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The Player

I was delivering a crate of beer to the Much Arms in 1998, but my truck broke down. Seeing the (seeming) friendly people at St Barbara's Church next door, I decided to sleep there overnight while the nice folks at Nott Auto fixed up my truck. However, I soon discovered that the folks there aren't exactly... normal. To make a long story short, I was locked in the basement and forced against my will to be brainwashed in their cultist ways. While I was in captivity, I made it a point to learn all I could about the church and its surrounding buildings. In the 7 years I was there, I managed to gather a lot of information and even some basic survival skills. I also gained the trust of some of the less devoted cultists there, which I knew would be vital in my escape. One night, while the brothers were doing their daily studies of the movie in which their dear Barbara was martyred, I managed to slip out the back doors of the congregation. I ran as quickly as my feeble, slavery-ravaged body could run to Anne General Hospital, whose doctors were alarmed at my poor, malnutritioned appearance. They offered my shelter as I recovered, but while I was in the hospital, I realized something the cultists had kept secret from me - The last trucks out of Malton had already left, and I was stuck in this mostly-unfamiliar town to battle the horde. Since I already knew the Dulston area, I decided to team up with the survivors and fight them. Since the cultists have been cleared from the building, I tend to take up residence in and around St. Barbara's church these days, doing my best to keep out those who once kept me in there for so long.

The Diaries

Well, since I'm a fairly active survivor in one of Malton's more active 'burbs, I decided I'm going to make a diary. Earliest events are first - Enjoy :D

☼ Today was relatively uneventful. In the day following the siege of Trood by the horde, I awoke to find that it was ruined with 12 zombies inside. I did my best to combat the horde, but to my despair, not a single zombie was slain. I am currently taking refuge in St. Barbara's Church, and plan to continue the fight tomorrow. TehHeyhey 00:03, 20 August 2008 (BST)

☼ Wow, a lot of bad luck has been happening lately. St. Barbara's was broken into while I was asleep, and of course, I'm the one to die :P At the time of writing, I'm standing here at Duport Avenue, hoping some kind soul will come out of Whitlock to revive me. The Trood Building is still ruined, so I know better than to hope for a revive at the cemetery south of it. Hopefully Dulston's survivors' luck will change tomorrow. Meanwhile, its nice to see that two suburbs near us went green today. TehHeyhey 21:39, 20 August 2008 (BST)

☼ Today was a much better day in my opinion. I got revived, slept in Anne General, and amazingly... DIDN'T DIE! So, I toddled my happy camper self over to Trood, killed a zed, toddled back to Anne General, bought Tagging, and toddled my way up to the Beale Building. Lots of toddling today. Thats a fun word... toddle. Anyway, I'm gonna sleep here and hope it doesn't get seiged, and tomorrow I'll try to get some syringes so that I can revive some of the poor souls at the cemetery by Trood. TehHeyhey 21:57, 21 August 2008 (BST)

☼ Oh, the irony. Of course, since I had good intentions for survivors, zombies smelled them and came to spread their barhah in the Beale building. After ruining it and killing practically everyone inside, they left without a trace. So, now I'm stuck here at Duport Avenue waiting on a revive. I think Lurching Gait would be a good investment... I guess that's what I'll use my next 100 EXP on. TehHeyhey 21:31, 22 August 2008 (BST)

☼ The past two days were not very pleasant... I just died again because I accidentally miscalculated my AP and went ot sleep standing outside Trood, and then I stood up like an idiot... So I'm basically gonna get killed again, have to waste 10AP standing up, and then hope I ave the AP to move to Duport... Dulston sucks XD In other news, survivors recaptured St. Barbara's Church, and we powered it up and have a good number of survivors attending it.... I envy them... TehHeyhey 01:57, 25 August 2008 (BST)

☼ Today was bittersweet. On the plus side, I got revived BEFORE being killed again. On the down side, I found Anne General unpowered with a mob of zombies inside... the poor D.I.T.P.S had a job ahead of them, if we plan on defending St. Anacletus and even retaking Anne General. Soon, Dulston will no longer be just moderate... I think it'll need to be elevated to dangerous soon. Its too early to tell. Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow with more info on the survivors' cause. TehHeyhey 21:32, 25 August 2008 (BST)

The Propaganda

Dulston Alliance Banner.jpg Member of the Dulston Alliance
This user is a member of the Dulston Alliance and shall protect the Northeast from all manner of invaders.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)