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Fluck Library | |
Ahh, where to begin, Fluck Library has always been a lolcation that resides deep in the hearts of those kids over at ALiM and of course the ever notorious group of Maltonians known only as "2 Cool". Lacking a lolarious picture has never stopped the hilarity that is Fluck to shine through, what with it's excellent description and witty graffiti, carefully transcribed by our very own User:Nallan.
Without further ado, I, User:J3D, your host for this evening, present to you, the patron of Malton's favourite list of Amusing Locations, the final featured location to take out the year that is, and has been 2008, the one, the only Fluck Library! |
To edit, simply replace the link to the featured location after "Current Featured Location - " and then replace the text and picture after the style section on the next section.