St. Willibrord's Hospital
St. Willibrord's Hospital |
St. Willibrord's Hospital
Lerwill Heights [25, 57]
Basic Info:
Current Status
10 march 2011 VSB
30 january 2011 Currently EHB with a generator running, radio transmitting, and survivors inside.
12 november 2009 St Wilibrord's is EHB with survivors inside. -tassajaramonk
1 july 2009 You are inside St Willibrord's Hospital, its lobby covered with quarantine posters. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. Also here are Lairaku (50HP), Nano MDB (55HP), Silvast (50HP), Dr Coriell (60HP) and mierdaface (60HP).A portable generator has been set up here. It is running.Somebody has spraypainted Under Attack, Cades to EHB! onto a wall.--Dr Mycroft Chris 05:08, 1 June 2009 (BST)
27 July 2007 -- Hospital is safe, with only a few groups of 1-3 zombies in the immediate area. # of survivors inside, 10. The hospital is not over-barricaded, it is welcome to survivors. it does have a generator and is fully functional,next to phone tower as well...