Zombie Skills Usable by Survivors

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A number of zombie skills are usable by and useful to survivors.

Zombie Skills

Bold skills are usable by survivors.
*Starred* skills are prerequisites of skills usable by survivors.

Skill Usable? Comments
*Scent Fear* No effect Must be purchased in order to get Scent Death.
Scent Blood No effect The Survivor skill Diagnosis allows the HP of survivors in the same block to be displayed anyway. Scent Blood's ability to distinguish infection doesn't cross over to survivors
Scent Trail No effect
Scent Death Usable Allows survivors to distinguish between normal corpses and revivifying bodies. The action 'Scent Death' can't be used though.
Digestion No effect Survivors can't bite anyway.
Infectious Bite No effect Survivors can't bite anyway.
Vigour Mortis No effect
Neck Lurch No effect Survivors can't bite anyway.
Death Grip No effect
Rend Flesh No effect
Tangling Grasp No effect
Feeding Drag No effect
Memories of Life No effect Survivors can open doors anyway.
Death Rattle No effect Survivors can speak anyway.
Feeding Groan No effect
Ransack No effect
Flailing Gesture No effect
*Lurching Gait* No effect Survivors can walk for 1 AP anyway. Must be purchased in order to get Ankle Grab.

It is, however, useful for any dead survivor traveling to a revival point.

Ankle Grab Usable Allows survivors to stand up for 1 AP.
Brain Rot Counter-effect It makes becoming a survivor again after being killed extremely difficult, and some survivors will even kill survivors with Brain Rot as a zombie spy.

See also