501st U.S. Army Battalion/Omega Squad

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501st U.S. Army Battalion

We're Coming For You


Main Page - Operations - Members - Council

Allies - Safehouses - The Mass - Ranks

Trinity Directorate of Sergeants

Operation Safehouse - Sandbox

Special Groups

Omega Squad - Alpha Squad - The Shadow

Blood Red Cross - Bravo Squad - CNS

Omega Squad, the lone stars out to kill the killers. Currently recruiting able-bodied men that want PK blood.

Omega Squad
501st Insignia new.PNG
Abbreviation: 501st Omega
Group Numbers: 0
Goals: Hunt down PK'ers
Recruitment Policy: Soldiers will be conscripted to this unit.
Contact: http://501stbattalion.fullforums.com/forum


Sergeant Killian Ale witnessed many survivors killed by zombies. But he also saw many survivors being gunned down by other survivors. He decided that this was an outrage. Taking up arms, he formed Omega Squad to hunt down those that threaten the humans of Malton that are not dead.

He vowed that every PKer in the sight of Omega Squad would be cut down...forever.

When the 501st was reinstated, Omega Squad was left empty. The new Directorate felt that Omega Squad should be left alone for now and that only if a member requests to join will they be accepted. But now the whole group lays asleep, waiting for someone else to take the mantle of the 501st.


1. PKers are demons that must be killed.


None currently.

501stally.PNG Ally of the 501st

This group is either ally of the 501st U.S. Army Battalion or a sub-group. They are under protection and if attacked, are retaliated in war. These groups are highly trained. You've been warned.