Abot Towers

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Abot Towers
--VVV RPMBG 00:42, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
Abot Towers

Edgecombe [71,52]

Morrow Lane the Browne Building a junkyard
Hardisty Auto Repair Abot Towers Cadbury Bank
Moon Way a wasteland the Peek Arms

Basic Info:

  • Multi-story housing blocks. Windows can be jumped from to turn a character into a zombie.
  • Towers have no internal descriptions. Some towers, like Lerwill Towers in Greentown, have mobile phone masts mounted on them.

Abot Towers


Named after the the Abot Family, whose family fortunes financed these office tower's construction.

Recently the Abot Tower has been adopted by a small group of survivors calling it the house of Bobness (group soon to be made if we live for more than a few days!)

Abot tower.jpg

Inside the place is a mess currently and the group moving into the tower are clearing the dead bodies and heavy barricades which are stopping the lower levels amongst us entering the tower, later on we may build up the barricades again and have access buildings around.

Floor Listing

Ground Floor - House of Bobness

(all other floors blocked off until we clear the stairwell)


..:: 24 January 2008 ::.. A small group of survivors move from Chanter Alley Police Department and lovingly nicknamed the ground floor "House of Bobness"

Barricade Policy

..:: 24 January 2008 ::.. As a starting the policy will be Very Strongly Barricaded (or as close to it we can keep it) allowing access to low level survivors without free running

Current Status

..:: 24 January 2008 ::.. Ready for settlement everyone welcome to visit unless you have a taste for human flesh