN be difficult at time with RNG not being nice. lol, No fuel cans in 50AP, but tons of beer though! So having a PKr in the area is just annoying to say the least. Log out in a group, never in a building alone... And tag tag tag the area with "PKr NAME HERE, is a filthy PKr. DNR / KOS!" People will see the name, they will generally Not Revive them if they DNA check, and if they are alive they will Kill them on sight. Keeps the PKr wasting AP, being hunted themselves, and never getting a revive. They will leave the area or be forced to have their character go into hiding after a week of them not logging in anymore. Effectively, either way, gets rid of the PKr/Griefer and is fine in my book. I will only PK a PKr... Sounds weird when I say it, but it's them or us dying and I rather it be them. I didn't want to reveal my new suburb. I haven't even updated buildings on the WIKI just for that reason. But the wife and I did come up with a story for the Hazeldine Museum and that is posted. So someone looking for me could have possibly found me that way... But that is what took place in the month I did not put in entries. I was very busy building up Penny Heights. I forgot to mention I personally installed 7 radios in the area and tuned them to 27.11 (PH Local Radio) myself :) RNG liked me at the Tech Store in Joachim :)

--Johnny Colorado (talk) 20:45, 13 August 2016 (UTC)

The Weaponmaster Ribbon.jpg Weaponmaster Ribbon

Sniper's Ribbon.jpg Sniper Ribbon

Hand to Hand Specialist Ribbon.jpg Hand to Hand Specialist Ribbon

Fitness Ribbon.jpg Fitness Ribbon

Community Support Ribbon.jpg Community Support Ribbon

Radio Operator Ribbon 3D.jpg Advanced Radio Dispatch Ribbon

Engineer's Ribbon.jpg Engineer Ribbon

Field Medicine Merit.jpg Field Medicine Merit

Scientific Achievement Ribbon.jpg Scientific Achievement Ribbon

Resident Surgeon Ribbon.jpg Resident Surgeon Ribbon

Acquisition Ribbon.jpg Acquisition Ribbon

Reconnissance Specialist Merit.jpg Reconnaissance Specialist Merit 19:53, 10 June 2016 (UTC)


How to Update

How to update a Building Danger Report
  1. Check out the building.
  2. Change the status line to one of the available status codes.
    status=STATUS CODE
  3. Add more information about the building in the comment line.
    comment=YOUR COMMENTS
  4. Sign your edit by changing the user line. Just replace it with four tildes.

Building Danger Levels

These are the available status codes for use in the status line. Use lowercase and do not use underscores.

Building Danger Levels
Mall-safe-small.jpg safe Intact and barricaded. No noticeable zombie or PKer presence.
Mall-under attack-small.jpg under attack Persistent attacks from zombies or PKers, but the building is in no immediate danger.
Mall-under siege-small.jpg under siege Survivor defenders are under siege from coordinated and/or large-scale attacks by zombies or PKers.
Mall-ruined-small.jpg ruined The building is ruined or ransacked.
Mall-pinata-small.jpg pinata The building is ruined and barricaded to the point that it cannot be entered.
Mall-unknown-small.jpg unknown The building's status is currently unknown.