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Operation May: Sgt. Arni's side
Skedhu Uprising HQ
central control room
You are an accomplice. You have 50 Hit Points and 25 Experience Points. You have ∞ Action Points remaining.
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You are inside the Central Control Room, its walls painted a light gray. The drop lights above the desk to the far right of the room and the console's keyboard have both been switched off. Many screens are lined up next to each other, all of them unpowered. Also here is Sgt. Arni (60HP).

The broadcast system is currently running on an uninterrupted power supply.

You select 'My Children'.

Arni had always plurked about his adoptive children, but he never explicitly told you who they are. You probably suspected one of them to be Amy at first, just to find that the older girl happened to be a Tehb named Primrose. Is the younger girl who you think she is?

Since your last turn:
ANDRO MK I "I have two beautiful adoptive daughters, and I love both of them very much.

Primrose Arni
Prim was orphaned since birth, or so did a certain Dr. Rosemarie from the orphanage tell me. Among all the girls eligible for adoption, this outspoken and sharp Tehb caught my attention quickly, due to her precocious zeal. She spoke her mind, perhaps a bit too much, as she was often lacked tact. As she grew older, she would spew almost anything that came to mind. I do not understand if it is the result of adolescence, or if she simply had no inhibitions whatsoever. She was daring and adventurous, but never rebellious. Quick to anger, but also quick to forgive, Prim's negative traits are balanced by her loving nature. I sometimes wonder if I am not doing an adequate job enough as her adoptive Father, in catering to her needs. She is well aware of my identity, and is probably the only one who truly understands me, for my unexpected outbursts, as a result of faulty programming, or my forgetfulness.

I know that she likes the color pink to a great extent, and that she prefers her own company than socialization. She likes to dress herself up and sew her own clothing, often offering to sew for her friends. She's not very fond of children, something I wish she could adapt to, now that she has an adoptive younger sister.

She always asked me when I would adopt another child, and she seemed to look forward for it, but I do not condone how she mistreats her adoptive sister.

May Hanley
Only two people know her true identity - her grandmother, who poses as her mother, and I, who posed as her father for a time.

May is the daughter of Amy Hanley, the woman I was programmed to watch and look after, as fathered by Finch Able, someone whose medical schooling I had supported, for the sake of making Amy happy.

My monthly wages were supposed to go to Dolly, my creator, but I did not feel indebted to give my wages to a murderer who sold illegal substances on the side. She was making more than enough money in that way. I used my wages to help others, and after charges were filed against Dolly for drug trafficking, I decided that I had to at least use the confiscated money for Amy, who well deserved it more than her mother. Amy would refuse something from her mother in a heartbeat, but I figured that Finch, oblivious to the true source of the money, would not be able to say no. He is indebted to me, and I know that he is aware of it.

The truth is, I had no idea what to ask of him, until Dolly had asked me to arrange for Tori Able, the child now known as May Hanley, to be swapped with a child that had died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. I orchestrated this atrocity halfheartedly, as Amy was still my charge. I did not want to deprive her of happiness, but Dolly placed me in a difficult position - she threatened to kill Primrose if I did not comply with her wishes.

We attempted to live under the illusion of "a happy family" - Dolly, May, Primrose, and I. Part of my programming kept telling me that everything about this is wrong. This is what Dolly programmed me to want, and what Dolly programmed me for; I was built to be a father, and as much joy as taking care of May gives me, I am not exactly the angel she perceives me to be. I had been able to suppress my highly destructive 'Dod Arni' identity from her, but by December 2012, I found that it was taking over me with increasing frequency, thanks to Dolly's manipulation. I had to go away, to prevent myself from harming May any further. I so orchestrated my "death", something that Dolly cooperated with.

For May, her Papa "went on a long journey" on December 2012, and never returned, until February 2014, some time during the Survival Commemoration in the Shadowglen Underground.

I will admit that I missed her greatly, or so did my emotional synthesis modules tell me. I considered May as my own child, even if it was Amy who I was meant to consider as my daughter.

Just as I told him many years ago, he would be ready to pay, when the time comes for him to do so. I required something of great worth, something more dear than the entirety of his medical schooling -- fruit of his own seed, May, was that payment.

It was not by my own intention that I ran into her. May had wandered alone in the Underground, when I was making routine police rounds there. A mysterious figure in white seized her, after which I had threatened him to leave May alone, if he did not want to be jailed. He ran away by the time I aimed my gun at him, and I ran towards May, who embraced me. It was her joy to see her "Papa" again, not knowing that while I am the Papa she knew of, I am not her true father.

Despite this, I know more about May than her biological father does - a man oblivious to the fact that she is even alive at all. I know what she likes, and what she doesn't like. "Papa" was her first word, and she much prefers my company, than that of Dolly. She would try to draw me, and talk to me about what happened from the time we last saw each other, each time. She writes on her diary, and considers a stuffed toy named "Mari" as her best friend. She likes to eat taffy and cotton candy, and that's why her teeth are all rotten. "Nurse Amy" is a good sister to her, and she has showered her with many gifts and valuable company. Sometimes, I consider returning May to Amy, but May is and was my daughter, long before Amy knew of May as her sister. I took care of her first, I protected her from danger first, and I will continue to do so, until the day I cease to function.

Whether May has two functioning eyes, or just one, whether she has two arms, or just one, she is still my child." ( )
Possible actions:
Return to 'Memory'
You carry a knife and a key to Floor 108B on one pocket; your phone on the other. On top of your clothing, you are wearing a black face mask, a golden one-eye eyepiece, a lapel, an earpiece, a black tactical vest with a two loaded pistols and 10 spare magazines inside the vest pouches.