Gibsonton Squatters
We are the Gibsonton Squatters, a group of anarchists, anti-consumers, ex-workers, bohemians, and assorted non-capitalists living and working in liberty and freedom in the Gibsonton Squatter's Commune, based primarily around the Squat in North Gibsonton.
We oppose the works of Imperialists, Fascists, Corporate Neo-Colonialists, and Neo-Imperialists. We primarily use nonviolent tactics such as civil disobedience and subvertisement to voice our dissent- after all, the zombies are a more grave concern than the police right now. Besides, needless violence and destruction perpetuate the same tired stereotypes of anarchism. That is not to say we are unwilling to fight the daily violence of authority, if need be.
As an anarchist group, all decisions regarding group policy and alliances are made by popular democracy. No coercive force is levied on group members.
We Believe:
1. Power ought to be decentralized to avoid abuse. Centralized power allows a small opressive group to enforce their will on the populace through force.
2. The rule of objective law in a sham. All law and morality is subjectively based, and violence is the engine by which authority presses its own views onto others.
3. The State is violent in its nature and relies on violence to enforce its rule on the people. The state maintains power through its monopoly of violence.
4. The State inevitably favors the powerful, who have influence over the state, and thus maintains social stratification. In those cases where the disenfranchised take over the State, a new social stratification is born.
5. Even a Democratic State is one that can be easily controlled and manipulated by the wealthy and influential to consolidate their power. Most major candidates are wealthy, campaigns are extremely expensive, and the power of lobbyists ensures that our easily corrupted politicians bend to the will of those with enough capital to buy them off. Votes have become another commodity to be bought and sold, and the military-industrial complex, reinforced by the centralized corporate media, ensures that democracy is not to get in the way of power.
6. Society works best when social contracts are made voluntarily, not coercively.
7. Militarism and the police state (which is, in essence, every state) are another form of terrorism. States use violence and the threat of violence at home and abroad to enforce their will through fear and intimidation.
8. Even a socialist state leads to social class stratification and oppression. Socialism works best when done voluntarily in communes in which a non-contributing member can be voted out of the commune by popular democracy and a nonhierarchal organization ensures that no person establishes abusive dominance. To establish all economic power in the hands of the state is suicidal.
9. Squatters have rights. If a landlord isn't using his buildings, those buildings ought to be occupied and reclaimed from him. No eviction!
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Anarchism |
This User or Group supports the concept and ideals of Anarchism, and will fight against all kind of oppression and groups that want to establish the old capitalistic order. |
Conflict with the Imperium
The history of Squatter conflict with the Imperium is long. The first act of open aggression between the two was an attack on the Squat by Imperium troops attempting to stop the Squatters from broadcasting anti-authoritarian messages from their home. The jack-booted thugs destroyed a radio and generator and murdered a Squatter. After this, the Squatters maintained a policy of using tags, detournment, and rhetoric to protest Imperium domination of the suburb. This led the Imperium to send one of their troops to murder a Squatter. The Squatters demanded the murder of their members ceased and delivered terms of peace to the Imperium, which the Imperium refused. In typical authoritarian fashion, the Imperium attacked the Squat and killed its inhabitants as their declaration of war. The Squatters have since vowed to engage in guerilla war against the Imperium.