Bradbury Library

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This location is on the list of Amusing Locations in Malton
Bradbury Library

Pimbank [67, 43]

Hardin Square Mare Auto Repair Culliford Avenue
McDougall Way Bradbury Library Mills Avenue
the Nuttall Museum Tynte Mall Tynte Mall

Basic Info:

  • Libraries have no internal descriptions.
  • Libraries can be barricaded normally.

Bradbury Library



Bradbury Library was named after the writer Ray Bradbury, who wrote such books as Fahrenheit 451. Unfortunately, Ray Bradbury was unavailable to attend the opening ceremony for the library named in his honour, so instead the privilege was passed onto Steven Bradbury, Australia's first ever Winter Olympic gold medalist. Despite Steven's previous good luck his opening of the library resulted in him being in Malton on the fateful day of the outbreak and being devoured by hungry mobs of fans.

Barricade Policy

Bradbury Library is an entry point for Tynte Mall and should be kept at VSB+2.

Current Status

EHB --Drew Vino 12:39, 28 September 2008 (BST)

Against Barricade Policy, building still remains EHB, myself and other survivors are trying to knock down the barricade. --BlackstarC 10:10, 16 December 2008 (EST)

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