UDWiki:Administration/Policy Discussion/Semi-protection

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This suggestion takes only the semi-protection part of the policy. This policy would make use of the wiki's inbuilt "Autoconfirmed" group for the purpose of semi-protection of pages, preventing users who haven't been autoconfirmed yet from editing the page.

Users will be autoconfirmed after 1 week and 25 edits by the wiki software. It cannot be removed.


This policy would allow pages that normally wouldn't be locked to be semi-protected, normally on pages that do not need to edited by new users but are at risk for vandalism. Semi-protection would prevent vandal-only accounts from vandalizing certain pages, but unlike a full protection it won't restrict other users.

Some examples of pages that could be semi-protected:


Semi-protections will work much the same way as full protections. Users may request a page to be semi protected at A/PT which will then be reviewed by a SysOp and action taken accordingly. If deemed necessary, SysOps may semi-protect pages that are undergoing repeated vandalism from vandal only accounts (not autoconfirmed), otherwise a full protection may be needed.

Typically, unless there is an imminent threat of vandalism, community pages, talk pages or any page normally edited by new users should not be semi-protected.

Voting Section

Voting Rules
Votes must be numbered, signed, and timestamped. They can take one of two forms:
  • # comments ~~~~
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The only valid voting sections are For and Against. If you wish to abstain from voting, do not vote.


Not yet under voting


Not yet under voting