About Me
I live in West Virginia, USA in a rual area. I enjoy hunting, Fishing, and building things. Im learning how to be a welder. I like being outside more than inside even though I have a ps2, ps3, psp, and a LCD Tv. I get board by myself so normally if im on the internet im talking to someone or trying to find somthing. I rarly play invovled games anymore. I play this and another game called
Travian. Besides IM'ing and posting on formns thats all i really do on the computer.
- My intrests are wide-spread and about and inconsistent as you can get. I like to work with wood. Since i figured out how to maky traditonal bows about a year ago ive build several only 2 worked at all thuogh my best one is still far to weak. I enjoy most woodworking not just bow making.
*** Not Finished ***
Daily update
- I will clear this section weekly to provide space for next week
Thursday March 8
- Well we had a 2 hour early dismissal yesterday becuase the weather looks as if it could get bad and for the 2 or so hours beforn the dissmissal was issued it was. The only problem was the buses were late becuase the roads at the time were really bad so i had to wait 20 minutes for my bus to be called and then 10 minutes outside for the bus i transfer to at the high school to go home. The dance im goig to is tomarrow but ive got track practice that ends ans hour and half befor the dance so ill have time to get ready.
Monday April 2
- Apperently trying to keep this up is a lot harder than i thought. Well anyways I'm on spring break and ive got track partice today at 4 pm and tomarow at 4 pm, then Wendsday I've got a track meet at 4 pm also. I should get home around 6:30-7:00 from practice but i more than likey wont be back till like 10 or 11pm on Wensday. For some reason Track meets are really long becuase theres like 10 schools at the ones we've been at. The first one was an invitational and there as like 15 schools there it was im guessen 10 or so hours long after i did all my events I had to leave. Then the last one i went to there was 11 schools and if i had rode the bus back i would have been home arond 3 am and the dang meet started at 5 pm. Thats because it is 2 hour drive to get there. I hope the one im going to this wendsday wont be quite as long as the others of course they were rather large most meets have about 5 schools in them it doesnt help that theres around 15 events(4 field events 11 running events) Then theres heats in each event becuase there was to many people to do them all at once.
Alittle Inactive
I've got Track practice Tuesday - Friday and get home at about 5:30. Runing around in circles for an hour for some reason wears you out probably because the track is 400 meters long and we run 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 meters different ones different days of practice. Well anyways after practice im really sore and tired not to mention the constant algebra homework !!!I HATE ALGEBRA!!!. I can barly keep a "B" in that class i dont know why but its is a hard for me to pass tests and worksheets. So thers my pitful excuse for no being on the computer 24/7.
My Characters
Class: Fire Fighter
Class: Private
Class: Zombie
Level: 41
Level: 5
Level: 4
Group: MCDU
Group: Ghetto Cow
Group: None
Main Activeities:
- Healing
- Reviveing
- Barricading
Main Activeities:
- Healing
- Fueling Generators
Main Activeities:
- Smashing Barricades
- Eating Brains
Profile Link
Profile Link
Profile Link
D.E.M. Merits
You Know You Want These Bumper Stickers
Malton Civil Defense Unit
Axe101 is a member of the MCDU.
Here, have a rat!
Lachryma has given Mazu a rat for being a lovely member of Ghetto Cow!
Suck the Cow!
In the grim darkness of Malton there is only war. And rats.
This user is male.
Alt user
This user has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.
Feral Undead
This user or group agrees with Feral Undead. Vultures are fucking cool.
War On Sheep
This user or group is sick of survivors acting like lame sheep. Zombies are supposed to be the herd creatures, not the living!