West Malton University/Policies

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Our Mission & Focus

Let's make no bones about it, West Malton University is a survivor group and we're dedicated to teaching newcomers to Malton how to stay alive in a city overrun by the living dead. Its faculty, staff, sponsors and students are busy, visible and vocal participants in the life of Grigg Heights, Owsleybank, Molebank, & Reganbank. The WMU prides itself in our unwavering support of the local community by healing the wounded, reviving the involuntarily undead, and by maintaining and defending vital resource buildings. Alongside its programme of lectures, classes and informal instruction in the mechanics, strategies, anthropology, psychology and ethics of life in Malton, WMU hopes to provide a shelter for all that wish to stop by & kick up their feet for some much needed R&R.

At WMU, we focus on the new player. Although we welcome all who grace our University, the WMU is not concerned about fame or having veterans with huge egos or even about "winning" the game. Our faculty and staff spend a great deal of AP talking and teaching to help students progress through levels, often putting their own interests aside. We call out the names of the wounded so that freshman students without Diagnosis and Free Running, whose ability to gain XP is severely restricted, can acquire those essential skills as quickly as possible. For that reason, we ask that the healing of wounds be left to the new students. Most freshmen will gain almost all of their experience inside the college walls. Once they can diagnose and free-run, we encourage students to go out into the surrounding area, helping the community and gaining more experience along the way. Faculty and staff are always available to guide students, answering questions, offering encouragement and reassurance, cracking jokes and lifting spirits. WMU is an interactive, noisy place, where the teaching takes place in an atmosphere of fun.

West Malton University askes that it be known as a neutral zone. We teach and heal all survivors, regardless of group affiliation, whether or not they usually play as a zombie, have brain rot, or even feature in the Rogue's Gallery. PKing on University grounds is forbidden, as is bounty collecting. Our focus is on teaching our students, and PKing and bounty hunting disrupt our supportive atmosphere.

Policies In General

  • The faculty of West Malton University encourages asking questions!
  • WMU is a neutral zone. No PKing, please.
  • WMU is a neutral zone. No bounty collecting, please.
  • The faculty of WMU reserves the right to expel any problem individuals given just cause and sufficient warning. Violating our neutrality by PKing/bountying on WMU grounds, can result in expulsion, as can abusive or obscene behavior.
  • Nobody is a low priority. Except in a serious conflict, heal indiscriminately. We're all in this together; the level one survivor you save today could be the one who kills the zombie chewing on your arm a few months down the road.
  • If you don't need the XP, call out the names of the injured so that students can heal them.
  • If you have Diagnosis and Free Running and zombie activity is low, please allow freshmen students to heal small injuries so that they can gain experience more quickly.
  • WMU teaches "intelligent" Combat Revives. See C.R.A.P. for an explanation of the reasoning behind this policy. Attacking zombies be warned: you will likely be CRed. Zombies who break through our barricades are considered volunteers for our Combat Revive class, and we thank you in advance for volunteering! The WMU does not teach blind revives or stupid revives. A problem PKer is usually better left dead; a problem zombie is usually better left alive. Both are out of their element that way. All this being said, we also understand that certain un-dead individuals in our area are not fond of being CRed. In fact, they will & can make your life a living hell until they are put down once again. So we also practice the philosophy of knowing our foes very well. So we will bend the C.R.A.P rules a bit & keep "certain" zombies in our area dead.
  • Only one alt can be a student, staff, or faculty member of WMU. Members who wish to train a new alt at WMU will have to move the existing WMU alt to a new suburb & wait 24 hours before bringing their new alt into the area. Our University follows a stringent anti multi-abuse philosophy & we feel that multi-abuse is a first step in the slippery slope toward zerging. Speaking of zerging.......zerging is not allowed. Alts of members of WMU absolutely must keep a ten space minimum distance from their WMU alt. It would probably be an even better idea if you kept twenty spaces apart. Yea, we know we're stricter than some other groups about this issue but look on the bright side, when you graduate, you get a nifty graduation template for use on your wiki user page as a diploma! And you can brag that by coming out of our University, your moral compass is pointed in the right direction.
  • No person on the Ignore List shall be given safe haven on the WMU campus. Persons on the Ignore List will be shot on sight by WMU security. Persons condoning or sanctioning text rapists are not welcome at WMU, will have no safe shelter there, and will be placed on the Expelled list.
  • WMU does not revive zergers. So if you are on the the Zerg Liste, you're wasting your time swaying at a revive point waiting on one of us. But, it's not difficult to get off the list if you just try a little bit. Get off the list and we'll do business with you in the future, no questions asked.

PKer Policy

  • In a neutral zone, everyone is healed indiscriminately, and that is our goal. PKers and former zombies alike are safe and welcome at WMU as long as they behave according to the same code we expect of everyone else. They will be healed and treated in a civil manner.
  • If a PKer kills a person on our grounds and appears to remain a threat to other students they will be expelled from the college, removed by security, and placed on the DNR list. They will be given as little attention as possible so that their unwanted behavior isn't reinforced by drama. The appropriate report will be filed with the Rogue's Gallery.
  • If a PKer kills a person on our grounds and leaves we do not retaliate. This person is placed on our DNR list and given as little attention as possible. The appropriate report will be filed with the Rogue's Gallery.
  • If WMU staff or students run across known PKers away from campus, they take no action against them. We do not wish to bring a war to our University.
  • We do not have a "KOS" list.

Our Lists

DNR List

  • We have a Do Not Revive List; doing something that gets you on this list will also mean we do not heal you.
  • This list is reserved for people who are a threat to our University as Pkers or and for repeated griefers. You have to work to get yourself on this list. We reserve the right to add an entire group to this list should the behavior of the group warrant it.

Please Don't Revive List

  • WMU also has a Please Don't Revive List located at the bottom of the page. These people have requested that they not be revived by WMU, or they qualify as "not-so-smart revives". These people have not misbehaved, and we have generally congenial relationships with them. We just aren't reviving them at the present time.
  • Note that under "battle" circumstances, WMU reserves the right to combat revive these people should the situation warrant. Also, the nature of WMU means we always have less experienced members with us who are still learning, and who will occasionally make mistakes, including mistakes as to who to revive and when. We apologize in advance for this, but it's inevitable: if you hang around WMU, mistakes WILL happen. We will, however, try to not revive the people on this list when possible.

WMU home

Chancellor's Office

Degrees Offered

Barricade Plans

Medical Runs

WMU Templates

WMU Sponsors

Enquiries for WMU

Campus Directory

University Policies

Do Not Revive List