User talk:Mister Nathan Marbles

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Revision as of 00:26, 1 April 2008 by The Envoy (talk | contribs)
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Uh huh

Um, for the record, Ranahan Public Radio isn't a group involved in the wangwaving numbers game. It's an open ID anyone can assume to broadcast on 26.80 for role playing flavor (a lot of people in Shearbank and Malton get bored with the numbers crutching game after we level out and "win" a siege or reclaim a suburb and realize there's never going to be "victory" for one side or the other). In between the last Suburb ruining and the one between that, Ranahan Public Radio fomented discussion in the suburb and provided intel when it was necessary. We were countered by Radio Free Shearbank which basically used 26.80 as a music outlet.

I never accused /Zom/ of PKing, though their members did PK me. On a role playing level, the "free fire exercise" was an abomination, so of course if something like that is raising heck in what was a civilized burg, people are going to express shock and horror. Again, a lot of Shearbank players aren't munchkins, we're role players. In wonky crunchy game terms, causing a steaming pile of death attracts Zeds via scent death. /Zom/ could have ushered in the last bash that ruined the burb ... hmmm smells like an expose if on high approves the propaganda op.

Funny how you seem to complain about RPR, even though aside from the editorials against your munchkin XP fest your group takes its advice a lot, or conclude the very course of action RPR (and the other wise old heads of shearbank) advocated in the first place. I know hive minds or whatever you're figuring yourselves out as are supposed to process faster, but maybe there's a bug retarding your deliberative processes.

All this has happened before, and I'll still be kicking around here when /zom/ gets ambitious and goes on a horde hunting tour or whatever. I'll keep the light on for you.

P.S. Remember, what really does in humanity in all the Zombie classics aren't the zeds, but the failings of human nature. Think about it.--The Envoy 20:52, 17 March 2008 (UTC)

If you're not interested in "the wangwaving numbers game," then why was it relevant that you are "one of many" RPR correspondents? My you seem to change your positions often... Almost like you don't think before you speak...
One of our members PKed you? What did you do? Did you report his name or UDID to us so we could hold him accountable? If not, why not? One would think that would be a prime opportunity for an investigative reporter to learn something about the enigmatic /zom/ group...
As for the "XP Orgy Plan," you seem to be laboring under a few misapprehensions. From the start, it was obviously a bad idea to some of us, and we chose not to participate. Unfortunately, most of our membership joined UD at the formation of /zom/, and did not know the game well enough to realize it was a bad plan. Those who spoke against it (including myself) were not heeded. Eventually, the newbs gained enough understanding that the whole thing just kind of petered out. One might think that a dedicated role-player would have something other than criticism for a group of disorganized refugees that actually plays that way, instead of like yet another military outfit. Apparently not.
Your "propaganda op" has me shaking my head and going back to the question of whether you even think before you make a statement. The Big Bash is a MALL TOUR. They were never going to skip Stickling and everyone who metas even a little bit should know that. However, there are some ignorant tools who would hear that and think it a legitimate statement. Is that the level of journalistic ethics you maintain in your "news and analysis"? If so, I am only more convinced that no one should ever listen to anything RPR says, and only more determined to keep speaking out.
But thanks for the response.--Mister Nathan Marbles 22:06, 17 March 2008 (UTC)
I don't think you know what positions are. By claiming to not be into the "wangwaving numbers game" and also claiming to be one of "many" RPR correspondence I'm not making any sort of contradiction, unless you're reasoning is based in the most naive premises. "The Wangwaving numbers" game are people invested in UD for stats. They want their group on the "group numbers" board, engage in munchkinery to level up, and are more invested in clunking through the games clunky mechanisms than actually play in the world of Malton. By saying one of "many" it just means that I'm not the only voice of RPR, RPR is like Spartacus that way. Quantification in UD to me is like Stamp Collecting. It may get you going, but not me since it's ultimately monotonous.
By UDID do you mean the DEM's Rogues Gallery or some other sanctioned PK lister? Out of general principle, I don't "report" PKs through "official" channels for a number of reason. 1.) If I'm seriously griefed by a PK, I'll take care of it through myself or my own. 2.) The PKer listings aren't all that effective, especially since DEM isn't all that active in Shearbank (members have tried to recruit me several times to keep a Shearbank presence and I generally agree with DEM's outlook). By the time a bounty hunter or Malton Marshall "took care" of my complaint, whoever beefed with me would likely have worked things out with me or been dealt vengeance Xtimes over days or even months ago. 3.) At the time, I was warring Project Godkiller against the Thor iterations, and I didn't want to go through the whole screenshot image shacking rigmarole to get some petty n00b his comeuppance.
I don't think I had any misunderstanding at all of "XP Orgy." However you equivocate your own involvement in it, you yourself admit it was a bad idea from the start. You critique my role playing of witnessing that travesty? How does one respond to such silliness? Indeed one may "think that a dedicated role-player would have something other than criticism for a group of disorganized refugees that actually plays that way, instead of like yet another military outfit." But if one fully thought things through and looked into /Zom/ at the time, there was no way to tell what /Zom/ was other than it "was a secret" that really meant they didn't know what they were about ... a ragtag group of survivors some sort of borg "hive mind." In short they were loose cannons. Critiquing their operations on moral grounds seemed like fine RPing to me. Good job nurturing them, if you're the one who stewarded them to reason.
Re: "RPR" and journalistic ethics. My game persona is a known corrupt (Lando Calrissian corrupt, not Richard Nixon corrupt) "shady" individual. Of course, RPR is going to be used for misinformation now and then, but there's just enough truth within the broadcasts that it can't be ignored outright. As far as your attack on integrity, Malton's in the UK, sweetie, they play by go for the jugular rules. As an intelligence operative of unclear loyalties and motivation, I'm going to exploit that opportunity. Are you really so insecure about your group's standing that you honestly fear an RPR "expose" stirring up a movement against your group?--The Envoy 15:45, 19 March 2008 (UTC)
Seems like you took a couple days to consider your response this time. Good job with that. Unfortunately you're still wrong. However you might try to weasel around, claiming not to care about group size when you're the one who brought it up in the first place is the DEFINITION of contradictory. Period.
Judging an entire 100+ member group harshly because of a few twinks--when even a cursory inspection would have revealed that nowhere near 100 characters participated in the twinks' plan--is just stupid. Period.
This is what I mean by UDID. I saw a lot of broadcasts stating "I was just PKed by a /zom/ member." That's roughly equivalent to calling the police and saying "I was just mugged by a black guy" and then hanging up. Can you describe the mugger? Where did this happen? Who even are you?
How could we be expected to investigate effectively and try to get the situation under control without any of that information? Why doesn't it seem to matter to you that every report of this type was replied to with "give us more information so we can get to the bottom of it"? Does it really confuse you that I object to people publicly smearing my group?
On the issue of journalistic ethics you seem to be saying that you have no regard for them, but that your lack of ethics is perfectly in character. Maybe you failed to notice, but my character is one for politely but firmly advocating truth and survivor unity. A major reason why I took this discussion to the wiki is because I wanted to have it out of character. I can be a bit of an ass when I get into arguments. My character is a cooler customer.
All of that said, "I act unethically in-game because my character has no ethics" is not a rebuttal to criticism of your behavior. I act in opposition to your unethical conduct because my character has a problem with lies and misinformation. Secondarily because you targeted his group, but he would have something to say even if RPR was simply a bad reporter pretending to be many bad reporters. The fact that you are an avowed propagandist changes nothing.--Mister Nathan Marbles 11:42, 20 March 2008 (UTC)
Well, Marbles. Some of us have careers in RL that prevent us from instantaneous discussions of game matters on a wiki.
Now you're being a poor prosecutor here. Someone saying "one of many" when called out as an "indy grouper" is not playing the numbers game. My groups aren't interested in appearing on the numbers board, nor do we engage in munchkin "xp orgies." Any reasonable person when asked which group is more concerned with numbers games could see which one fits the mold.
Again, I and others probably didn't report your group members IDs to Zom or the Rogues Gallery because we were involved in other stuff and no one wanted to cut and paste or screenshot and image shack. Lots of reasons for that. You yourself admitted Zom wasn't well disciplined upon its arrival, naturally people are going to talk smack about it. The fact that you're still apoplectic about it months after the fact, after your group's more proper establishment, is amusing. The orgies, radio abuse, and the twink behavior, like it or not, a group is judged by individual group member actions. That's why griefers will often put on a groups colors to cause confusion. Whatever your group's claim is about the actions of individuals, pragmatically speaking a group is responsible for its members. It's called unit discipline and cohesion. It's a pretty simple concept. I don't know why you're confronting me about a view held by a number of players across a range of affiliations and no affiliation in Shearbank toward your group. And I don't know what to expect from it. From what I can tell, I whinged about Zom with a bunch of other people. I lay skepticism on Beerhah and so you take to the wiki to bother me about my "defamation" or whatever it is you think I inflicted upon Zom. Again, apoplectic insecurity is something that you really ought to overcome on the internet.
Your character is a cool customers? With that hip slapping palsy thing he's got? OK, but I dunno. Again, you've taken to the airwaves in apoplectic fashion; and you sound like a lot of "group leaders" insecure about your group's standing in the burb.
In the end, you're saying these two characters have very different points of view. That's fine with me.
p.s. Note the news editing on Shearbank's page. What you deleted was fair, but you could have also taken out the "editorial" warning people against making reports. There was no news in that so it warranted deletion as well.--The Envoy 13:52, 23 March 2008 (UTC)
Hahahah. Let me make this simple for you: Either you are the only RPR broadcaster or you have colleagues. Either the number of RPR correspondents matters or it doesn't.
You claim to have colleagues, and obviously the number of RPR correspondents matters to YOU, because YOU'RE the one who brought it up in the first place.
In response, it is my assertion that if there are any others they are intermittent and/or subordinate contributors to something that is primarily "your show," so to speak. That's where you veered off into this whole digression about how RPR doesn't appear on the stats page and that somehow makes you better than /zom/. In my opinion, the only thing it makes you is unverifiable. Which again, is the opposite of "public."
As for "unit discipline and cohesion," those are MILITARY concepts. As I've already stated, /zom/ is not a military or paramilitary organization and never will be. If the bottom line here is that you and I are using different criteria to determine what a "good group" is, then I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree about a lot of this. Two points remain uncontested:
  1. /zom/ members attempted in good faith to connect with every person who complained about us and address their complaints.
  2. RPR can be considered a journalistic organization only by those willing to ignore your actual conduct and/or the legitimate purview of journalism.
1) of, relating to, or causing stroke 2) affected with, inclined to, or showing symptoms of stroke 3) of a kind to cause or apparently cause stroke <an apoplectic rage>; also: greatly excited or angered <was apoplectic over the news>
I assume you're accusing me of spastic rage. Because of what? One radio broadcast which calmly asserted that "Beerhah should not feel they have anything to prove to RPR"? Talk about a poor prosecutor...--Mister Nathan Marbles 04:50, 26 March 2008 (UTC)
OK, since your tact in calling me a hypocrite regarding numbers stems from the most basally reductive premises, I'm not sure how much further we can go here, since your grasp of sentential logic seems to be pretty short winded. That said, how do know RPR is 100% or 80% an "Envoy production" as opposed a to a game just set in motion for USIT's benefit? Seems there's a lot of chatter from them on 26.80, though you guys seem to think it's Zeug; and frankly when I'm in game these days I'm too busy doing Zombie census work with the dead Envoy and coordinating it with other dead USIT members to bother with that campaign (yeah, we could just fire up an NT and necroscan, but that means everyone in the effort just dies again which is a waste of needles. We can do just as well roaming as zeds "undercover" ... plus we like counting bodies too).
Apoplectic, yes. Because the bubbling contempt coming from your broadcasts, and your instructions to cool out and take your righteousness to this wiki amuses me.
In the end though, you're still saying, you don't like my character and the sorts of characters he consorts and organizes with. I understood that when you first wrote me, and I told you it's a game and this is how we play. So ... what are we talking about again?--The Envoy 20:21, 26 March 2008 (UTC)
I have continued this exchange mostly because the longer it goes on, the more thoroughly you demonstrate your flexible relationship with the facts. For example, the word "hypocrite" appears nowhere in this exchange before your most recent post. If you're going to refute a statement, try to contain yourself to statements I've actually made. While we're on the subject I'll repeat that I have made one singular broadcast, and I think you'll agree it was quite calm and factual. So whose "bubbling contempt" do you have a problem with exactly?
Don't think I didn't see through that "sentential logic" dodge, either. Maybe you reversed your own position. Maybe you tried to change the subject. It's starting to look to me like you got confused and lost track of what was actually at issue.
If you think you can make a case for something else having happened, go ahead and try me.--Mister Nathan Marbles 13:18, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
Again, I don't know exactly what it is your trying to "win" at here or even "argue" with me. You don't like my character, I get that. This is the third iteration of this conclusion I've offered you. It looks from the /zom/ page that they've moved onto better things, and from what I can see in Shearbank, you're nowhere to be found and have moved on too. So for the last time, I understand you're saying, "I don't like the way you play, and I blame all lies about /zom/ upon you." Now aside from the wishful scapegoating on your part of the last half of that assertion, what else are you trying to tell me?--The Envoy 01:26, 1 April 2008 (BST)


While looking for the "this user engages in role playing" template on the Template Junkies' pages and various people user pages, I've come across the following templates I liked. Most of them probably won't make it to my user page, but I've stacked them up here so I don't forget them. If you have something to say, please place it in the "discussion" section at the top of the page.

Martini.jpg Teetotaler
Mister Marbles does not drink.

NoLOL.png Gramear
This usar or gruop suport teh use of propper gramer and speling on the Wiki.

The Discussion Page!
You discuss things here.

Optimusprime2.jpg Optimus Prime
The owner of this page believes that Optimus Prime is fucking badass and can kick everyone's ass.

TuskenRaider.jpg Tusken Raider

FlyingSpaghettiMonster.jpg Flying Spaghetti Monster
This user has been touched

by his Noodly Appendage.

Zergrush1.gif ZERGRUSHKEKEKEKE!!!!
This user hates Zergers but hates paranoid chickenshits more.
PulpFiction.jpg Pulp Fiction
Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say what one more goddamn time.

Blacksmurf.jpg Gnap! Gnap!
This smurf is really smurfed and wants to smurf everyone in the smurf!

Izzard.jpg Cake or Death?
this user has been known to visit the latest show at Club Izzard [86,64]

Money.gif Consumer
This user is a consumer and is probably off looting a mall.
ErrorUgly.png Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.

Bored.jpg Why are you still reading these?
This user thinks you have way too much free time on your hands.

Muscle.JPG Too Strong!
This user thinks that survivors are too powerful and should be weakened.

Generatorcarry.JPG Heavy Lifters, Maybe?
This user can't figure out for the life of them how survivors are able to carry around several portable generators at once.
Bill&ted05.jpg DUDE! It's a Template!
This user has been known to say the word "Dude" from time to time.

Nuke.jpg Just Nuke the Place!
This user thinks the military should drop the bomb on Malton so that the zombies can mutate into something more powerful and finally pose a real threat to survivors. That is, if any of the survivors make it...
Abcletters.jpg SGP, MFD, CMS, UBP...
This user thinks there are enough capital letters used on the wiki to feed every bookworm in the world.
Crayons.jpg Colors
This user's favorite color is black.

Dolphin.JPG Dolphins
This user thinks dolphins are better than killer whales, and would totally be a dolphin, but with wings and lasers and shit.

Dogturd.jpg Full of Crap
Mister Marbles thinks that "Ranahan Public Radio" is full of crap.

Vandalism.gif IT NEVER ENDS!
This user is frustrated by the sheer amount of stupidity and crap on the wiki.
Weapons.JPG Weapon of Choice
This user's weapon of choice is his fire axe.
Dead.gif Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
RMB.JPG Discussion Page User
This user actually checks the Discussion Page.

Zombiejz9.JPG What do you mean I can't use an axe?!
This user can't understand why zombies are not allowed to use fire axes.
Backpacker.JPG Curse You Encumbrance!!!
This user carries around a lot of crap.

Newfireaxe.jpg Axe Crazy
This user has an axe. Do not cross them.

Bsfa98.JPG War On Sheep
This user or group is sick of survivors acting like lame sheep. Zombies are supposed to be the herd creatures, not the living!

ZombieJesus.jpg Bra!z Zambah G-zaz!
This user supports Zombie Jesus in all his glory.
Grab mah banana Barhah! Amen!

Force.gif USE THE FORCE!
This user only uses their powers for good,
and for tipping over small babies.

*No small babies were harmed in the making of this template*

Zeppelin.jpg Horse-Drawn Zeppelins FTW!
This user believes that horse-drawn zeppelins are awesome and wants to see them fill the skies of Malton.

Hatz.jpg MOAR HATZ
This user thinks that hats are cool and wants to see every known type of hat in the world in Urban Dead.

Sign.png Remember To Sign!
This user remembers to sign on talk pages and you should too.

Arms.gif Malton Coat of Arms
This user honors the Malton Coat of Arms.

Dawn zomb2.jpg Dont do it.
Dont try to kill every zombie, you wont win.

Hearta1.png Mister Marbles has the Heart of a Child
Tucked away in a box somewhere


Zergling.gif Alt user
This user has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.


Mwmicon.gif Mistakes Were Made
This User reads Mistakes Were Made


Can I get a witness? Yes.

Quartlylibrary.JPG Education in Security
This user supports the The Quartly (66,52) as a no-kill-zone.


My ideas about what I want to do with this character have changed significantly since I started him. I've decided to play with some new flavor text for my profile below. It feels like it needs to be longer somehow, but everything I add seems to make the whole thing clunkier. Maybe I'm just tired. It also doesn't help that I need a completely different set of clothes (some rather difficult to obtain) in order to complete the picture.

Holding an axe easily in his right hand and absent-mindedly tapping out complex rhythms with his left, there's something a bit... odd about this man. He notices you looking at him and smiles warmly.

"Need a heal, mate?"

The rhythm continues uninterrupted.

After "The rhythm continues uninterrupted", as naturally as breathing.

Also: at some point he appears to have gone to a factory and used the abandoned machinery to carve an ankh symbol into each side of his axe. The symbols gleam in the flickering electric light.

Update: The description I went with hit the character limit, so I'm keeping these odds and ends to fold into my user page at some point.--Mister Nathan Marbles 09:39, 14 January 2008 (UTC)