Junkyard 72,51

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Revision as of 21:03, 28 March 2010 by Yonnua Koponen (talk | contribs)
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a junkyard

Edgecombe [72, 51]

Tayler Row Copless Grove Railway Station Sargent Crescent
the Browne Building a junkyard Whitehead Park
Abot Towers Cadbury Bank Tredger Towers

Basic Info:

  • All junkyards were sealed and locked at the start of the quarantine, and required wirecutters to enter, unless someone else had already cut the fence. It is widely recognised that all junkyards in Malton have already been cut open.


Prior to the incident, this junkyard was full of junk... It is now full of junk... Clearly some things don't change...This Junkyard has a mural of fierce looking Dogs spraypainted onto its fortified fencing.


Current Status

Barricade Policy

VSB see Edgecombe Barricade Plan.

Bt junkyard.gif

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