Tarasius General Hospital (Spicer Hills)

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Tarasius General Hospital
--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 04:10, 20 December 2022 (UTC)
Tarasius General Hospital

Spicer Hills [21, 91]

the Vallis Motel Helliar Cinema Doran Walk
the MacVicar Arms Tarasius General Hospital the Blacker Building
a junkyard Leicester Street Dyer Park

Basic Info:

  • Excellent place to find first aid kits. Zombies frequently check inside.
  • Portable Generators have a use other than powering the lights and increasing search probability in hospitals. Players with the Surgery Skill can heal for 15 HP if the Hospital has a fueled up Generator.
  • Hospitals can be barricaded normally.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Hospitals:
    • "...its wards and corridors blackened with the soot of a recent fire"
    • "...its empty wards criss-crossed with snapped quarantine tape."
    • "...one of the city's psychiatric hospitals."
    • "...dark corridors leading through abandoned wards."
    • "...its emergency room in disarray."
    • "...its lobby covered with quarantine posters."
    • "...a children's hospital with bright murals across the walls. "
    • "The main lobby is riddled with bullet holes."
    • "It was one of the last to be evacuated, and seems to have been cleared out in a hurry."
    • "...a derelict hospital that was closed down years ago."

Tarasius General Hospital (Spicer Hills)


You are inside Tarasius General Hospital, one of the city's psychiatric hospitals. The building has been very strongly barricaded. A portable generator has been set up here. It is running. One of the wards has been decorated with a conceptual sculpture.


The exterior of Tarasius General Hospital

Named after St. Tarasius of Constantinople, Tarasius General was one of the many psychiatric hospitals throughout Malton. Seeking to better the afflicted via eclectic treatments, such as shock therapy. In addition, the hospital combined many experimental therapies with religious instruction to provide hospice to the numerous patients within its wards. With poor results, staff began aiming for palliative care rather than actual recovery. Results were both scorned for the lack of focus on treatment and praised for the ease of the patients throughout the remainder of their care in Tarasius' wards. Due to Tarasius' regimen for its patients, funding for the institution began to dry up, and fewer individuals were committed to the institution, eventually causing the hospital to close. An inquiry into the hospital revealed long-outdated methods still being used on patients, including unregulated electroshock therapy, powerful hallucinogenics, and frontal lobotomies. Because of this, just prior to the outbreak, Tarasius was put on the chopping block. Scheduled to be condemned within the year, many individuals in the community looked to the future to forever rid Spicer Hills from this black mark in this suburbs history. Due to the haunted legacy it had, along with the state of disrepair the building had fallen into, utilities were disabled, and the area was cordoned off.

One of the patient's quartering wings, made clear to accompany many survivors.

However, in the wake of the Malton Incident, the facility's demolition has been indefinitely postponed. The doors were reopened by desperate survivors, using it as a make-shift hideout and aid station. Despite the lack of utilities, numerous drugs and medical supplies can be found in Tarasius to this day, where, despite unsanitary conditions, survivors still use to treat the various infected and injured survivors.

Barricade Policy

Maintain VSB at this location. If you need an EHB+ hospital to hide out in, please go to Etheldreda General Hospital (19,89) which is only 2 moves NW.

Current Status

December 2, 2009: You are inside Tarasius General Hospital, one of the city's psychiatric hospitals. The building has been very strongly barricaded. Also here are 30 survivors, a portable generator has been set up here. It is running. One of the wards has been decorated with a glass statue, a glass globe and three carved pumpkins.--Megane Potter 20:29, 2 December 2009 (UTC)

November 3, 2009: You are inside Tarasius General Hospital, one of the city's psychiatric hospitals. The building has been very strongly barricaded. There is a powered-down radio transmitter here. One of the wards has been decorated with three carved pumpkins. Somebody has spraypainted This Hospital VSB - Blackwatch onto a wall.--Hyperion Borodat 19:10, 2 November 2009 (UTC)

Building ruined, all survivors dead. 4 zombies inside. --Aion 10:43, 7 July 2009 (BST)

Small group of Zombies laying siege to Tarasius, range of 3 - 10 zombies, with a small group of Survivors holding the building together. While not a large threat survivors are advised to maintain Barricades at VSB and to watch your step. --AppsMan 13:55, 2 July 2009.

Currently EHB. Unable to enter the building. Zombies are near but not at the hospital. Beginners should stay away for now. --Chronic0390 10:34, 08 June 2009.

Portable generator up and running as well as a radio. Large numbers of survivors easily fending off zombie break-ins and maintaining at VSB. A safe place to hole up for a bit. Everyone's got FAKs. --aClashInRedSnow 20:32, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

A portable generator has been set up here, and it is running. Barricade is at VSB. -- johnnyrichter 15:48(Central), 14 April 2008.

"You are inside Tarasius General Hospital, one of the city's psychiatric hospitals. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. A portable generator has been set up here. It is running. Somebody has spraypainted Tarasius Psych onto a wall." February 9,2013 -- aleksix


April 14, 2008 - "At this time, hospital is at VSB with 20+ survivors inside. Generator is up and running. 1 block southeast is a revive point, survivors there as well. Recon of the immediate area has shown zero zed activity." -- johnnyrichter

February 9,2013 - "Some survivors inside, some zeds outside. EHB due to zed attacks, entrance point is in the nearby cinema."-- aleksix

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