Cornford Cinema

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Cornford Cinema

Quarlesbank [28, 4]

Kembry Boulevard Fire Station the Bendall Building the Norcliffe Building
the Willmott Motel Cornford Cinema a warehouse
a cemetery wasteland a junkyard

Basic Info:

  • Cinemas are "shrouded in darkness" when unpowered.
  • Cinemas are Dark buildings.
  • In the presence of a fuelled portable generator, a Cinema's flavor text will change to one of the following:
    • "…a black-and-white drama film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…a recent horror film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…an old horror film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…a black-and-white documentary film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…a recent drama film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…a dramatic science-fiction film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…a black-and-white science-fiction film playing on its main screen."

Cornford Cinema


A pokey, single screen cinema. The cornford was never the sort of place suitable for family viewing, though was a hit with the uncouth youth of the area as it was renowned for mainly showing adult movies and seriously bad action b-movies. It seats 100 on the ground floor level, and has a balcony area that seats an additional 36, but has an unfortunate permanently lingering and rather unpleasant odour. It had been disused for several months before the outbreak, and was in the process of being bought by up-and-coming cinema company EPICvision. The projection equipment was left on the premisis during the takeover, but has since the outbreak been comandeered by Shed, who now show back to back runs of films starring one of their members.

...So when there's power, sit back, grab some popcorn and drink, and enjoy!

(but make sure your bloody mobile is off!)


Barricade Policy

VSB++ at all times

Current Status

Showing back to back runs of Biff Chitts classic films, see posters for showtimes.

Currently Showing

'The whole 'Dink Justice' quadrilogy'

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