Guides:Spawning Hotspots

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Revision as of 22:41, 9 February 2011 by Rosslessness (talk | contribs)
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Rillie Bank

Roftwood [69, 59]

the Nicks Arms Poultney Street Fire Station Roynon Road
the Ker Building Rillie Bank Pardoe Square Fire Station
Garrow Drive Fire Station
Paskin Square Fire Station

Basic Info:

  • All banks were emptied or looted prior to evacuation. Tagging a bank earns 1 XP.
  • Banks are Dark buildings.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Banks:
    • "The vault lies open, its contents either looted or transferred."
  • Banks can be barricaded normally.


After the recent article on spawning highlighted the specific locations each character class begins the game at it is now possible to create spawning hotspots. Some groups now intentionally leave spawning locations at a vsb level and powered in order to encourage new players. In a recent experiment a 404 member in a ghost town repaired a Necrotech building, raised its cades to VSB and powered the structure. Within 24 hours, 4 level one Necro-technicians had sprung into life inside. When 404 left, a fledling group of revivers had already formed to carry on the survivor cause in the area.


Malton's premier fire fighting force is in trouble. Only 21 members, no wiki presence and little in game influence. Which is strange, as almost every Guide out there suggests the Firefighter class is the best starting class out there. What fire fighters need is a big recruitment drive, and a sizeable force. But how to do that?

To take this to its logical conclusion, Rillie Bank could be the single most important building in Malton.

Rillie Bank

Have a look at Rillie Bank's Location. It's within 3ap of every possible TRP, the only hostile group is the RRF and even then you're really out of the zone of influence of greater ridley.

But more importantly, its bordered by 4 Fire Stations. In a city of 230 such structures, thats a huge clump. Now Imagine you can get them all powered and Very Strongly barricaded. Instead of holding 2% Of Maltons Fire Stations, you've got a Fire fighter spawning machine. At any time less than half of Maltons Fire Stations will be suitable powered and caded to allow new fire fighters inside. Imagine what you could do within such a small area. A few well placed pieces of graffiti, a few group members speaking to all the new characters every day. Pretty soon you'll have a sizeable force of fresh faced survivors.

Why not?

As far as I understand no group has actually attempted such a large scale recruitment initiative, but its actually very simple. An area with several NT's or Hospitals could be equally effective.