Suggestion:20130622 Ruined Buildings Not Visible From Inside Other Buildings
20130622 Ruined Buildings Not Visible From Inside Other Buildings
Swiers 18:08, 22 June 2013 (BST)
Suggestion type
ap display change
Suggestion scope
ruined buildings
Suggestion description
Currently ruined buildings show as being dark on the map, which immediately alerts survivors holed up in neighboring EHB's to come over and administer some headshots. It conveys information about local zombie activity much more effectively than a radio, sparypaint, or talking does, and makes it easy to sweep an area for zombie threats using free-running, without ever going outside, making entry points a non-issue.
My suggestion is that when you are inside a building, you would not be able to see the ruined / intact status of other buildings. You would either need to be outside (on the streets) in the same or an adjacent block, or inside the building (including the same large building, so its possible to detect if one part of a mall is ruined from inside another part of the mall) to see if a building is ruined.
And yes, this would have the effect that free-running would carry the risk that you could un-knowingly free-run into a ruined building. If the tiny amount of damage this might cause as a risk you can't take, you could go outside to the street before moving. To reflect this fact, when inside, neighboring buildings would be given a new styling that was different from both ruined and intact buildings, to visually indicate that the status is unknown.
Also worth noting is that it could still be seen if a neighboring building is powered, which is a good indicator that it is likely intact; this could provide a new purpose to powering buildings that otherwise don't benefit much from having a generator.