Yes, everybody dies. File:Rawk.gif
Like totally.
Are you lonely? Did I embarassed you in front of the class with my guns and knives?
It's okay, it was innevitable. This is the Apocalypse, you know. I've been playin' DOOM for 17 fuckin' years waitin' for this shit to go down. No school, no curfews, unlimited ammo.
Still carrying vendettas from high school? Think you've got what it takes to hang with the Columbine Kids? Or you just wanna talk shit? Bring your dad's guns and let's do this, Brutus! MOAR AMMO!!
Merits and Ribbons:
Awarded for honorable DEM service:
Listed on the Trenchcoater Wall of Shame.
"The way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death." - Miyamoto Musashi
"I must say that to die with one's sword still sheathed is most regrettable." - Miyamoto Musashi (Courtesy of that damned ninja, Erica Rackham)
Raven Corvus said "Edward, the last BHer you met gave you a quote, so I think I shall too. But I'm a bit more of a Sun Tzu kinda girl: Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected. Sun Tzu, The Art of War :" (8 hours and 20 minutes ago)
Ninjas killed my family...