Gibsonton Defense Alliance/Members

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Gibsonton Defense Alliance

Headquarters - News - Members & Allies - Operations - Pk'er List - Awards

GDA Membership - Ranking System
Leadership Council - Armed Forces - Social Affairs

GDA Membership

So soldier, I hear you want join the GDA? Well good for you! All you need to do is visit the group forum and post a request to join. Only members who have, or are willing to get AIM (AOL instant messenger, will be allowed to join. Once you've done that be sure to update your survivor's group affiliation to read: Gibsonton Defense Alliance. It's as simple as that. The following is a list of all the soldiers who already fill the ranks of the GDA:

Member Name Rank Level Occupation AIM Contact
Mr Tee Man Leader Lvl 20 Military tombo1504
Sgt Havenborn 3rd officer Lvl 41 Military CXN9
T G Geko recruit Lvl 18 Military T G Geko
Arcturus Co-leader Lvl 36 Scientist PenitantProphet
Appleberry General Lvl 27 Military KingMe1220
ihall4 Grand Officer Lvl 23 Civilian Gabranth2008
Love April Nurse level 2 Military I Love April UD

Ranking System

The GDA's Leadership is based on an ICS system. Each building is operated by one leading officer. Supporting the officer will be any number of lower ranked individuals in the building.

Each one of those individuals will have a job to do. Each job will be according to the instructions of the Supervisor in charge. Along with each officer and lower ranked members in each building will be at least one trained NecroTech scientist, and a supervisor. The supervisor will make full reports on the status of each of the members inside. For every 5 members, there will be one supervisor. Once a month the supervisor will report back to Mr Tee Man in Amatt Place School with a report on how well the members are fulfilling their duties. Each report will have the status of each individual, and the building as a whole. If the members inside are not fulfilling their duties, replacements will be put in. As a supervisor, your duties are to make sure the following are being completed:

  • Maintain barricade standards
  • Keep every member inside at 100% health
  • Clear your block of zombies at all times
  • Clear neighboring streets of zombies at all times (unless revive points)
  • Keep generator fueled and running
  • Keep radio transmitter running
  • Maintain radio frequency of 29.00 MHz
  • Maintain tags inside and outside of building
File:GDA ranking.gif

The GDA's ranking system is very complex and detailed. Above is only a short description of the requirements for each rank. The following explains in detail each rank and its requirements:

Leadership Council

Rank                                                    Privileges
Leader                                          Full control, runs meetings
Co-Leader                                   Negotiations, controls large amount            
Grand Officer                       Controls small amount of members, Covert operations 
1st Officer                     Invitation to high ranking meetings, one personal bodyguard
2nd Officer                                 Major part in large scale missions
3rd Officer                        Taken to train with one of the high ranking officials
4th Officer                                       Fight in more missions
5th Officer                                      Fight in small missions
Private                                            Official recognition
Recruit                                              Fight for the GDA

Recruit is the rank given to all members when they first join. It is the lowest rank and they are not considered official members yet. Recruits will have time to prove themselves and when their commanding officer thinks the time is right, they will be promoted to Private. The level requirement can be ignored for this step, but if you are the required level, it makes things a lot easier. Recruits responsibilities usually entail gathering fuel for generators, setting up barricades, and scouting the area

When you become a Private, you are officially apart of the Gibsonton Defense Alliance. Although still a low rank, you will be apart of much more and with that your responsibility also increase. You may still have to gather fuel and maintain tags, but you can expect a lot more interaction with higher ranking officials and more zombie killing. Once your commanding officer decides the time is right, you will be promoted

5th Officer
After being promoted to 5th Officer, your long path up the ranking ladder finally begins. You will have much more responsibility, but it will be mostly killing zombies. You will be taken on small missions and take part of major defensives.

4th Officer
This position is very similar to 5th Officer, and the only reason you would not reach this very quickly after achieving 5th Officer, is because you performed poorly in a mission or you just weren't ready. This is almost the Field work stage as 5th was the testing period.

3rd Officer
The 3rd officer ranking is considered the gateway into the higher ranks. Here is where many members will stop, and branch off into different sections of the group, if the officer does not see them fit to go higher on this ladder. Sometime after promotion to 3rd officer, you will be taken by a higher ranking officer to train up to level 28. This is the most strict level requirement, and if you do not get to this level, no exceptions will be allowed. Also, even if you do make this level, your officer may decide you are not ready or the right person to go up higher.

2nd Officer
As 2nd Officer you will be helping a 1st officer maintain a building if he is having trouble maintaining it. You will also be in charge of major missions, and will lead a small section of the attack. Once you have proven yourself, you will be promoted.

1st Officer
As 1st officer, you have hit as high as most members will ever get. You will get full contact with the leaders, and they will share and discuss many things with you. You will be issued one personal bodyguard (on request) and all in all will be treated with great respect. At this point, only the Leaders can grant you the Grand Officer status.

Grand Officer
If you have reached this point, then you have proven your self to the Alliance and have done great things. You will be in charge of many buildings, and will have two bodyguards (on request). You will know almost everything the leaders know, and will take part in many covert operations. This is also the first time you will be granted the privilege of promotions, and you will decide who goes up, and who stays.

Co-Leader status is the highest anyone can get to. You will b e a major part in negotiations, waging wars, and will be in charge of a large area of Pescodside. You will also be in charge of changing policies.

You control everything. That’s how it goes. Deal with it. The only way anyone new can enter this rank is if a Leader steps down or is unable to perform his duties. There will only be two leaders at one time, and there is no restriction as to how long he will serve.

Armed Forces

Rank                                                Privileges
General                            Control Commanders and command teams to attack
Commander                                  Control one or two strike teams
Internal Affairs                  Take care of recruitment, punishment and elections
Demolitioner                   Take down barricades and weaken numbers inside buildings
Scout                             Scouts an area and then reports back with numbers
Medic                                  Heal people and maintain Revive Points
Peon                                  Foot soldier. Take part in small attacks

As peon, you are simply a soldier that does what is instructed. Your main job will be to attack until you run out of AP.

You will heal people, and when there is not as much going on, you may be assigned to a Revive Point.

You will be the first person to go in, and asses the situation. For our Free-Runners, you will locate entry points, and you will tell how high 'cades are for buildings in the area of the attack.

You will take down Barricades of buildings containing high-profile targets.

Internal Affairs
You will be in charge of Regulations, and overseeing promotions in the Armed Forces.

You control one or two strike teams, and lead them into battle.

You will oversee the entire Armed Forces. You will send teams to attack where you seemed fit, as along as it has been approved by the Leader.

Social Affairs

Rank                                                    Privileges
Diplomat                                    You will go to other Forums and HQ's
Negotiator                                You will negotiate the terms of treaties      
Body Guard                          You will be put in charge of protecting certain members

Body Guard
You will be put in charge of protecting and healing a specified member. At first you will be assigned to a low level member, but as you prove your self, you will eventually be protecting high renking officials. If requested, this can be a permanent position.

You will work with enemy groups (the ones that are willing to be worked with) and work with leaders (of our group) to discuss treaties, and agreements to be made.

You will go to other groups' forums and HQ's and serve as a representative of the GDA.

Medical Services

Rank                                                    Privileges
Surgeon General                             Leader of entire medical division.
Surgeon                    Top Medical official assigned to a building, usually a hospital.
Mortician                                   Assigned to a revivification point.
Combat Medic                     Heals others and performs combat revives during attacks.
Doctor                              Heals other survivors within his assigned building.
Nurse                                       Basic medical position, heal others.

You will be assigned to a building and heal other survivors.

You will be assigned to a building, most likely an NT, and heal survivors. If there is a nearby revivification point, you will handle revives, as well.

Combat Medic
You will heal your allies during attacks and will also handle combat revives. During times of peace, you will be assigned to a building or revivification point.

Your job is to stay at a revivification point and revive.

You will be assigned at one of GDA's main buildings, an NT building, or a hospital. You will also be in charge of Necronet scans.

Surgeon General
You are head of the Medical Services. You will assign lower ranked physicians to their stations.