
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 01:56, 29 December 2008 by Pestolence (talk | contribs)
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Pestolence: Chase me, ladies, I'm the cavalry.
I can picture a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

I'm generally an easy-going guy. The only two things that piss me off are idiots and people who spell my name Pestolance instead of Pestolence. And when those two are combined in one person, then my wrath is terrible to behold.

In the game, I'm primarily a "bad guy"; I enjoy playing as a zombie or PKer much more than as a survivor, although I run one of all three kinds. My survivor tends to just hang out in one spot and listen to others' idiotic chatter. You can read about my characters further down on this page.

I'm not too active on the wiki, mainly hanging around my group's page and the Kempsterbank suburb pages. I've recently uglified my page, since the old design was getting too hard to edit efficiently. It's somewhat under construction-ish, but the odds are good that I'll decide that changing it to look better is too much work and leave it like this for good.

If you need to talk about the wiki, the game, or just want to chat, that's what the talk page is for.


Due to real life problems and their resulting time constraints, I am no longer a member of any groups but the Noise Abatement Society. All the best to my former groups.
Also, I haven't put any profiles on this page. There are plenty of places my profiles can be found, but here isn't one of them. Sorry.

A level 43 zombie, member of St. Ferreol's Hospital Noise Abatement Society. Currently in St. F's, keeping it quiet.
A new level 6 survivor, leveling up around Reganbank. Likely to remain unaffiliated. His trademark T-shirt bears the enigmatic letters "McXC" on it, but no one seems to know what they mean except him.
the night on fire
Level 25, PKer, formerly of the Columbine Kids, the most beautifully tasteless group in the game. Currently inactive.
Adam Meredith
Just stood up in Monroeville, and wanders among the ruined buildings. He's managed to stay alive, but for how much longer?


User talk:Pestolence