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Revision as of 18:10, 21 March 2006 by Nirovan (talk | contribs)
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Nirovan is dressed in a uniform that used to consist of a bleach-white shirt and black pants. However, the now-tattered shirt is so covered with grime and blood that it has taken on more of a rusty color, and the jet-black pants have faded to a dark gray. The patch on his left arm below his small rechargable shoulder radio identifies him as Nirovan Vorschtatz, an Emergency Medical Technician from Zephyrinus General Hospital, Ambulance 6. He carries a backpack improvised from his EMT's jacket, with a black leather belt as a single diagonal shoulder strap. Nirovan looks to be in his early twenties and stands at 5'11" with a head of black hair. His cyan eyes clearly convey his strength of will and his disposition to fight to the last. He looks as though he would go to great lengths to make sure others live to continue fighting as well. A small book with a brown leather cover and a strip of gauze protruding from the top is secured in his waistband next to a junky Nokia cell phone. A smudged badge that used to belong to a "Powell" is numbered 7331 and identifies him as being associated with the Dunell Hills Police Department.

Quicklinks Journal - Profile

Website (Not UD Related) - Dunell Hills Riot

Miscellaneous Crap


Nirovan: "I can write Haiku // Ev'ry haiku has only // Seventeen sylla---" 19:16, 24 February 2006 (GMT)

The second place winner! He wins a golden banana!


[Somebody has spraypainted Waffles! Today fresh! on the wall.]

  • McClaud said "I haff come fer dere vaffles. Vere are da vaffles?" (02-18 03:02 GMT)
  • NekoDaimyo said "Waffles? Where are these waffles?" (02-18 03:03 GMT)
  • AJ Jones said "I don't know where they are, but they are apparently 'TODAY FRESH!'." (02-18 03:04 GMT)
  • NekoDaimyo said "Ve are needink the vaffles. Ja." (02-18 03:05 GMT)
  • McClaud said "'alo dere, undt Neko Jager. Joo come fer da vaffles too, jes?" (02-18 03:07 GMT)
  • NekoDaimyo said "Alo, McClaud Jager. Ja, eye yam here for da vaffles. Haff joo seen zhem?" (02-18 03:12 GMT)
  • McClaud said "Na, dere hidink da vaffles froom oos, aye tink. Doan make Jagers get angry, hoomans. Aye yam hungry." (02-18 03:14 GMT)
  • NekoDaimyo said "Ooo! Aye hates vhen de hoomans take oos foor fules. Dey alvays stickink in my teeths." (02-18 03:20 GMT)
  • McClaud said "Ja. Now, hoomans auf de Ooper Lef Kerner, vere are dees vaffles joo afvertize?" (02-18 03:31 GMT)
  • McClaud said "Aye yam barricating jour kerner, zoom halp vould be nice." (02-18 03:33 GMT)
  • McClaud said "Dere, now aboot dem vaffles ..." (02-18 03:34 GMT)
  • Leslie Brant said "Quack?" (02-18 03:34 GMT)
    ...and again. (02-18 03:35 GMT)
    ...and again. (02-18 03:35 GMT)
    ...and again. (02-18 03:35 GMT)
  • Lord Tin Tin said "vaffles? we dont need no stinking vaffles" (02-18 03:35 GMT)
  • Leslie Brant said "Quack?" (02-18 03:35 GMT)
  • Leslie Brant said "quack?" (02-18 03:36 GMT)
  • Leslie Brant said "Quack?" (02-18 03:36 GMT)
    ...and again. (02-18 03:36 GMT)
  • McClaud said "Aye yam readink zee paint on dere vall. Eet says Taday, freshk vaffles." (02-18 03:36 GMT)
  • Leslie Brant said "Quack?" (02-18 03:36 GMT)
    ...and again. (02-18 03:37 GMT)
  • Lord Tin Tin said "*loads duckshot into shotgun* Duck hunting season be open" (02-18 03:37 GMT)
  • Leslie Brant said "Quack?" (02-18 03:39 GMT)
  • McClaud said "Dis Ooper Lef Kerner? Ist hokay auf ve sit har vit joo hoomans?" (02-18 03:39 GMT)
  • Leslie Brant said "Quack?" (02-18 03:39 GMT)
    ...and again. (02-18 03:40 GMT)
  • NekoDaimyo said "Boot vhat about de vaffle season? Vhen ist dat? Eh, Hoomans?" (02-18 03:40 GMT)
  • Leslie Brant said "Quack?" (02-18 03:40 GMT)
    ...and again. (02-18 03:40 GMT)
  • Leslie Brant said "Quack?" (02-18 03:41 GMT)
  • Lord Tin Tin said "Damn you ducks! always quacking on about something! also theres a german so dont mention the war!" (02-18 03:42 GMT)
  • NekoDaimyo said "Eef dis Leslie Brant doosn't stop mitt de qvacking, pairhaps ve vill haff de duck soup?" (02-18 03:42 GMT)
  • McClaud said "Mmmm, duckie zoop. Aye liak dukie zoop. Now joo gone make me 'ungry again, Neko." (02-18 03:43 GMT)
  • McClaud said "Ve doan care bout no var. Ve fightink all da time. Joos now it beink zambays. Aye liak to crack dere heads open." (02-18 03:44 GMT)
  • Lord Tin Tin said "A moose once bit my sister...." (02-18 03:44 GMT)
  • Mike Blade said "did I go to the Forgien corner of the mall?" (02-18 03:45 GMT)
  • Lord Tin Tin said "Well to be fair she was carving her initails onto it with a sharpened toothbrush given to her by her brother in law who was a famous denti..*passes out*" (02-18 03:45 GMT)
  • Leslie Brant said "Quack?" (02-18 03:45 GMT)
    ...and again. (02-18 03:46 GMT)
  • McClaud said "Ve serve da JLP. Heterodynes go somevere, leef da Jagers behind. Ve not zo keen on da zambays." (02-18 03:46 GMT)

  • Betaguy destroyed the generator. (2-19 00:49 :: 45 minutes ago)
  • McClaud said "Aye tink dis betagai shoot get soom Jager loov. Vhen aye see him again." (2-19 00:55 :: 39 minutes ago)
  • Anub'Arak said "Ok, now we just need some fuel to get the puny Christmas lights on again." (2-19 00:56 :: 38 minutes ago)
  • NekoDaimyo said "Homanz. Aye missed de vaffles? Vhat is de vorld comink to?" (2-19 00:57 :: 37 minutes ago)
  • NekoDaimyo said "De petrol ist beink needed? Aye gots some petrol, here, somewheres..." (2-19 00:58 :: 36 minutes ago)
  • Keane said "We still have the zombie treadmill dynamo, created by Gulliver, to tide us over...but still, fuel would be wonderful" (2-19 00:58 :: 36 minutes ago)
  • NekoDaimyo said "Hokay, de petrol is in de gen-or-hator. Somevun torns it on, now, yas?" (2-19 00:59 :: 35 minutes ago)
  • Betaguy destroyed the generator. (2-19 01:10 :: 24 minutes ago)
  • Keane said "Betaguy, if the christmas lights are bothering you, you can always wear this handy sleepmask, and not go about smashing generators all willy nilly. That's a mighty poor way to express anger my friend." (2-19 01:11 :: 23 minutes ago)
  • NekoDaimyo said "Gott demnit! Vhat punk hooman broke de dem gen-er-hator?" (2-19 01:25 :: 9 minutes ago)