Talk:CCPD Family

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Revision as of 06:15, 8 October 2009 by Yonnua Koponen (talk | contribs) (Other uses of CCPD)
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The Great Suburb Group Massacre

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Currently the suburb in question is East Boundwood but one response to this query will be all that is needed to protect your group link on all suburb pages. I know this is a may seem a stupid request but its for all groups regardless of size. Thank you. --Adavastor 17:29, 28 July 2008 (BST)

request to save

"something"--Aphaythea 19:31, 28 July 2008 (BST)

thanks for saying something, the group link remains. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:33, 28 July 2008 (BST)

lol, couldn't resist...--Aphaythea 19:34, 28 July 2008 (BST)

my personal favourite response so far was. "We are not active". --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:35, 28 July 2008 (BST)

--Greetings from Ezreal--

Good evening, CCPD trenchies. Do you always extend such kind courtesy to people who stay in your buildings? Yes, I am a member of Cobra. But did I threaten or kill any of you prior to your aggression toward me? Nope, not a one. Not even anyone in East Boundwood, for that matter, of your group or otherwise. I thought that since I was a guest in your area that I should extend some sort of courtesy. Obviously, you do not feel the same way. It's a shame. Hope you enjoy the shitstorm heading your way. With love, ---Ezreal Desdinova, 11/2/08

Dearest Ezreal. I am not at the cop shop these days, nor have I been in awhile, and to the best of my knowledge, none of the "family" besides myself ever checks this page. So... as much as I may sympathize with your ill treatment, I doubt they will get your message this way. You might try the yahoo group which is listed on the main page but I'm not sure if it's active anymore. Best of luck! ~blows you a kiss~ (p.s. Please start a new thread if you reply, and leave the "request to save" clear. Thank you!) ;D --Aphaythea 04:26, 3 November 2008 (UTC)

The Great Suburb Group Massacre, 2009

Stop hand.png Group Active? Request.
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Suburb pages when they are no longer active. Is this group still active? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not it will be removed from suburb pages in 14 days.

Occasionally, checks are done of group activity, to keep the suburb listings accurate. Sorry if this seems like a stupid question. Linkthewindow  Talk  11:28, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

Stop hand.png Group Inactive?
No reply has been recieved as to whether this group is still active. The 14 days have passed and as such the groups link has been removed from suburb listings. If the group is again active please feel free to revert these changes

-- Linkthewindow  Talk  12:32, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

Other uses of CCPD

If you're in the wrong place, and you think that this isn't the group you're looking for, look for other uses of CCPD here.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 07:15, 8 October 2009 (BST)