The Plucknett Building

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the Plucknett Building

Brooksville [30, 68]

the Butson Arms
(North Blythville)
Holdsworth Row Fire Station St. Anastasius's Church
Woodroffe Crescent
(North Blythville)
the Plucknett Building Ellison Cinema
Glass Avenue
(North Blythville)
a warehouse Lambley Square

Basic Info:

The Plucknett Building



Barricade Policy

As long as we will be in, the barrricades will be at EHB+4. We would be quite obliged if visitors help the barricades to stay up that way. Most common entry point is Ellison Cinema located 1 block east.

Current Status

EHB --inreal 19:04, 08 July 2009 (UTC)

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