User talk:Sazahn

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Revision as of 15:07, 21 October 2008 by Saralan (talk | contribs)
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Hey, I really like your user page! Very nice! --Airborne88Zzz1.JPGT|Z.Quiz|PSS 09:04, 30 March 2008 (BST)

Chris Alloy

Hey it is me, Chris. Listen, I would have gotten to you sooner but here is the thing, I am locked out of Yahoo and Myspace along with other ones except for some forums. Would you be so kind as to tell me my pass for the recruitment forum? And where did you and Daren go? I looked around but you were no where to be found. If you have died then looks like I am putting my anger to good use here at Sixtus. Also check out Hazmat. I update it every now and then. It looks good. So can you still tell me the pass for the forum? I can't IM you at Yahoo. Sorry tell it to me in my discussion. Thanks. Hurry back to Sixtus with a squad of men and women and get me the hell out! Thanks again.-- User:Chris Alloy

Me again. I am sorry but I ran out of action points defeating a zombie and I didn't get this message until just right now. I am sooooooooo sorry. I will make my way to the position again at this time: 10:30 Eastern Time. Be there with a syringe ready. I have plenty of medkits to heal me after you revive me. And promise me one thing. Please don't shoot me. Please? Thanks. P.S.--- Hazmat is finally given up hope of retrieving Sixtus right now but in the future we will take it back. The RRF will pay! it is soo sad. Thanks again, Chris Alloy.

Ok, what does PST stand for and what does BST stand for? I am not really good with all of the time differences of the time zones. Got your message and I will wait. Just don't forget about me later on. Chris Alloy.

Ok i am right outside the junk yard. Let me in or sometin. Glad to be alive soon. I'll wait for you tomorrow. G'night. Oh btw, just call me Chris. 9:41 (EST).

Thank you. Come to Hazmat and look under Movie Of The Day. This movie is funny.

Have you watched the movie yet? My computer is down and I don't know when it will be back up so don't worry if it is like a week before I talk to you or reply. Hang tight. I also have a job for you. I want one of the Paradox members dead. His name is Noobermenschen. I want it clean and no traces. If you do this then you might have a little more paper in, if not already destroyed , bank. Remember, clean and no traces. 12:22 (EST) User:Chris Alloy

I don't have his thing but I know he was nearby when Sixtus fell. In fact, now that I remember, he was the one that attacked me when I became infected. He killed me and he made me become one of them. I don't know where he is now but don't listen to him. He claims alot of things. Don't believe him, he is a traitor. Most likely a spy for the RRF. Anyways, he also said some things that are very personal and I don't need to repeat. You will have to find the Paradox's home base and trace him from there. Sorry I can't be of any help. Good luck-- User:Chris Alloy --

About the Hordes

The RRF is incoming from the West (though they may just head straight for Ridleybank, considering it's green status), but I believe the horde currently in Edgecombe is the Militant Order of Barhah. --Saralan Talk 404 ZHU 13:28, 28 May 2008 (BST)

                • my parents found me out i wont be back!!!!!!chris alloy


Hello and I am User:Selena. I umm heard about you from Chris and from what he has told me you are a really good friend. Thing is, I can't see what you look like. My eyes are blind but I have a sharp sense of hearing. Ever watch Naruto? Have you seen the girl with the white eyes? Well, my eyes are the same color as that girl's. And ummm -blush- I gotta go. Oh yea, Chris wants an update on the job!

Help Selena!

It is me, Chris! I know I know, long time no see for like a month right? Well shut up and listen, I have a crisis to deal with. User:SelenaNatisha, is a friend of mine and is in trouble from what I heard. She is always up to no good! Heaven forbid her going crazy in the streets at night! Oh and I heard about the job too. Selena told me. Anyway, I am pretty sure that it was that guy unless it was someone with a similar name. Hmmmm, maybe? Oh I almost forgot! I have a secret here! You know Selena right? Well, she ummmmm *clears throat* has a crush on you I think. One last thing, I need you to help me here. It is another job and this time I have the proof you need! This is directly copied from the game since idk how to get the thing on here to show you:

You are lying outside St John's Cathedral, its towering spires of white stone reaching high above the surrounding buildings. Through the broken stained-glass windows, you can see that the interior of the building has been ruined.

There are three dead bodies here.

Since your last turn:

   * Airborne Trooper said "Hazard let me know when you are moving out" (4 days ago)
   * Choking Hazard said "Hey, ah, Chris? Damon's with MERCY, so he and the rest of them tend to be near either St. Gelasius's Hospital or the four corners area." (3 days ago)
   * Choking Hazard said "Or, you might try the leader, Sister Rita. Or ask at their forum." (3 days ago)
   * Choking Hazard said "Know what sucks? A 0 for 40 search... *sighs*" (3 days ago)
   * Cobra 47 said "Mitchem Mall has fallen, 16 zeds outside Doddington Towers" (3 days ago)
   * Super Six One said "That snake is deadley....don't worry i have got it." (3 days ago)
   * Super Six One killed Cobra 47. (3 days ago)
   * Super Six One said "Your Welcome" (3 days ago)
   * Cobra 47 rose from the dead as a zombie. (3 days ago)
   * Sister Rita said "Rest easy, friend...I see you." (3 days ago)
   * Sister Rita injected a zombie with a syringe and it slumped to the floor. (3 days ago)
   * Graf Desmofsky said "Can anyone spare a FAK? Much obliged." (3 days ago)
   * Airborne Trooper said "Hazard i am going to the mall to resupply then if you want i will meet you here again" (3 days ago)
   * Airborne Trooper said "Let me know on the forum" (3 days ago)
   * Cobra 47 said "guys Ling PD has been overrun and there is one zed outside the SE corner of St John's" (2 days ago)
   * ddoomsoC killed Cobra 47. (2 days ago)
   * ddoomsoC shot you with a pistol for 5 damage. (2 days ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
   * You were killed by ddoomsoC. (2 days ago)
   * T3H 541NT dumped your body out onto the street. (2 days ago)
   * You heard a loud and distant groaning 2 blocks to the north. (yesterday) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
   * You heard a loud and distant groaning 4 blocks to the west and 2 blocks to the north. (yesterday) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
   * A flare was fired 2 blocks to the east and 11 blocks to the north. (yesterday)
   * You heard a loud and distant groaning 2 blocks to the east and 3 blocks to the south. (23 hours and 34 minutes ago)
   * You heard a distant groaning 2 blocks to the east and 2 blocks to the north. (23 hours and 1 minute ago) ...and again. (21 hours and 57 minutes ago)
   * You heard a loud and distant groaning 2 blocks to the east and 3 blocks to the south. (17 hours and 42 minutes ago)
   * You heard a loud and distant groaning 4 blocks to the west and 4 blocks to the north. (17 hours and 37 minutes ago)
   * You heard a loud and distant groaning 2 blocks to the east and 3 blocks to the south. (17 hours and 27 minutes ago)
   * You heard a loud and distant groaning 4 blocks to the west and 4 blocks to the north. (16 hours and 26 minutes ago)
   * You heard a loud and distant groaning 5 blocks to the east and 6 blocks to the north. (11 hours and 39 minutes ago)
   * A flare was fired 5 blocks to the west and 10 blocks to the north. (11 hours and 13 minutes ago)
   * A flare was fired 4 blocks to the west and 14 blocks to the north. (9 hours and 12 minutes ago)
   * You heard a distant groaning 3 blocks to the west and 2 blocks to the north. (3 hours and 56 minutes ago)
   * You heard a loud and distant groaning 4 blocks to the west and 4 blocks to the north. (1 hour and 58 minutes ago)
   * You heard a loud and distant groaning 3 blocks to the west and 5 blocks to the north. (1 hour and 48 minutes ago)
   * A flare was fired 4 blocks to the west and 4 blocks to the north. (45 minutes ago)
   * You heard a loud and distant groaning 4 blocks to the west and 5 blocks to the north. (8 minutes ago) ...and again.

You are dead.

Possible actions:

Get the bastard will you? [Here] is his link. Afterwards, politics and brandy with Daren if he is on with helping Selena.

Nice to Meet You Here

Well, I finally found you on the wiki Sazahn. I'm currently in East Greyside now, pretty beaten up, I'm in Sixtus getting some medical attention before I bootleg it for Roftwood to help you guys out. I heard you were going to try and retake St Ethelberts. Anyways, you can now contact me at any time, you have both my number and wiki address. See you out in the field. Anyways, I'd better jet before that guy comes and tries to chew my arm off again. --Daren Elaine 06:56, 26 June 2008 (BST)


Thank you I will tell Chris that as soon as possible. And, I am currently at Lock Boulevard Police Dept. I am dead and no one has cared to revive me, they just dumped me out on the streets like I was just nobody! Please come help! The situation is out of control! Right now, there is only one zombie out here but, there may be more coming and there is no telling when! The barricades are at light and it isn't looking good. Help me please!

On another matter, that is really cool about your arm! And I heard Chris say something about you having a mask on. Is that true? May I touch it? Oh and thank you on your offer of fixing my eyes. But I was born this way and I shall stay that way. At least until I really need sight back. Chris has talked a lot about you btw. He tells me your an extraordinary friend to have when fighting off zombies! And ummmmm *blush* I...... uh..... *smiles uneasily* really ummm..... I have to go! Please help me and any survivors! Good luck *dreamily*!

Umm.....Mind filling me in?

Really, I just got a call from Chris (I haven't seen him in a while....) telling me to help out his friend Selena, told me to ask you about it, then left. what exactly am I asking you about, because after reading Chris' message, I think my head spun......--Daren Elaine 05:45, 1 July 2008 (BST)

While You're In East Grayside...

Go to Purser Way and you will find a man named Ox Brandforth. He is currently a zombie and he is there. I recently met him and he seems like the right kind of person to join you Merc company. Oh btw, read what was painted there too, I painted that a long time ago. Spare a medic if you can. Chris Alloy.

Mind lending a hand?

Well, I'm going to be OOC, essentially, due to a family crisis I was unable to play the game at all and came back to find myself, not surprisingly, extremely horizontal. Currently at Orders Street just south of Bale Mall. Mind giving a comrade a hand back up?

I hate when real life interferes with the important things. xD --Daren Elaine 05:33, 3 August 2008 (BST)

Your Fate

We are The Fates. We are here with only part of your fate. You will rejoice with two of your friends but one will fall to those you hate. You will be brought down when have reached the peak of your power. You will never trust no one. Heed this fate well and you shall be prepared. The rest of your fate will be decided. We are The Fates.


Augh, is that you Sazahn? Man I *pops neck* really need to talk to you. It is me Chris. I am in a great amount of pain man. I am dead. So long have I been I feel the desire that is inside me growling for human flesh. Where is Selena? She still alive? I hope you guys are okay and drinking beer next to a roaring fire. I will see you guys later. Okay? *collapses on ground*


It is me, Selena. I am *gets up from the ground* dead. I can do something I have never done before; see. I can see! If only I could see you and Chris's faces I would be happy. But I am not. I wish not to be dead. Please help me as soon as you can. *collapses on ground and falls asleep*

Need some help with this Sazahn? I know you're tied up at the moment, but I have no current obligations. I can lend a hand if you're willing to accept it. Just point the way. And by the way, what in the world was that 'Fates' thing about? --Daren Elaine 06:50, 29 September 2008 (BST)
Don't worry about it, if they wish to live, they can meet me in Crowbank. --Sazahn 00:51, 30 September 2008 (BST)


I only got a thousand here but I will pay you back. From what I see, money has turned you into a cold-heart bastard. I will transfer the money soon enough. I seen your fate by the way. Weird you got one and not someone else. I understand you being upset about me and Selena but don't worry we are ok. Talk to you later.

Okay.....I'm Officially Pissed

Now I've been doing some reading I to believe that Chris Alloy and Selena Natisha are actually the SAME FREAKING PERSON!?! Did we both get sent on a wild goose chase at the whim of some kid, who thought sending the both of us into EXTREMELY dangerous territory would be fun? Now I'm not angry at you, mostly at, him, but I'd kinda like some answers for all the wasted time in that hell hole they call Shuttlebank. --Daren Elaine 02:50, 2 October 2008 (BST)

Trust me, I just found that out when they didn't use a signature. Chris Alloy's message about payment was submitted by Selena, So was the *stirring* comment. It pays to look sometimes. Sorry for all this Elaine. --Sazahn 05:22, 3 October 2008 (BST)

You Idiot

True I am using Selena's account but guess what? I lost my pass so I have to get by with Selena's. She is going to be pissed when she hears you say that me and her are the same person.

Heh. --Sazahn 23:37, 3 October 2008 (BST)

*Watches with interest* Considering the circumstances, you have to admit Chris, that it IS slightly suspicious. And after leaving us hanging in Shuttlebank, I hate to sound callous, but she has no right to be angry at us for anything. Well anyways, Sazahn, what do you think of this? Think he's telling the truth? --Daren Elaine 03:51, 4 October 2008 (BST)
Brutally honest, a merc never trusts anyone. What's to prove you two aren't the same character? And as he has stated, she has no right to be angry since you left us basically in the hands of Extinction. Holding out in the PD she was supposedly defending... Constantly sacrificing our lives and spending time trying to rescue her when we could have been helping the evacuation efforts within Roftwood. --Sazahn 07:45, 4 October 2008 (BST)
Daren, shut it. Sazahn, I have a good reason for not being there ok? I had lots of things to do during the summer and I went to my Grandparents. Selena called me and when we were talking, I asked her why she didn't get on to play. She hasn't thought about to play on UD much. I told her to start playing cuz she pissed off you guys royally. She is trying to get to were you asked her ok? And I am heading back for Sixtus. Jesus, I thought we were friends. We helped out each other during the siege at Sixtus. So long as we are friends I will scratch your back if you scratch mine, but so much as betray me to anybody who we hate and you will wish you did not do that. And I am sorry about your men in Roftwood. Ever hear the saying, "Sometimes doing the right thing is not doing the right thing"? If you had to evac your people out and save more than just two people, then I understand. Hell it is better to save more than one. You are a leader Sazahn. You choose what is right for your people. Daren, have enough sense to believe me. You too Sazahn. If you don't believe that story about me using Selena's account cuz I lost mine, then you just as bad as the friends I have in the real world. I trust them but they don't trust me. Anyways, have you any contact from Creedy Defense Force yet? Just wanna know. Oh yeah, Selena does like you Sazahn. Probably know that already. She is a she and I am a he. Got it? I am straight ok? Selena likes you Sazahn. Peace out for now. Chris Alloy
Honestly Sazahn I don't think he's being honest. The posts by Chris Alloy and Selena are almost certainly written by the same person. I'm not talking about just the same account. I mean probably the same person did the actual writing because it has the same tone, format, and style. I guess this Chris just gets off on dressing up as a girl and flirting with other guys. Well as they say 'different strokes for different folks. --Omegaomnus 06:30, 7 October 2008 (BST)
Oy.... I will read this all tomorrow when I am wide awake... --Sazahn 09:12, 7 October 2008 (BST)
Ok, with rest and some food I can read this now. Sir Alloy, the siege at Sixtus was not my mission, but I ended up being sucked in to help. Your aid there was appreciated. Now, I chose to help you since the MMS and half of Roftwood should have escaped with minimal damage, but reports from mercs showed that many didn't quite escape. I accepted your mission and went to aid Selena. Now, I will question why she was in Extinction territory? A level 1 should not be there unless he/she/it plans to join Extinction. Even I knew not to go there when I started out. I did not wish to bring Sir Elaine nor any other merc into this since our work was needed still in the evacuation (which failed since they were killed by RRF). You also had us go on a hunt to track down an LUE member and defeat him. Now, I am no friend to the LUE but I don't want their men on my ass. Sir Elaine went and aided on that one and found no trace of his presence there so he pulled up to help me. And if memory serves me well, you had us run our way to East Grayside to revive and recruit a level 1. I went to go find him and followed your directions, he was not there. So after that I returned back to the PD where Selena was. I had my equipment ready to revive and get her out of there, but she ended up disappearing on us and we thought, "We should go, this is not the best place to be." But then we thought, "No, a little longer and she will be here." Well that wait was a month and our supplies and resources were running short. Daren and I believed that this was a set-up, but we still waited. Finally, after a while, we came to the tacit conclusion that you and Selena were the same person. I am not sure on ox, but all 3 of you went M.I.A. at the same time. That kind of sets off the wrong impression. I trust friends, I learn to if I want to survive, but as a mercenary your duty is to watch your own ass while helping others. Omega knows this principle pretty well since he used to be a top notched mercenary himself. Now Chris, I am going to remain with my opinion until I can have some proof here... If you want to be believed then I want you, Selena, and Ox Brandforth to join my forum and make a post where ever you have access. If you don't do this then expect no sympathy from me.--Sazahn 23:38, 7 October 2008 (BST)

Umm Hi...

Name is Ox Brandforth and I saw your Mercany company and I wanna join up. Can't go to forum. Computer freezes when I go there. So will ya recruit me?


Hey Sazahn, the MMS have a new forum! It'd be great if you could register, as we're allies and all. I know the MMS haven't been around Roftwood lately, but I'd like to keep in touch.

The url is: --Saralan Talk 404 ZHU 16:07, 21 October 2008 (BST)