User:Dr Eddie Ashford
![]() Background HistoryA cold wind in the air. Torched and ruined buildings as far as the eye could see. In a dark alley between an abandoned NecroTech facility and factory, a young man stood downing a bottle of Jack Daniels. He breathed heavily, trying to hold back the tears swelling in his eyes. He wore a white tattered and blood-soaked lab coat, a black short-sleeved shirt, blue jeans and a blood-flecked pair of black shoes. At his side sat a holstered Glock 44, a Sawed-off Double Barrel shotgun was strapped across his back and in his belt, a much used combat knife. He held in his hand a wrinkled and slightly blood-flecked picture of a young brunette woman smiling back at him. You can see the man's hands start to shake as tears poured from his eyes. His name was Eddie. A groaning nearby made him quickly dry up his tears and tuck away the photo. A tattered zombie was approaching him from down the alley, it came groaning towards him. Eddie drew his Glock and unloaded the entire mag on the zombie, blowing bits of its arms off. His final shot hit right between the eyes and blew part of the zombie's head off in the process. It slumped to the ground in a heap, but he wasn't sure if it was dead and didn't want to stick around to find out. He stood a moment and took a deep breath to calm his nerves before reloading his Glock with a spare magazine from his pocket. He finished off his bottle of Jack Daniels before throwing it at the zombie. He then walked around the corner to a nearby black Mustang.. his. Igniting the engine into life he tore off down the street, running down any zombies that got in his way. He arrived at an abandoned warehouse and pulled into its garage. He quietly pulled down its metal door so as to not draw attention to himself before climbing the stairs to a small room. An old bed sat on one side while, near the door sat an old couch. Pushing the couch in front of the door, Eddie walked over, layed down on the bed and tried to sleep. He barely slept anymore. But then, how could he? What with the zombie infestation, and the knowledge that somewhere, his fiancé roamed the streets... as one of them. Eddie must have gotten some sleep as he opened his eyes to see a few rays of sunlight glare through the window. Rolling out of bed, he picked up another bottle of Jack Daniels he brought up from his car. He took a swig and placed it in the pocket of his lab jacket he had just put back on. His Glock was always at his side and the Sawed-off Double Barrel shotgun was once again strapped across his back. Pulling the couch away from the door, he left the room and walked down the stairs to where his Mustang sat. He filled the tank with a spare fuel can from the trunk before opening the garage door. He looked around for signs of zeds but there weren't any that he could see so he walked back, jumped into his car and started the engine. He roared out onto the streets. He quickly jumped out to shut the garage door before getting back into the car and pulled off down the street. Thoughts of his fiancé filled his head.. not knowing what had happened to her, he hoped she was safe somewhere and longed to see her again. He slowed the car to a halt, something had caught his attention. It was graffiti someone had sprayed on the side of a building. It read: join the Umbrella Corporation followed by instructions on where to find them. He took off down the street... for he had found a group that could help him. What I've been upto on the Wiki