Strutt Bank
Strutt Bank
Miltown [97, 99]
Basic Info:
Strutt Bank
Home to the members of Order Of The Specter.
Barricade Policy
this is ment to serve the members of the Order Of the Specter with a safe place to sleep without fear of waking up zombiefied, so pleese keep at EHB at all times. To get in, use Warehouse 95,98, 1 north and 2 west from here. Also, if you dont posess the free-running skill then feel free to use the warehouse to sleep in.
Current Status
Its no longer dark and its at VHB. no zeds around. On a side note, This building is under ownership of the order of the specter, im saying this because the new group in the area "el diablos" are planning on claming ownership of this and other buildings soon and they should be warned, they will be killed if they are seen trying to claim ownership or pking our members again, they will be KOS'ed --18:00, 18 June 2008 (BST) Lord Darkpigion Do52 | E! | E? | C | 02:50
Strutt Bank, a once glorious finance establisment on the outskirts of Malton. It had beutiful murels painted across its golden yellow walls and abstract statues made of bronze decorated its long halls. Unfortunatly the Apocalypse has had its effect on this building. Its walls now splattered with the blood of both human and undead, a constant reminder of a horible and terific battle that happend not too long ago. This is the story of this battle,...
About 4 months into the Apocalypse, the Order Of the Specter had defeted many zombie leaders and things in Miltown were starting to look better. Well, things were looking better, untill the undead started to develop a new tacic, instead of waiting around for a new leader to bark orders at them, why dont they just move as one? By attacking in small groups of about 30 zombies, baracades came down quick and the fresh meat inside got shared between the group.
News of this deadly new tactic being implemented by the Miltown hordes soon reached the Order Of the Specter. The Order were curently taking refuge in Strutt bank and the surounding buildings. The agents of the Regonal Federation (a small group of The Order who are like special ops troops. working alone to take down small groups of zombies and help defend the various safehouses of Miltown.) who had been sent north-west to get a damage report came back in pieces. The few scouts that survived told the leaders of The Order that there were clear signs that the undead were moving south-east with a deadly quick pace. They would be at the bank in a matter of days.
The Order were in grave danger. They rallied as many people as they could and all of their opreatives were sationed at the baracades. Two days after The Order and several members of the public had basicicaly "locked themselved in", the zombies stared to knock. But no one could be prepared for what happened next.
From the reports, everyone had been expecting a small group of about 20 zombies, but when those baracades came down, a horde of about 150 undead came pouring through, hacking and bitting everything in their sight. Everyone retreated to the second level and prepared for a counter attack. As the zombies came crashing through the makeshift baracades in place on the top of the stairs, the humans started to charge taking down as many of the rotting dead as they could whilst trying their hardest to avoid the icy grip of death. The Regional Federation members that were still alive were right at the front of the battle and they made first contact with the horde. This is because they are specialised at close combat, prefering a good katana or fire axe to a pistol or shotgun.
The skirmish that took place in the Vault Hall on the second floor took place over the course of about 30 minuets though it probably would have felt like days. The noise was defening as the groans of the dead only being muffled slightly by the screams of the dieing. But the lines on the undead started to thin and they retreated into the night
As epic this story was to the survivours of that night was to them, in the eyes of most people, it would seem like any other raid. Just another group of zombies on the lookout for a fresh meal and doing whatever they can to get one. But whatever it was, their seemed to be somthing far more sinister in their motives, it was almost as it they were trying to get revenge of some kind,... --Lord Darkpigion Do52 | E! | E? | C | 02:50 23:30, 10 June 2008 (BST)