The Hard Corps

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The Hard Corps
Abbreviation: THC
Group Numbers: 13 and growing!
Leadership: Omni
Goals: Improve Survivor Life
Recruitment Policy: SeeRecruitment
Contact: See Contact
Only the Hard... Only the Strong...

Welcome to The Hard Corps. This is a survivor group, out to help other survivors. We seek to do this through reducing the number of zombies(revivificating), improving local conditions(reclaiming buildings), and, most of all, bringing a bit of cheer back into life in Malton.

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January, 2008

January 5th, 2008 Lacking true leadership many members have split off doing their own tasks. Some members have stationed themselves at Calvert Mall, while others have headed off to fight Big bash 2 at Giddings mall.

December, 2007

December 13th, 2007 As Operation: Northern lights continues, THC assisted in retaking Calvert mall along with T.M.N.T. But some old friends by the name of Shadow arrived to interupt Christmas shopping. THC will soon be heading to and old battle ground to reclaim a lost suburb.

December 11th, 2007 As the snow falls over Malton, THC brave the winter cold and head north to an unknown location. Looking to meet new allies, and visit some old friends.

December 10th, 2007 Fierce fighting continued in Molebank for many days as THC spilled blood along with their allies Phoenix Security Services. THC are now working on reviving their members and allies before another mission in dangerous Molebank.

November, 2007

November 30th, 2007

After clearing up Roachtown after the Big Bash, The Hard Corps recently began a mini publicity tour of Malton. Stopping only to clear and barricade Mansions and Cathedrals, THC have been enjoying many zombie kills and wiskey. We would also like to extend a welcome to our new allies, Phoenix Security Services. Please check out our forums if your intrested in joining or form an alliance.

October, 2007

October 15th, 2007

The Fight against The Big Bash continues, and The Hard Corps is on the lines, killing zombies, repairing buildings, restoring power, barricading against the zombie menace, and helping citizens. We are, as always, welcoming new members. If you have the urge to help out, and happen to be alive(or want to be - we welcome undead who seek a change of heart), please just sign up on our forum! Ferreus Corpus, soldiers.

October 5th, 2007

After delivering a serious butt kicking to Extinction and their Shadow team, THC have pulled out to assist survivors in the combat against the new dangers of The Big Bash. In Darkerstown we arrived to a completely ruined suburb and in only a week every building was barricaded and repaired. With our allies from The Crimson Clan and a little help from The Malton Rangers even The Pask Building was barricaded and powered. THC wish to thank all our allies and any others who assisted us in this successful operation. Oh, and we want to thank Extinction for their hospitality and target practice.

October 3rd, 2007

Operation Thorn in Dakerstown has been declared a success, with Extinction struggling to keep us out of resource buildings, instead of the reverse situation that prevailed prior to our arrival. We will be spending a few more days in the area bringing the area close to compliance with the local Barricade Plan before moving out to another project. Good work, troops! See the Forum for more information.

September, 2007

September 30th, 2007

After a small layaway for some R&R THC returned to Dakerstown to reclaim the suburb from Extinction. Operation Thorn was commenced at a classified time with over 6 buildings cleared and caded in one night. Survivors are encouraged to move back into the suburb and assist in the operation.

September 19th, 2007

THC have begun moving into Suburb 001, Dakerstown, which is currently a ghost town. We aim to re-build this suburb and encourage all citizens to move back, as it is a beautiful place to live. Resident zombies are asked to sign up for revivification, or leave the area. Mobile phone service should be restored in the next few days, but be careful not to run up the bill!

September 18th, 2007

Operation Roach Aid has been declared a success, and we have been enjoying a vacation. However, R&R is currently over, and all members are supporters are instructed to head for Calvert Mall as a staging point for an operation to take place in the next day or so. We will be occupying a suburb, and citizens will be needed to hold the location after our departure. If you would like to join us, see the forum, which has more information.

September 16th, 2007

THC have been busy with Operation Roach Aid. A successful operation clearing out and barricading Roachtown after the recent zombie attacks. With our new allies ROACH Klips the suburb was returned to a Moderate level. THC are currently resting and reloading for another operation to be disclosed in the future.

September 7th, 2007

THC is recruiting! All potential members are encouraged to visit the Official THC Forum and apply for membership! We do not discriminate based on experience or availability, so long as you can help out! In Other News, THC is currently stationed in and around Dowdney Mall, preparing for our next mission. More details will be released as they are de-classified. 03:34, 7 September 2007 (BST)

September 3rd, 2007

We're currently fighting for control of Tynte Mall and Pimbank in support of the Retake The Malls Tour. Sadly, it seems that Tynte has been over-run with zeds. Members are encouraged to find a safe location and help the locals. 17:02, 3 September 2007 (BST)


The Hard Corps was formed on August 28th, 2007, by Omni, an experienced Maltonite who had been hiding out for some weeks before become re-active.


We are a pro-survivor group, and will act as such. Because of our mobile nature, we do not "live" in a specific suburb, and move around as conditions dictate. We seek to help survivors, and treat all zombies with hostility, particularly those inside of buildings. Specific operations dictate exact policies pursuant to the Rules of Engagement.


We try best to be easy-to-get. As such, you can get ahold of us in several ways. Most of our talk occurs on our Forum, and anonymous posting is allowed in several areas. If you have a question about an alliance, want to join up, etc, try there. It's not the fastest method, but it works.


The Hard Corps welcomes all Maltonites who are ready to dedicate themselves to our cause, and improve the quality of life in Malton. While we accept the fact that some people have a checkered past, we do not wish for our group to be tarnished by our member's history. We request that you exercise your best judgment in becoming a member of our ranks.

However, joining is easy! Just visit our Forum, and create an account. Please post your forum name and UrbanDead ID# in the registration thread. Your application will be overlooked and processed shortly.

Additionally, we do ask that you have at least a few basic survivor skills. Free Running and Barricading are a near-must. A mostly-filled firearms tree or possessing Diagnosis/First Aid/NT Employment/Lab Exp are very nice to have, as well. The reason we ask you to have these basic skills is so that you can better work in the team, and not be at a disadvantage in combat situations. However, we do welcome even Level 1 characters, and will seek to help them live through Malton's troubled times and improve themselves as well.