Rillie Bank

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Rillie Bank
--VVV RPMBG 04:35, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
Rillie Bank

Roftwood [69, 59]

the Nicks Arms Poultney Street Fire Station Roynon Road
the Ker Building Rillie Bank Pardoe Square Fire Station
Garrow Drive Fire Station
Paskin Square Fire Station

Basic Info:

  • All banks were emptied or looted prior to evacuation. Tagging a bank earns 1 XP.
  • Banks are Dark buildings.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Banks:
    • "The vault lies open, its contents either looted or transferred."
  • Banks can be barricaded normally.


This bank is one of three in Roftwood and is mainly used as an inconspicuous safehouse. It is of particular note due to it's close proximity to four fire stations.

Barricade Policy

This factory should be barricaded to VSB++ in accordance with Roftwood's barricade plan.

Status Updates



Tagging the outside of this building earns 1 XP.

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