User talk:Psychotic Pantomime

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My Adoring Fan Mail

Tell me how much you adore me and I may just kill you last.--Psychotic Pantomime 06:45, 13 August 2008 (PST)

Now your page is sweet ... I'm really jealous now. --Matt Aries 09:58, 21 August 2008 (BST)
Not as sweet as you Matt :D --Psychotic Pantomime 09:15, 7 September 2008 (BST)

Your visit to Know Nothings Talk

Contained this line by your lovely self:

"*breaks a bottle over Gus's head*"

/me sighs. Panty, how many times must we go through this? Gus is mah zambah, Magnar Thomas is my Know Nothing. While most players relevant to that discussion know that by Gus you meant me, not all of them do.

Now, for this great injustice (again) I must demand that lewd pic you owe me --Gus ThomasSpartaZHU 05:26, 6 September 2008 (BST)

You know I'm a rebel. Would you expect any less? /me smirks then, Goes and gets another bottle (A cheaper version) and voila!
The bottle now breaks over Magnars head :D All better nao? You are so high maintenance.
Heres your LEWD pic. We're even now, ( till the next time, I am already planning Magnars demise) lol --Psychotic Pantomime 01:45, 7 September 2008 (BST)

Your A/SD request


If you are having trouble linking to images (like it appeared you did at A/SD,) just place a : in front of the image code. For example:

[[Example.png]]-that code will place the image on the page, while [[:Example.png]] will place a link to the file

Linkthewindow  Talk  23:19, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

Why thank-you! Please feel free to visit this page and leave helpful hints at anytime. Or you can just visit :D --Psychotic Pantomime 00:32, 20 January 2009 (UTC)

User:Keifer Jones

Firstly, I can't reply on Iscariot's page as he doesn't allow sysops (like myself,) to reply there. And, no, Keifer Jones isn't a sysop or an admin. In fact, the blanking of your page was his first edit. You can find out if a user is a sysop here.

Secondly, he didn't actually delete the page (ie: using the deletion tools only available to sysops,) he simply blanked it (ie: removed all content.) Yeah, it's a technicality, but just thought I would point that out.

Finally I saw you reverting the vandal edit and reported it at vandal banning. Another sysop will take action (probably a warning, although if he continues to vandalize your pages and does no constructive edits, it will become a ban.) You can do it yourself, you know ;). Linkthewindow  Talk  23:50, 13 March 2009 (UTC)