St. Maria's Church

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St Maria's Church

Stanbury Village [53,57]

St Augustine's Church Dorey Walk wasteland
Dix Row St Maria's Church a cemetery
Rowson Cinema Daynes Alley Police Dept a warehouse

Basic Info:

  • Churches have no internal descriptions.
  • Church doors do not close but can be barricaded shut.


St. Maria's Church is located at coordinates 53, 57 in the suburb of Stanbury Village. It is on the south western side of the suburb and is one of three churches in the suburb. The two other churches are directly north of St. Marias.

Barricade Policy

Following the Stanbury Village Barricade Plan this church should be barricaded to VS+2 to serve as an entry point for the surrounding buildings. The next nearest entry point is 2 south of the church at the Towers.

Current Status

Formerly the site of a major revivification clinic, it is now almost completely overrun by zombies, particularly belonging to the Pwotters zombie group.


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