I've been playing Urban Dead for 3 years now and I pretty much concentrates on revival, healing and shooting zombies on Urban Dead as well as resource building status reporting here on this wiki. I'll update on statuses of resource buildings I can find on my journal as well.
I'm mostly traveling alone and not in any group but do say hi if you see me in game.
Current activities
3 May 2011 - Finished the second page and starting the third one on Hospital Information Center. Best news however, I'm alive again! After being dead and rotting and wandering aimlessly around Malton, I'm finally breathing again at Stanbury Village. Maybe now I can finally get the ice cream I wanted to eat for weeks instead of the bad taste of rotten flesh!
2 May 2011 - Up to N-letter suburbs on Hospital Information Center page. Also updating on a few outdated resource buildings statuses. Most of the suburbs I'm passing now is all dead and ruined...
1 May 2011 - Working on the Hospital Information Center page. So far I'm only up to K-letter suburbs. Also working on updating various outdated resource buildings statuses. Being a zombie has its peaks I guess.