Template:Wiki News
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Wiki News | |
MMMM DD | A policy regarding preventing harrasment is being discussed. All users are encouraged to voice their opinions. |
February 3rd | Axe Hack has been nominated for the position of sysop. All users are encouraged to comment. |
February 1st | A policy regarding promotion procedure has come up for a vote. All users are encouraged to cast their vote. |
January 30th | Spiderzed has been nominated for the position of sysop. All users are encouraged to comment. |
January 28th | Big Survivors Little Survivor has been nominated for Historical Group status. All users are encouraged to vote. |
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{{NewsItemGreen / White | timestamp | news item}}
To add a line to the wiki news, do the following:
- Alternate between the templates {{NewsItemWhite}} and {{NewsItemGreen}}
- Correct the time stamp and new links.
- Please, add the item to UDWiki:News.
- If you see an entry which hasn't been added, be sure to add it.
- Failed nominations (for sysop promotion, historical group status, etc.) are not reported
- Items that are more than two weeks old should be removed from the list.
- When submitting a news item, please also enter it into UDWiki:News.
Types of News
Historical Group Voting
Historical Group Voting
{{NewsItemGreen|MMMM DD|[[ExamplePage|ExampleGroup]] has been nominated for [[:Category:Historical Groups|Historical Group status]]. All users are encouraged to [[Category talk:Historical Groups|vote]].}}
Historical Group Status
{{NewsItemGreen|MMMM DD|Congratulations to [[ExamplePage|ExampleGroup]] for being a [[:Category:Historical Groups|Historical Group]]!}}
Historical Event Voting
Historical Event Voting
{{NewsItemGreen|MMMM DD|[[ExamplePage|ExampleEvent]] has been nominated for [[:Category:Historical Events|Historical Event status]]. All users are encouraged to [[Category talk:Historical Events|vote]].}}
Historical Event Status
{{NewsItemGreen|MMMM DD|Congratulations to [[ExamplePage|ExampleEvent]] for being a [[:Category:Historical Events|Historical Event]]!}}
Sysop Promotion
User Nomination
{{NewsItemGreen|MMMM DD|[[User:ExampleUser|ExampleUser]] has been nominated for the position of [[UDWiki:Administration/Guidelines#What_are_System_Operators_on_this_Wiki.3F|sysop]]. All users are encouraged to [[UDWiki:Administration/Promotions#ExampleUser|comment]].}}
User Promoted
{{NewsItemGreen|MMMM DD|Congratulations to [[User:ExampleUser|ExampleUser]] for [[UDWiki:Administration/Promotions#ExampleUser|becoming a sysop]]!}}
Policy Discussion
{{NewsItemGreen|MMMM DD|[[UDWiki:Administration/Policy Discussion|A policy]] regarding [insert brief description here] is being discussed. All users are encouraged to [[UDWiki talk:Administration/Policy Discussion/PolicyPage|voice their opinions]].}}
Policy Voting
{{NewsItemWhite|MMMM DD|[[UDWiki:Administration/Policy Discussion|A policy]] regarding [insert brief description here] has come up for a vote. All users are encouraged to [[UDWiki:Administration/Policy Discussion/PolicyPage|cast their vote]].}}
Policy Passed
{{NewsItemWhite|MMMM DD|The [[UDWiki:Administration/Policy Discussion/policy page|policy name]] policy has been approved by the community.}}
Open Discussion
{{NewsItemWhite|MMMM DD|There is an [[UDWiki:Open Discussion|open discussion]] on [[UDWiki:Open Discussion/DiscussionPage|brief description of what is under discussion]]. All users are encouraged to participate in the discussion.}}